old light morning light

Chapter 236 "45"

An amphibious assault ship transporting carrier-based aircraft was sunk, and the passengers on board the ship also suffered heavy casualties.

It can be expected that this information is related to what is happening now.

"Hey, system self-check."

A cold female voice with no particular emotions. In the previous class, she mentioned that she tried to transplant the intelligent assistance system on the starship to the carrier-based aircraft, but has it actually been installed?
Equipped with an intelligent auxiliary combat system, it should be a recently improved model, and it seems to have certain human-computer interaction capabilities.

"Driver, identity verification passed, combat status, free to attack."

"Acquiring air traffic control information, permission, route approval...automatically."

"You can be called CT-6264, but there is no detailed information about you in the database. What would you call me?"

Is there a game environment for setting nicknames?
It's really troublesome to come up with a name.

"How about you call me a rookie?"

"Novice, data synchronization failed. The data has been updated to the local related database."

Hey, why didn't you ask me if I was confirmed? Why did you just agree?

"Didi, beep!"

"Rookie, I suggest you wear a vital sign monitoring device so that I can better assist you in combat."


Kalinin's sneer came from the back seat, but it did sound weird. If not, could he change his nickname?


The red status control changes to green ready, and the launcher status also changes to green ready.

But... this is my first time to actually take off from the launch tube. I hope I won't fall... bah bah bah!

"Then let's take off first?"

Kalinin said nothing more, just put away the terminal he had been holding and nodded towards me.

By the way, he also tugged on the inertia protection belt that had been tied as tightly as possible, obviously looking a little hasty.

He can't be afraid of sitting on this thing...?

"Didi, beep!"

"Pfft! Rinse~!"

"Oh, oh oh!"

What a strong pushing feeling, this... this is much stronger than the feeling on those simulators!

"Drop, load control."

"Rookie, the heart rate monitor shows that your heart rate is increasing rapidly. Do you feel any serious discomfort?"

She, he just automatically controlled the fighter plane to slow down?
Does this mean that I don’t need to hold the joystick firmly with one hand and can drive her with just voice control?
A bit...a bit interesting!
Compared to those honest carrier-based aircraft of the Empire, I would rather call the Alliance the light of technology!

But having said that, maybe the new Imperial fighter planes are also equipped with similar systems, but the ones we grabbed last time happened to be relatively backward models.

"It's okay, I'm just a little nervous."

Darling, this is much more fun than playing on that bullshit simulator. This, this is so cool!
"You are about to pass through the atmosphere, please prepare your buffer."


Since it is not equipped with special aerodynamic kit, the first preset target of carrier-based aircraft launched from the ground is low-Earth orbit.

A special gas is injected before crossing the atmosphere to provide additional inertial protection while pressurizing the cabin.

Of course, these things were all learned in recent classes. As for the specific gas being ejected, I don’t know.

It seems that the speed has gradually slowed down, or has the ground been used as a direct reference object, which leads me to think that the speed has slowed down?

The Alliance's space station has many warships docked side by side outside the station.

"Hey, boss navigator, you haven't said a word since just now. Now we're coming up, you have to make a sound, right?"

"We can't just keep floating...basking in the sun, right?"

This is the true meaning of sunbathing...

"Let her set the auto-pilot on her own!"

"Automatic navigation, galaxy: mirror, calculating path..."

I didn't even need to say it. After hearing the conversation between Kalinin and me, she automatically carried out our intentions.

This is too convenient. In this case, the navigator would have to do it...

"Hey, hey, if you do this, you won't have to help me get the so-called flight at all, right?"

"Then I'll have a good rest. You don't have to hold this bullshit joystick all the time, right?"


What he said is right, so don’t argue with him...

"Grab the jump beacon and start calculating the nominal drift. It is estimated to consume 36% fuel and 20% cooling aid."

"The temporary entanglement with the target jump beacon has been completed, the time is... the time is completed, and the jump can be started." Huh, ah?
Do you want me to confirm again?


"Jump adjustment."

It was the second time in my life that I was sitting in this position and entering a jump. Looking back on the time I escaped for my life in the Imperial Navy facility, I was obviously much more calm.

That time I hurriedly clicked on it, but I didn't seem to have any memory of how it was done. I just remembered to select the distance and fired directly with one click.

"Constructing a jump singularity, navigation mode: automatic."

