old light morning light

Chapter 152 "51"

Chapter 152 "51"

"Think about it, you have worked so hard to complete the task, but in the end, your name was not included in the reward for your merits. This is such a disappointing thing."


If you think about it carefully, it seems to be the same reason. Since he has already emphasized that he does not need to bear any responsibility, it is fine.

But having said that, it is indeed difficult to determine the exact age of this guy just by naked eye observation. Many foreign trade characteristics of alien races are not the same as ours, even if they are very close to our species in appearance.

So maybe it's time to reassess this guy's mental state?


"Do you have any other questions?"

Perhaps feeling that my gaze had not moved for a long time, Sylune, who had been staring at the screen under the table, raised her eyebrows, and then looked at me as well.

"Nothing, just thinking about how long Mr. Captain has been working here?"

I'm afraid it's not very polite to ask someone's age directly, right?
"Hehehe, I thought you would ask some special questions, but I didn't expect that I was just curious about this."

only? ? ?

What do you mean by just curious?
Is this implying that I may continue to inquire about other matters?
Does he know that I have... yes, what is the name of that thing?
"Uh, how should I put it, I'm just curious..."

That's right, if I start asking something directly, doesn't it seem that I am too suspicious, and there is a scheming element in it, so it's better to pretend to be stupid and gossip first?

Besides, I'm really curious about how there is such a room here, it can't be said to be quite abrupt, it can be said to be out of place.

"Why do you have such a cozy room on a warship?"

"It turns out that I care about this, haha..."

Sylune was slightly taken aback, it seems that my answer obviously exceeded the answer he was prepared to deal with.

"To tell you the truth, this room is not a functional room, it's just my captain's bedroom."

What, after a long time, this is actually the captain's bedroom, isn't it?
"Renovate my own bedroom. As the captain of the first ship, I am a small privilege. Can't I enjoy it secretly?"

"Speaking of which, before this cruiser was converted into a special ship, the style here was still the same as the one next door."

That's not right, there doesn't seem to be anything like a bed here, so how does this guy sleep?

"I'm used to sitting and resting, so naturally you can't find such a thing as a bed."

What about the annoying sensitivity...

"I was thinking, why did you decorate in this style instead of some other..."

"Haha, I like fireplaces, can I?"

Simple and brutal...

"Yes, absolutely!"

I always feel that the topic is about to die, should I consider...

"You may not believe it when you say it, but my hometown was very, very poor in the past."

Wait, the accent of poverty sounds like it has a lot to do with the imperial language. Although my proficiency is not very good, people in the alliance should say "poor" when chatting normally, right?

So this guy's hometown actually belongs to the area controlled by the empire?

"The almost never-ending wind and snow brings a rather harsh living environment. Every year... oh, converted to the current public standard, only 6 to 11 out of every 1 to 2 lunar standard months are suitable for going out."

"Different from cities and settlements with abundant resources, the warriors in our settlement must find valuable resources that allow the settlement to survive the winter safely during this period of time, otherwise..."

Speaking of this, Xi Luen's tone of voice also slowly lowered, and the sadness and sadness in the past memories could not be concealed in the hoarse tone.

"So for me, and my race, such a hearth was almost the only hope of keeping us alive at that time."

"Um... sorry to have told you so many heavy things."

As if realizing something, Silune, who was about to say something, suddenly shrunk her words, and smiled at me awkwardly.

"No, nothing, I understand."

At this moment, the fire in front of me seemed to be flickering, and the dim light of the fire was no longer warm, which made me feel quite unreal.

As if, as if...

"It's very nice of you to understand."

When I came back to my senses, the fire in front of me was still so warm, and the splashing sparks slowly dissipated before my eyes. What was real could no longer be real.

Am I distracted again?

It was just such a short moment, but I seemed to think of something again, like reaching out my hand into the fine sand, clearly grasping something, but when I raised my hand, those fragments couldn't stop falling from my fingertips. The tip goes by.

