old light morning light

Chapter 107 "6"

Chapter 107 "Six"

Later, people discovered the ether circulation, obtained the ability to record high-definition gravitational waves, and found a way to control and collapse gravity.

The first missile to use collapsing gravity as a weapon managed to penetrate a shield approximately 500 years ago, destroying an Imperial cruiser.

This missile is equipped with a miniature jump core derived from the development of carrier-based aircraft technology. It is launched directly from a warship and then jumps to hit the target by itself. It was later renamed the Storm Torpedo.

Originally, people from all walks of life were optimistic about this weapon, thinking that the aircraft carrier would be eliminated again, but it is a pity that the magic is one foot higher than the road.

Unless this torpedo is launched at a very short distance, as long as simple electronic interference means can be used to lure this high-speed transition weapon, even if the parameters are changed a little, the difference will be a thousand miles away.

Therefore, there has been a carrier-based aircraft that carries this terrible torpedo to a nearby launch-heavy torpedo bomber.

This is a terrorist weapon that can truly threaten the safety of the flagship. In the true sense, for the first time, those small countries that cannot resist the crushing of big countries have the means to fight against it.

"That's why an escort carrier assembled from tatters can use the flagship ribbon."

"And the good thing I told you just now is that we made an appointment in the previous bet. As long as you know something about the matter we tested you and have your own way of dealing with it, the two of them will vote for me I will lend you this escort carrier."

"A vote?"

"There are two other old guys who can't come to see you this time because they have something to do, but don't worry, three out of five votes are in favor. Even if they don't want to, they have to take this ship..."

"Wait, you really plan to let me command a warship of this size?"

"What do you think?"

I don't think normal people would be so casual?
"I don't think it's possible."

"Don't worry, the command right will definitely not be handed over to you, but the ribbon is just a symbol, you can wear it."

To put it bluntly, it's really just to support me, right?

I'm just wearing this thing to cheat, right?
And this kind of warship can really be dispatched by you at will, so you can do whatever you want?

Don't you think it's more like a joke to say something to support a student?

"Of course, due to its special status, this ship is not included in the alliance navy's regular battle order, so it does not accept the alliance navy's dispatch."

Seeming to see through my thoughts, Kalinin gave me a look with pretentiously mysterious eyes, then slowly stood up and walked towards me.

According to his meaning, he does not accept the dispatch of the alliance navy, which means that it is actually dispatched by you?

Combined with my father's major and the way he arranged for me before, is it necessary to arrange for me to go on a ship for an internship in the next step?

"So don't worry, she can be decided by you to some extent."

to some extent……

Kalinin just swayed to my side and patted my shoulder like an elder.

To be honest, I really want to avoid it.

"So this can be regarded as an honorary captain?"

"Can you rely on this ribbon to pretend to be a tiger in some insignificant places?"

"Hmph, you can completely pretend to be a tiger when it matters."

"After all, you have to know that this kind of ribbon is mixed with a special magnetized tape, which records information like a key. You only need to use the terminal to check and you will know that there is a real aircraft carrier behind you."

Kalinin answered my questions fluently, and always maintained a strange sense of mystery.

"Taking a step back, who would dare to forge such a thing, right?"

And even if the authenticity of the ribbon wasn't in question, what would the crew of the ship think?

Abandoning my original mission and somehow becoming a "subordinate" of a young man who doesn't know the so-called, I think it's really better to just tell a joke.

"You really think they'd be willing to accept an inexplicable young man like me..."

Maybe I don't even know what kind of person I am...

"Could it be an unprofessional request from someone you haven't even met?"

"Have you been worrying about this for a long time?"

The person in front of him pursed his lips, and then laughed cheerfully.

"Don't worry, the captain is one of our people, and you will see him when you have a chance in the future."

Our people?

Could it be the other two people who had something to do with him and didn't come?
It seems very possible, otherwise he wouldn't have no worries about my doubts. It seems that they do have a certain ability to control this ship...

These old guys... what the hell is going on...


