old light morning light

Chapter 237 "46"

If the journey is too long or too short, the traveler's experience will not be good.

If the journey is too short, you will often reach the end of the journey before you have figured out the meaning of the journey, let alone appreciate the scenery during the journey.

As for the journey being too long, then after enjoying the beauty, you have to taste the loneliness that transcends fatigue. However, it is not so much loneliness as it is the boredom of the journey itself. Even if you are still expecting in your heart, there will still be accidents and surprises, but After it happened, his interest waned due to boredom.

Everyone says that we should pay attention to the scenery during the journey, but they often ignore why they embark on the journey, which seems to be putting the cart before the horse.


The sudden brightness in front of my eyes brought me strong discomfort, and I fell asleep without even realizing it.


Space navigation is an act of abandoning the concept of time, especially in this smaller and more depressing environment.

Without disciplinary requirements, we simply rely on our biological instincts to eat when we are hungry and to sleep when we are sleepy.

I began to understand why many sailors on long voyages suffered from serious mental illnesses.

If this kind of life is only for a short period of time, then it can be dealt with, but if it is year after year, day after day, then even a person like me will have a hard time guaranteeing that he can resist it.

"Good morning, rookie, this jump has been completed. It took a total of 50.04h..."

My waist... my waist is so sore, and I don't know how an old dog like Kalinin sleeps so peacefully.

"Where exactly are we?"

"Local positioning: Stage IX-2, Alliance Airspace Administration approach holding pattern."

"Waiting for local naval air traffic control authorization code to obtain local legal armed passage authority, queue sequence: 4."

Because it is a free attack, there are no preset combat instructions and mission statements, so special applications are required to enter as a legal armed force.

But fortunately, this process should be automated by the combat assistant. You can just make up a reason for accepting supplies or something.

Unlike last time when we hid under a civilian ship and smuggled in, this time we actually took off from the base with permission to take off.


"Verification of Identification Friend or Foe, passed."

"Authorization obtained, supply loading, docking intention: Platform VII, Alliance Naval Surface Air Base."

Just drop it, it'll be quick.

"Automatic navigation, Platform VII Alliance Naval Ground Air Base, SEA universal code UN21-E."

"Calibrated low-Earth orbit navigation beacon, high speed transition, navigation spectrum: broad pulse."

"Estimated fuel consumption is 4%."

"Jump adjustment..."

Short-distance jumps within the galaxy can capture powerful beacon signals, and there is no need to worry about the economy of navigation. Therefore, the fastest high-speed jump can be used. For distances calculated in astronomical units, the distance is within sight in the blink of an eye.

But just like a fixed-distance jump, this short-distance high-speed jump will bring quite serious side effects. Even under the protection of a professional military inertial protection device, you will still feel a severe sense of dizziness.

And the feeling that your body is temporarily out of control, you can't feel the existence of your limbs at all, and your brain is blank except for the feeling of dizziness. According to their description, it is:
"People fly in front, souls chase behind."

Just like now, I have no idea when we will exit the jump. When the ringing in my ears disappears and my eyes can focus again, we are already preparing to enter the atmosphere.

This is a pleasure that many large and medium-sized warships cannot experience. To quote one of their words:

"Isn't that why you fly a carrier-based aircraft?"

Stage VII is an icy planet that is relatively far away from the local star, but strictly speaking it seems to be a barren planet, and it is more appropriate to have a thicker icy shell.

Planetary geography, a great push service that makes my knowledge base spin.

Although it is still quite far away for humans, the planet shining with light blue gradually becomes brighter and blurry. This is a phenomenon caused by friction with the atmosphere.

"Hey, the ground in the landing area may be extremely slippery. The automatic landing process has been suspended. It is recommended to use manual landing."

The originally all-green button on the far right indicating landing status also turned yellow.

Do you need to land manually?

I'm reminded of some not-so-great memories, and as for...

Ah, I was shocked. I originally said to see if the old dog Kalinin was awake, but this guy stared at me with a ghostly look.

How should I describe that look? It was as sad as being constipated, but more...sad?
Why is it sadness? What happened to me?

"Ahem, by the way, sir, we seem to be landing soon. Don't you want to give some instructions?"

"Do you... have a high landing success rate?"