When you open your eyes again, everything has returned to normal, and you will no longer be given the precious illusion of a world away...

"... So I seized the opportunity of that transformation, and I paid my own money to make this place what I wanted to see."

Silune, who didn't notice my abnormality, continued to introduce. Of course, it might just be in a trance for a moment, so the alien chiefs around him didn't notice it.

"It's really enviable."

Even if you didn't pay attention to what he said before, let's pretend to be normal and complete the current conversation.

"Okay, Lin..."

"Lin Man."

The expression of the person in front of him was slightly wrinkled, and he looked a little embarrassed. I guess he obviously forgot my name.

"Hehe, sorry, Lin Man, the document has been written, you can come here and sign it."

Sure enough... this guy's memory is not so good, is he really just an ordinary elder of a different race?
Am I worrying too much, or is it possible that he pretended on purpose?
"Okay, Mr. Captain!"

I'm not sure about other purposes, but at least this allows me to unknowingly let down more vigilance.

And just before, I was indeed not so vigilant anymore.

Silune directly projected a document that used the navy stamp base plate, and the coat of arms symbolizing the Alliance Navy shone brightly in the air.

According to the mobilization decree and the supplementary explanation of QC3-115415FG of the Alliance Council, the logistics/auxiliary personnel of the Alliance Navy are now requisitioned to temporarily enter the combat sequence...

I wrote a lot of messy things, and I should accept the correct command, and I should participate as much as possible at a less intense level.

This thing is not so much a document, but rather something like an instruction manual, which is about to teach you how to complete specific items...

Responsibility rests solely with the commander...

Well, it seems that what this guy said just now is really true, and indeed there is no need to have any other burdens, as long as you do what they say.

...This document is signed and copied...

The following are procedural instructions, oh, it is mentioned that this is the only valid document for calculating meritorious deeds, and you should take the initiative to check and sign before taking any action...

Wait, one thing to say, what you wrote on this, isn't it the same as not writing for those who don't know it?

signature area?
"Do I need to sign here?"

While I was watching this stinky and long "instructions", Silune kept quiet and waited patiently for me to finish reading without any urging.

This may have unconsciously increased my favorability for him.

"Well, yes, and finally you need to use your student ID to complete the digital certification."

"Yes, you can directly sign on the projection, and finally let the box in the lower left corner scan your student ID."

"On the page where the photograph is to be made, align the cross in the center with the navy coat of arms on that page."


Does this even have a beep?
"Okay, then all the procedures about you have been completed."

Picking up the quilt on the table, he slightly raised his head towards me, as if saying to me:
"Come on, do one!"


The tea in the cup is already cold, and it seems to be quite different from the feeling when it was warm just now. You can already taste a sour taste of leaves.

But it’s not sure, it may be too long, and all the flavors will be soaked out, and it will become a strong tea.

In short, the taste is... indescribable.

Looks like it's time to get out of here, but...

"Can I ask why you chose me?"

Finally, after thinking about it, I decided to confirm whether it was Jeska, a bastard, who tricked me.

"Oh, you mean, choose you?"

"Choose you to join us in this operation, or...?"


This guy's last word is a bit intriguing, my friend!
"Uh, yes, why did you choose me to help you?"

"Is it because someone recommended it?"

Let's just try to talk it out lightly.

"Hahahaha, no one recommended you, and letting you join was just a whim of mine just now."

An annoying answer, it sounds almost like a cover-up, even if it almost makes me sure that it is the ghost of that bastard, but there is no way to continue to inquire.

"Then what made you make this choice?"

"It's impossible to see me and think that I must be competent, right?"

Let's just try one last time.

"You may laugh when you say it. You have a very good smell on you."

"LOL, really?"

Wait, what?
What did this guy just say?
Yes, nice smell?
What is a good smell? Is there a possibility that this seemingly high-sounding old thing... is actually a pervert? Hey!
"Uh, sorry, Mr. Captain?"

"Did you just say that I smell good on me?"

(End of this chapter)

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