What are you doing!
All of a sudden, this guy squatted directly in front of me, grabbed the ribbon that I had been playing with, and naturally tied it to the button of my coat.

Kalinin's head dangled back and forth in front of my eyes. The smell of sweat mixed with the smell of orange-flavored shampoo brought me an inexplicable warmth.

Is it my delusion?

Fold it back and hide it inside the clothes, turn it over and fasten it on a button below.

When he came to his senses, Kalinin had stood up again and was looking at me who seemed to be in a daze.

"Well, very energetic!"

"It can be regarded as a good-looking talent. I will find a chance to introduce you to a marriage someday."

That's really thanks... my family?

"Look, there are so many children of the alliance's dignitaries here, many of them are prominent, or the prince's royal family..."

"Hey, have you ever considered that I'm not here to do these things at all..."

"Isn't your little lover a descendant of the royal family of Ram, why don't you..."

What a mess, you're not listening to me at all!
What the hell am I doing here?
"You should also think clearly. Since you have embarked on such a path, you may very likely end your life in an instant, or maybe..."

I don't know what nonsense he was talking about, but he also suddenly turned around and grabbed my shoulder, saying such words with hidden deep meaning.

What is such a road?
And when am I going to embark on such a path?

I... seems to have nothing to do with what I said before, right?
What kind of MLM organization are you guys, hello!
"I'm leaving now, is there still time?"


"It's nothing, I'm thinking about how to go on this road in the future."

I really want to escape, but I can't escape!

Now that I know these things, and have met these two people just now, I am already tied to their thief ship.

Even if I have nothing to do with my father, I can only take a step here. If I back down now, I have every reason to believe that the next time it is injected into my body, it will not be an anesthetic.

Alas, trouble.

"So now help you plan your funeral earlier, it's something we elders should do."

Don't talk about this kind of thing with a dignified look, hey!

"Hahaha, but don't worry, the most urgent thing now is to get you into the academy's action team as soon as possible. As for other issues, you have to pay more attention to yourself."

You don't want to listen to me at all, do you?
Son of a bitch!
Why do I need to pay more attention to some problems?
"There are some people who want to deal with you, and we will help you deal with them behind the scenes. As for who these people are and how we will deal with them, you just need to pretend that you don't know."


"If someone asks, you can just answer everything you saw in school. Of course, you don't want to talk about our affairs."

That's right, you said you would help me, but I thought you were just talking.

Also, as for asking me not to ask again, I'm afraid the content is not that simple.

"Then if I have something, how can I contact you?"

"Don't tell others, at least if it's yours, I should have a relatively stable channel to contact you, right?"

If I had to pretend I didn't know these people, I couldn't approach them in the normal way.

"Otherwise, if there are some important matters and I can't get your help or instructions in time, if I don't handle them well, there may be future troubles."

If he could get a relatively fixed contact method, on the one hand, he would lower his status, laying the groundwork for troublesome things in the future, and on the other hand, he would be completely tied to them.

It should be able to effectively avoid being abandoned by these people, or in other words, I have to keep paying attention to me because I have to keep my contact information in the wrong hands.

At the same time, if he rejects me, it can also show that my weight in their hearts is not that important.

"Well, that's also a problem."

"Well, I'll make arrangements as soon as I get back, just wait for my news."


Wait, what is his hand picking up?
Glancing inadvertently from the corner of the eye, I saw Kalinin's right hand was behind his back, as if he was holding something?
He just told me all these things, and he didn't actually make too much eye contact with me. This doesn't look like him!

Combined with this kind of dialogue that seems to have a purpose, but is actually dispensable...


"...There are two more injections, you have to suffer..."

Suddenly recalled the content of the previous conversation... No way!

He can't prick me again!
"Don't lean over..."

"To be honest, I don't want to give you these medicines, but..."

"Oh, after all, it's for your own good, so just persevere..."

"Hey, I..."


There is no escape!



"For your own good, for your good..."

Kalinin you old dog!

Old dog!

old dog!
"Is it good to say something now?"

"Also, don't soak me in water!"

"No bubble, no bubble you!"

(End of this chapter)

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