Are you worried about this?
After hearing that the automatic landing was suspended and it was recommended that I land manually, did I finally start to worry about my fragile life?

Then you're screwed. "Are you asking about the simulation course?"

"Is it possible that you have actually driven it?"

What you said is really right, we have actually driven it!
"The success rate of hand manipulation is about [-]%, right?"

"Twenty-eight? Success twice out of ten?"

I could clearly feel Kalinin's strong emotions. The feeling of resentment really came from this. He was completely worried about whether I could bring him to the ground unscathed.

"When entering the atmospheric environment, the power output has been increased. If you feel any discomfort, please point it out or switch to manual driving."

But if you are only considering this now, it might be a little too late, huh?
He tricked me so confidently before, why don't I threaten him for once?
"Twenty-eight means two or eight, do you understand?"

As for the last sentence, you have to lean in and whisper in his ear:
"Enough for the two of us to fall to death eight times."

"Ah, please stop coming!"

As if he had heard some scary story, Kalinin, who was originally low in energy, suddenly straightened his back and looked at me worriedly.

It seems that this guy rarely comes into contact with carrier-based aircraft. Abnormalities on the ground are common. Suspending automatic landing is just to remind you to pay more attention. You can continue to use the automatic landing process as long as you continue to click the yellow button. field.

Besides, there is ground control and guidance here, and it is not like landing at a temporary airport built by the Navy somewhere.

Relax, don't worry so much... Although I only learned about this story when I was in class recently, I just need to re-click the process to continue to land automatically...

I remembered something sad again, damn it!
"Set autoland and set destination as default landing location."

"Ah, is it okay?"

"It's okay. Suspending just requires you to confirm the operation again. It's not telling you that it can't be used."

Finally, Kalinin showed a relieved smile, which must have come from the bottom of his heart.

"Air traffic control, ground control signal found, signal strength: medium."

"Autopilot, switch to automatic landing process, connect to ground control signal, signal strength: strong."

"The landing process has begun. The crew please use safety protection devices in accordance with the regulations."

"Connected to ground air traffic control."

"Landing request accepted, approach."

"Oh, oh oh!"

It's such a strong pushing feeling on the back. This seems to be more exciting than taking off, right?


The violent collision gave me the illusion that it had crashed, but the heavy body was lifted up again after making an unpleasant collision sound.

Landing at full speed, landing on frozen soil at full speed, for a second I couldn't help but really doubt whether this smart program was really safe.

Fortunately, at least we were reminded in advance to fasten our seat belts.



"It is being guided to the permitted parking position. Please note that the navigation radar and fire control radar will be blocked in this state. Please do not raise the navigation antenna in the ground guidance state, and do not switch to manual driving state."

The white airflow outside the window is quite conspicuous, but this is not the high-speed airflow, but the cold air mixed with small ice crystals, which emits bright light under the sunlight.

It must be very cold outside. So far, only a white desolate scene can be seen on the ground. Although there is a projection of the indicating area on the ground, the frozen ground condition makes it difficult to believe that someone is still maintaining it.
At 48°C, the real-time external temperature displayed on the carrier aircraft’s smart terminal is even lowering.

If we hadn't actually landed safely and were still receiving guidance, it would be hard for me to believe that humans could survive here.

But think about it from another perspective, those colonial fleets can even establish colonial bases on gas planets with high temperature and pressure. The environment here may be considered unusually mild, and even a little cute, right?

Oh, it's an underground hangar, that's right. Even in other more conventional places, hangars that are vulnerable to damage will be placed under the ground. What's more, on such an icy planet, this can provide a considerable insulation effect.

The atmosphere underground has obviously become lively, but even at such a deep level, and with heating pipes everywhere, the temperature is still only a pitiful few degrees.

Ground staff wearing significantly thicker equipment were running around in specially-made cars. Although the airport did not look busy on the ground, the ground was also so busy.

This is what a powerful army should look like, isn't it?

"Hey, it's berthing. The autopilot has been turned off. It has reached the set end point. The automatic navigation mode has exited... The berthing is completed."

"Sleep by default, good luck."

It can actually park with just one click...well, parking, it's really a very convenient thing.

And I must apologize for questioning your safety just now...

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