alliance of misthophoros

Chapter 10 25 The Waiter: White Deer

Chapter 10 2.5. The Tenth Waiter: White Deer
Next to Safir, the little mouse hiding in the shadow of the huge forest leaves stared at the movement in the distance, sensing the aura of strangers invading.

The moment the breeze floated the tender leaves, the mouse had disappeared without a trace.

Ai Xiling carefully looked at the young man who was lying peacefully and sleeping, the shimmering light cast shadows on the young man's thick eyelashes.

I was fascinated by it for a while.

The two fingers that drew the bowstring made of rawhide leather for the bow and arrow were a little loose.

This forest is adjacent to the desert and the waterfall. Generally, few people enter, and those who come usually consciously avoid the depths of the forest.

She had never seen a foreigner as long as she could remember.So I couldn't help but observe secretly for a while.

This is the first time Lan Lingxi has met outsiders.

Suddenly, the young man's eyelashes trembled slightly, and Ashling noticed that the man showed signs of opening his eyes, and suddenly panicked. The arrow's tail hit two knuckles and lost strength, and the arrow rushed towards the young man.

Then I saw those blue eyes that looked like a blue sky, clear and holy.

Her heart skipped a beat.

"Have you ever killed someone?" Lan Lingxi asked Xiaoyi.

Xiao Yi shook his head.

So Lan Lingxi turned sideways and asked Xiaoer again.

"Have you ever killed anyone?"

Xiao Er shook his head.

If she encounters a fierce beast, Lan Lingxi can execute it immediately, but this is the first time she has encountered such a situation, the first time she has seen a living person from outside.

There is a rule in the clan that anyone who encounters an outsider who breaks in will be executed.

Lan Lingxi, who had sworn an oath to the family rules, was moved with compassion when faced with this seemingly weak and living person.

Deep in the dense woods of the Eastern Suburb Forest.

When Mandela was exploring near the land of spirits, he found that the phantasmagoric little mice placed around Safir followed him.

He kept his composure and leaned over to read the information.

The leaders of the Yuling clan are divided into two positions: priest and leader.

The leader is responsible for trivial matters, big and small, and obeys the orders of the priests.

The priest has the physique of a spiritual girl. She has learned and inherited sacrifices, has rich knowledge and experience, and is the leader of the entire imperial clan.

Everyone in the tribe said that Lan Lingxi was very smart and talented, and was very likely to become a new priest after the priest's mother-in-law and lead the entire Yuling clan.

Nature has always been competitive with natural selection, and the people of the Yuling tribe who live in nature must abide by the law of the jungle.

With a few exceptions, the group status of all is linked to the amount of food contributed.

It can be said that even if Lan Lingxi becomes a priest by relying on her identity as a spiritual girl, her power and prestige are not necessarily higher than those of the commander.

The important reason why the status of priests is extremely stable in the ethnic group today is that the leader is the son of the priest

Except for the spirit girl, all the clansmen have marks on their faces, these are the sequelae caused by the rejection of the Land of Bones.

stipulated in the family.

Every member of the Yuling tribe up to about three years old must go to the designated place in the Land of Bones for review, and those who are not selected will have burn-like scars that cannot fade away. (It is said that people will forget the memory before the age of three.)
Lan Lingxi vaguely felt that she was not born in this forest, but she couldn't tell the specific reason.

Maybe it's because she can speak what outsiders say, in a language that the people in the tribe can't understand, so she is very fascinated by the world outside the forest.

She learned the foreign language from her aunt.

For some reason, my aunt has never communicated with the people in the clan, only getting close to her. I don't know whether it is innate or acquired, people have always been a bit stupid and half crazy.

Since her birth, Lan Lingxi has had many things unclear.

But she feels that there are many things that don't need to be known too clearly or too thoroughly.

She only knew that it was enough for her to guard this place.

When Safir opened his eyes, he saw the girl who was different from the soft beauty of ordinary women, but with a bit of ferocity, and felt a strange sense of beauty.