"Full power output, start the jump!"

Unexpectedly, this turned out to be the beginning of my interstellar voyage.

I thought that as long as I was a student quietly, studied hard and then worked as a logistics pilot on the ground, I would be able to spend my short life peacefully.

But what am I doing now...

The vision in front of me began to become a little distorted, and the ionized glow continued to spread along the frame outside the cabin, but soon the jump adjustment was completed and the cockpit sank into the cargo compartment on the belly of the fuselage, and the top was also sealed with a protective baffle.


Now you can only hear the noisy transition core continuously outputting a huge amount of energy, and there is also a vague feeling of tearing.

Don't panic, this is the inertial protection device working. Although I don't know the specific principle, it feels right.

Even though it is a carrier-based aircraft, the cargo bay still looks relatively spacious. This may be due to the larger tonnage, or it may be due to the different design of the driver's seat compared with the Imperial carrier-based aircraft.

The Alliance's cockpit is narrower and is only used by the crew, but the cargo bay is larger in size. The space saved can be used to load more fuel or sustainment supplies, or weapons and ammunition.

A low-speed jump, and there are still 49.72h (set) before the collapse point of the jump position.

When we have to fly almost 50 standard times, it is really far enough.

"Although low-speed jumps are safer and more stable, according to the safe driving manual, I also recommend that you should use safety devices to secure yourself."

When I unbuckled my seatbelt and wanted to relax, the annoying mother subsystem started nagging me again.

Forget it, ignore him and take a look at what's there to eat. I'm just hungry after working on it for a long time.

It's all canned bread...but there seem to be three flavors.

Bags of drinking water, each bag is 200ml, and canned bread is 380g. Are these the only things we can eat these days?
Alas, just thinking about it makes me uncomfortable.

Red bean flavor, chocolate flavor, salty flavor.

He must not be hungry yet, so he took out the terminal and started playing with it. The carrier-based aircraft did not have a navigation antenna device similar to that on a starship, and there was no way to exchange data in the jump state. So what was he looking at?
Novel downloaded in advance?
He shouldn't be such a boring person.

"Look, you can find this battle report from the relevant intelligence."

"Imperial Navy Fleet 602 penetrated deep into Alliance-controlled airspace, attacked an Alliance fleet and sank a large Alliance warship."

Is he still studying what happened just now?
Kalinin's face actually didn't look good. The loss of an amphibious assault ship may be considered a relatively painful loss.

But I can't guarantee that he looked so pale because of seasickness.

"The warring parties are the Imperial Navy's 602 invasion fleet and the Alliance Navy's SU-01 transport fleet."

"The empire has 4 high-speed destroyers, 4 assault cruisers and 1 long-range assault ship as the fleet flagship."

"We have 16 heavy-lift cargo ships, eight frigates, eight fleet destroyers, six assault cruisers and an amphibious assault ship that performs fighter transport missions."

"The amphibious assault ship also provides long-distance support for the frigates in the fleet."


"The Imperial Navy's four high-speed destroyers, three assault cruisers and the flagship 'Admiral Zenkaro' long-range assault ship sank. Only one assault cruiser was seriously injured and escaped."

"Looking at it this way, our battle damage is quite ugly."

"Well, although the imperial fleet almost suffered a total annihilation, the number of ships we lost was obviously higher."

"Originally, I wanted to take a look at other information, but now there is no network connection, so I can only make a simple comparison."

"The empire's long-range assault ships are actually similar to attack battlecruisers, super-large cruisers equipped with more powerful weapons."

"It should be considered a large ship, but I don't know who suffered greater losses than the amphibious assault ship."

"Of course it's us. Don't forget that we also have a belly full of carrier-based aircraft, which should also be lost."

"Indeed, we still don't know what was in the belly of the lost cargo ship. If there are some valuables, it will obviously be more uncomfortable for us."

"Recently, the empire's invasion fleet and travel fleet have become more frequent and have become pervasive."

"Yeah, I always feel like if this continues, a new war will break out again."

"What are you eating?"

"You're so cunning, why are you sitting there eating by yourself?"

"I saw that you were looking very excited, so I didn't call you."

"Quick, give me one!"

I tried to inquire about this information intentionally or unintentionally, but Kalinin quickly changed the topic, and I had to let myself start thinking randomly...

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