old light morning light

Chapter 153 "52"

Chapter 153 "52"

This "good smell" confused me all of a sudden. I admit that I was ready to be perfunctory by this guy, but I really didn't expect him to say such strange words, which made me wonder if it was a hallucination. .

Even if you want to lie to me, you have to make up one, at least it sounds like this to me:

"Oh, yes, that's right, it seems to be the case..."

A reasonable excuse, right?
What's the matter with the good smell?
"Relax, it's pheromones."

"Now that you have joined the Naval Academy of the Alliance, your middle school knowledge should tell you that those so-called alien races are more or less special to a certain extent."

"Some have organs that help you hear the location of sounds, and others have chemicals that leave behind or recognize different meanings."

"Smell? Hormones?"

If this is the case, then I seem to be able to understand it. Sylune must have smelled the scent left by other alien races on me, right?
"That's right, our race can capture and roughly distinguish most of the common pheromones."

"The pheromone left on your body tells me that you almost got the most precious thing of a certain alien not long ago..."

I mean, I've been in contact with...

"Then you promised me to help me find my father?"

It's that kid!

Dierton, if I remember correctly, is that his father's name?

If they are all from different races, and they all come from ethnic groups in the empire, and they can even recognize the pheromones left by the other party, do you think it is possible for Sylune to know clues about his father?

Or where the empire used to arrest alien laborers on a large scale and send them to places like very primitive livestock farms.

It should be, I remember he said sheep, animals... and so on, it shouldn't be wrong, right?
Wait, Lin Man, have you really taken this matter to heart...

No wonder, this guy will say something "important", if this is the case, then it is really possible, right?
Someone would actually invite a dirty kid from a foreign race who didn't know him to dinner, and promised to help him find his father.

And in your subconscious mind, you really thought about remembering these details, and you really want to help that foreign child find his father, right?
Suddenly, it seems that there is a kind of absurd illusion like playing a video game, unknowingly reviewing the task bar and suddenly discovering, uh, how should I put it... inexplicable task props?

Maybe... it's the so-called sympathy and sympathy at work?

"Did you think of anything happy?"

"Hey, it seems that memory is still good for you?"

Seeing my self-deprecating smile, Sylune probably misunderstood something.

Of course, if watching a child with his own shadow happily eating delicious food, if he can get a moment of peace in his heart... that would indeed be considered wonderful, right?

It doesn't matter, now that you think about it, let's ask this guy now, what if?
And what's the name of Wang Zhihan's brother? Why can't he find props for serious main missions, Lin Man?

"It's not bad, I can only say that it's not bad or bad."

"So you can think that I am qualified for this operation with just some pheromones?"

So to put it this way, when I first came in, his meaningful eyes caused doubts about the pheromones left on my body, right?
"Haha, how should I put it, intuition."

"Smell is only one factor."

Is it just one of the factors? On the other hand, do you think someone recommends it?
Hmph, but this guy has already said that, so if I continue to ask, it will not be very polite.

"Then do you know a man called Dierton?"

Xiluen raised her eyes slightly, as if she was thinking.

"He, like you, is also a foreign race. He was captured as a slave in the empire."

Although I don't have any expectations, let's provide a little more detailed information.

"Sorry, I have no impression of this person."

Sure enough... He didn't even ask for more information, such as what his full name is. If this is the case, he probably has never even heard of this name.

"But I can tell you about the recent times that the empire has arrested alien slaves on a large scale in the galaxies. If you really need to go to those places, you may be able to find some clues."

"Enlanlow, Faldisli, and Ogg, these three galaxies have had large-scale slave hunting incidents in recent years, and the riot of Faldisli VI seems to have been published in the Universe Times."

Enlando, Faldisley and Ogg, huh?

"Perhaps it can still be found in some files now. The Pan-Oceanic Human Rights Council has disclosed many investigation materials before, and these have been made public on official occasions."

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Captain."