I saw the girl whispering in a language he didn't understand, talking to the two boys with horrible scars behind her.

Then, face him.

He actually spoke in a language he could understand. It was a bit like the accent of an army traveling in the desert, but it wasn't very standard.

"Where are you from and what are you doing here!" Lan Lingxi asked sharply.

Safir was buzzed by the sound, his mind was in chaos, and he couldn't make a sound for a while, as if this body didn't belong to him.

A warning sound came from Xiaobao's throat, and he barked.

Sensing the strangeness, Lan Lingxi's ears were very sensitive, and she instantly heard movement in the grass behind Safire, her whole body was alert, and her powerful arms were full of bows.

I saw a black-haired boy carefully walking out from the grass, holding a dew-stained wild fruit in both hands, and opening his mouth very obediently.

"I am not a bad guy."

When Mandela saw Lan Lingxi, his eyes lit up, and he could hardly restrain the ecstasy in his heart, but he still suppressed it. He didn't type any drafts, his face was full of innocence and begging for mercy, and he blurted out a lie that he made up:

"We lost our way because of playfulness. His name is Safir, and my name is Mandela. He has a fever."

Lan Lingxi looked at the fruit held in Satan's hand dubiously, while thinking about how to deal with the two intruders.

"Why don't you leave it to the clan members?" Xiao Yi said.

Xiao Er nodded in agreement, "Yes, the few of us are here to watch them, and then Eldest Sister tells you to go back and call the people in the clan. You must not let these people know where we live."

There are taboos in the Yuling clan.

It is not allowed to go out or bring outsiders in. Anyone who meets outsiders will be executed.

This is the truth that all Yuling people know.

Lan Lingxi also felt that these two people must be eliminated, whether it was out of family training or for the safety of the people.

However, on the other hand, Lan Lingxi looked at the two people's hearts softened, and thought again.

What kind of hidden danger can two such small children become?

If these two boys were handed over to the tribe, the tribe hated the people from outside, so even the two boys would never let them walk out of this forest alive.

Although she can hunt, she still has compassion for living creatures and will never kill indiscriminately.

Lan Lingxi is definitely too young and has seen too little, so she has such a naive idea.

Seeing that the girl's expression sank, but she didn't show any killing intent, Satan took the opportunity to kneel down, pretending to be pitiful, and squeezed out a few tears:

"We will leave after staying here for a few days, please, we have no malicious intentions."

When to show weakness and when to be strong.

Satan, who likes to play with people's hearts, is naturally able to use the two with great proficiency.

Mandela was used to thinking one thing in his mind and doing another.

Xiao Xiaoxiao and Xiao Er couldn't understand what these people said, but it didn't matter what these two people said. They all listened to the elder sister, and what the elder sister said was what they said. Now they are waiting for Lan Lingxi to give orders.

"We'll stay here for a few days, and we can help with hunting and gathering if we need anything." Mandela picked up the fruit and expressed his favor to Lan Lingxi in the most primitive way.

Xiao Yi and Xiao Er looked at each other in blank dismay, this action is very common, they probably understood what Satan meant.

"Drive them away, stay away from here, and pretend that no one has been here before." Lan Lingxi rolled her eyes and said to Xiao Xiaoer, who was about to enter the sleepy Safir again.

If they were lucky enough to meet her on patrol, it would be a luxury to be tortured or even die if they met other people in the clan. People in the clan, especially the older generation, hated everyone outside.

I heard that there was a fierce battle before, many people died, and many things happened that I don't want to mention now.

Lan Lingxi signaled Xiao Xiaoer and Xiao Er to tie up the two, and she took them to a tree house farther away, where it would be easier to heal their injuries and more concealed.

It's the peak season recently, and we need to take the opportunity to stock up on more food. There is a shortage of manpower. These two people can help out with some chores.

Soon the drowsy Safire and Mandela were taken to the tree house.

"Don't step out of here without my order, otherwise you won't know how you died in this forest." Lan Lingxi locked the door of the tree house and warned the people inside fiercely.