The Pan-Oceanic Council of Human Rights... It doesn't always sound like a reliable thing, but since there are ready-made materials, it's better than going blind, right?

Silune unexpectedly only uttered one syllable, the smart kid should have realized, is this going to drive me away?
"Cough cough..."

"I have one last question!"

Before I get chased away by opening my mouth, it's better to try to act first. As long as I show that this is the last question, it should be answered.

"Do you know anything about hunting?"

Nonsense, this guy is a Commodore, how could he not know about the three major competitions...

What kind of shit question am I asking!
"Oh, of course I know."

Forget it, that's fine, if I can get straight to the point, I'll save a little bit of effort, and based on Sylune's understanding of me, maybe there's no need to talk a lot of nonsense.

Since I can't remember what his brother's name is all at once, just ask him directly if he knows that a team member disappeared inexplicably on the way back from the participating delegation.

"Then I'll ask directly. You know that in the previous hunting competition, there was a news that a member representing our school, which is the alliance's third aerospace university, disappeared mysteriously on the way back from the competition?"

There is a door!

Even before this guy finished listening to my question, his right eyelid trembled slightly. It seems that he is quite informed, right?
"Hahaha, I know who sent you here."

After a short moment of silence, Sylune suddenly laughed.

Instinctively wanted to raise the teacup, but after thinking about it, he put his hand down.

"I didn't expect to assign this matter to you in the end, haha, there is a future, there is a future!"

"If it's him, just tell me if you want these materials. Why do you have to send a brat like you up to suffer?"

"Exercising you? Or is it a special trip to introduce me to you?"

It sounds like I have been greatly improved by calculations, and fundamentally speaking, this is a lie...Wait a minute, Lin Man, you seem to have overlooked a little point...

Participating in this investigation was not originally assigned by the old dog Kalinin, but... Beihuan Business!
Things don't seem so simple...

"Then you've done way too much compared to that kid Domimi, haha..."

This...what nonsense, Domi...is that nickname of Dover, right?
Why did this guy suddenly pose as an elder, and then start "pointing" at us juniors?

And judging by his tone, maybe he has already guessed the relationship between me and the old dog Kalinin, and the two people might want to be in a good relationship, er... Wonderful?
So after the old dog knew that the ship I was going to take this time was Xiluen's ship, he decisively demanded that I should participate in this investigation.

Looking back at that time, his expression was really interesting...

"Wang Zhilan, I guess you forgot this awkward name, right?"

Hmm... So it's called Wang Zhiran... Lan?

"The words written by the Tianyin people of Donghua are very difficult to pronounce, and it's normal that they can't remember them."

It was really a mouthful, just thinking about it in my head made me feel weird.

"Although I don't want to admit it, I really forgot..."

"So you..."

"I don't know more details about this matter than you, but I can tell you that someone saw him in the end and returned to school."

Back to school?
Does it mean that this guy actually didn't disappear on the way back, but has returned to school?
Do they dare to do it in school?

"You said someone saw him, is this person reliable..."

If this is the case, maybe we have to change our thinking again?
"This is also the news I only got a while ago, and I also got a copy of the access control record of the witnessing place, which records the traces of his student card login."

It's just the login marks of the student ID...

"Of course, and a fingerprint record."

Fingerprints... Then even if he was coerced by someone, it could at least prove that he had indeed returned to school.


"Unfortunately, that record is not on the ship now. When I got the news, I was receiving the order to attack, so it is still with my blind subordinate."

As if guessing what I was thinking, before I finished speaking, Silune told me the situation in advance.

"You also know that such precious evidence cannot be transmitted at will. It is not clear how many of them are spying and monitoring."

"Besides, this matter is..."

This matter is...?
Silune suddenly realized something, and immediately clenched her teeth again.

But if there is no evidence, and it is a paraphrase, if it is really necessary to study it, the authenticity of it may be greatly reduced, right?
"Then can I convey your words to him directly?"

"Actually, it's very simple for you to get this material, just take my token and go to him."

(End of this chapter)

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