If you don't know the truth, I'm afraid it's easy to mistake Lan Lingxi for being a bad person.

The words are fierce.

But it was out of good intentions.

After finishing speaking, Lan Lingxi and Xiao Xiaoer continued to patrol. She had to visit the mountain god after patrolling. As a spiritual girl, Lan Lingxi had a full schedule every day.

Lan Lingxi stayed with her aunt since she was a child, and was also raised with her aunt's milk.

Unlike other people in the clan, my aunt doesn't have any hunting and gathering experience, and she can't speak the language, so when Lan Lingxi was young, the food was given by the commander, but the Yuling clan didn't have the reason to give food for free, so even if they were physically As the next priest, Lan Lingxi also had to start hunting at a certain age, not only had to hand in two offerings including the aunt, but also had to repay the food owed by the previous leader's family.

My aunt is not from the Yuling tribe.

The reason for this, neither the Yuling tribe nor my aunt, was willing to explain it to her in detail.

My aunt just mentioned to her repeatedly:

"Your father was a hero."

"If one day he doesn't come back and isn't by your side, then he's going to save the world."

The aunt regards Lan Lingxi's father as a hero, but calls the Yuling tribe people animals.

The members of the Yuling tribe resolutely did not mention Lan Lingxi's mother. When they asked their aunt, they only said that their mother died of an illness during childbirth.

Even if Lan Lingxi is now confirmed to be a spiritual girl, it can only guarantee that the Yuling tribe will not move the two of them.

The rules of the Yuling Clan are cruel. If Lan Lingxi hadn't been gifted in the Land of Bones that year, she and her aunt would have died.

Before receiving the gift, she and her aunt had a miserable life.

To survive in the clan, food is king.

The priest mother-in-law is full of wisdom, knows the skills of picking and hunting, and can lead the life of the whole group, and her son is the leader, so she can not be emptied of power.

If Lan Lingxi can't show some skills, she won't be recognized by the tribe, and she will feel like sitting on pins and needles if she takes the position of priest.

I do not know how long it has been.

Safir woke up again in a trance, as if a lot of things had happened recently...

In the desert, I picked up the fragment with magical power and blended it into blood.

after that……

He asked Mandela beside him in a hoarse voice.

"What about them? Why are we here?"

Mandela was silent, and a mouse jumped out of his clothes.

Roll the plump fruit to Safir.

Safir couldn't stand the suffocating silence, his heart was tangled up, and his eyes were red.

Mandela opened his mouth to answer.

"They're all alive."

"But we separated when you were drowsy. Wilson went to Paradise City first. We will stay here for a few days and wait for you to recover slowly." Mandela just wanted Safire to eat well, so Just explained.

Well, lying was as normal to Mandela as breathing.

Who knows where Wilson is now, but there is a high probability that he just went to Paradise City.

After listening, Safire stretched out a warm smile on his face.

Coincidentally, Wilson also came to the Eastern Suburb Forest at this moment.

However, as he walked, he found himself a little lost.

Just as Wilson was identifying the direction through the growth rings of the tree, he found that there seemed to be something following behind him.

Turn around suddenly.

A snow-white stag was standing there with curious eyes.

Wilson didn't speak, but the deer spoke, and it was actually a human language, which was closer to the language of Paradise City.



"Are you lost?"

interrogative sentence.

Wilson was shocked for a moment and didn't know what to answer.

"I can feel that you have no malice." The snow-white deer leaned closer to Wilson again.

Wilson suddenly thought of Hibiscus' previous reminder, so he kept an eye out and didn't reply, looking for an opportunity to escape.

"Go straight there, and you'll find the river." Sensing his defense, the white deer pointed in one direction with its antlers. After saying this, he shook his ears and went back to the depths of the forest.

Disappeared without a trace.

After being stunned for a while, Wilson dubiously followed Bailu's guidance and walked in that direction.

Just as I was about to give up while walking, I heard the faint sound of running water.

After walking the first few dozen steps, I really saw the meandering gurgling stream.

(End of this chapter)

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