alliance of misthophoros

Chapter 9 24 The Waiter: Encounter

Chapter 9 2.4. The Tenth Waiter: Encounter
It is not groundless that Safir can use Thor's Wrath. In this desert battle, Mandela swallowed a large number of metamorphic soul slaves, and his magic power was strengthened.

Due to the almost symbiotic relationship between Mandela and Safir, the rise and fall of one is closely related to the other, so the divine power in Safir's body is also full.

The two of them can vaguely feel each other's existence, and Safir can naturally feel the infinite power of Mandela.

Maybe it's because of the bond of God.

For a moment.

Mandela read Safire's voice.

If it is you.

It must be better than me.

Mandela felt as if he had eaten shit when he heard it. What a joke, but it’s not surprising that Safire had such an idea, but Safire may not have noticed one thing for the time being.

That is, even if Mandela possesses such powerful power, it can only be used to destroy the world.

Won't do anything good.

When the world first opened and everything was in chaos, Satan was also born as a human being.

It's just that Satan is becoming a god and becoming a demon, and he chose the latter without hesitation among these two options!
He never thought of saving the world.

He is perfectly selfish and unrepentant.

When resurrected in this world, Satan also appeared in human form.

As far as Satan is concerned, he simply chose the life he wanted.

He didn't want to become a god to save the world who had nothing to do with him. He fell into the way of magic with all his heart, and he just wanted to play with everything in the world.

The battle just now was really exciting.

To Mandela's surprise, Safir broke through the darkness with the power of thunder, and unexpectedly exerted the power of heaven's punishment.

Part of it is indeed due to his Satan.

But I have to say that the talent of this kid Safir is very outstanding.


Compared with thousands of years ago, it is still far from the battle with Thor.

Thor is the head of the four gods of war.

She is a withdrawn and picky delicate woman, she has hundreds of gorgeous dresses just for the battle form, and her strength should not be underestimated.

Satan recalled that battle.

In addition to feeling hearty, it is also a visual feast.

One word, cool.

Mandela roughly understood from the battle just now.

According to Lancelot's physical and mental state, although it is possible to summon Rashomon, it is absolutely impossible to open Rashomon.

Then Rashomon, no one can open it?

There should be one more person.

Safire looked at the drifting snowflakes, his consciousness gradually blurred.

My mind is full of memories, where I almost froze to death.

That winter night that was completely silent.

Mandela felt that Safire's body was gradually losing temperature in his hands, and he was also affected. His limbs began to become cold and numb, and he secretly thought that something was wrong.

There must be a backlash if you use strength beyond your body's tolerance!
Safir's spiritual consciousness was damaged, and his soul showed signs of leaving his body.

Different from demons, demons can survive as long as they have souls, but Safir is only a mortal body, and human souls are close to death if they leave.

If Safir is dead.

Mandela can't guarantee whether he can be resurrected after thousands of years in his current state.

It is ridiculous for the omnipotent Satan to be bound by mere human beings like this.

So dying is simply an insult to him!
What a shame!
Mandela slowly took off the eye veil, the pair of blood-colored pupils were particularly penetrating, revealing a fatal attraction in the evil, just one eye is like being sucked into the whirlpool, and it is impossible to extricate itself from it.

Hibiscus came and saw such a scene.

However, Mandela didn't care at all, giving orders condescendingly like a king.

"Send us to the forest in the eastern suburbs." The tone was full of majesty that could not be refused, "and warned Wilson not to come here until Safir recovered."

The voice just fell.

Mu Jin only felt a black shadow rushing before her eyes, and when she came back to her senses, only the vast desert was left in her vision.

No trace of Mandela or Safire.

Mandela knew of a place in the forest on the eastern outskirts.

land of spirits.

Few people know about this place, but Mandela, as an emperor who once ruled the world, is naturally familiar with it. The spiritual land is full of spiritual energy. Just being close to that land can nourish the spiritual consciousness and repair it. Damaged consciousness.


It used to be the cemetery of the generals who died in the battle of the previously unknown ethnic group, and the remains of many outstanding people were buried. Over the years, a gathering of spiritual energy appeared, and it became a place of spirits.

But later, due to the reduction of wars, the history of this land was gradually forgotten by people, and the people who went there to guard the cemetery also gradually lived in seclusion there.

At the same time, the person who guarded the cemetery later became the current spirit guardian.

Ramses awoke from his trance.

Hibiscus looked as cold as the moonlight, "Who would have thought that the once great king of Wangcheng still exists in this world?" "Yes, His Majesty Ramses."

Ramses' face darkened when he heard that, and he didn't make a sound.

"If it weren't for knowing that Ramses survived under the protection of the super knight, maybe there is still a place for a super knight in the royal city."

In name, Hibiscus sent each other super knights back home in the name of traveling in a caravan, but in fact it was the regent who learned that Ramses was still alive.

With the justifiable reason of bringing back the super knight back to China, all future troubles can be eradicated in one fell swoop, and now Mu Jin is also directly speaking out.

"You know what I mean, Your Majesty."

Only three people know about these internal affairs.

She, the regent, and the leader of the Hunter Union.

If Lancelot hadn't dealt with these people just now, she would do it herself, and then pour all the dirty water on Lancelot.

Hibiscus knew that Lancelot would go crazy.

But she didn't know.

Why did the crazy Lancelot start attacking people before he used the potion.

However, it seems that everything is going well.

The new king came to the throne, and he raised troops and broke ground.

Although there are continuous victories and victories in the four directions, the people in the royal city are still miserable under the heavy punishment.

The people dared not speak out, so they pointed all the spearheads at Lancelot, compiling poems, compiling music, smashing temples and cursing Ramses in different ways.

Because it was rumored that Lancelot killed their most beloved king, His Royal Highness Ramses.

As a result, the current living beings are overwhelmed with charcoal!
"The identity of His Majesty Ramses has been exposed. He should die in this desert now."

Mu Jin actually didn't want to wade into this muddy water at first, she just wanted to finish the last task now.

However, at this moment, she inexplicably thought of Safir's words.

She was almost done anyway.

Just do something nice.

"Do you understand what I mean, Your Majesty." Although he didn't know why Ramses' body had become so small, Hibiscus knew his identity early.

Ramses closed his eyes in pain, "Leave Yelier too."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Under the dark night.

Hibiscus took care of all the rest.

In the desolate desert, there was a man with bandages all over his body, and shouted with sobs:

Then, he took off all his armor, knelt on the ground with tears in his eyes, and kowtowed deeply.

Tribute to those who died forever in this desert.

Later rumors will become,
The death of the loyal ministers who served the motherland in the desert in the past was caused by the madness of Lancelot, who was in charge of the super knights.

And Lancelot was punished by heaven because of his sins, and was killed by a thunderbolt and turned into ashes.

No bones left.

Wilson faintly wakes up once when Xavier uses Thor's Wrath.

Looking at the shocking thunder and lightning.

How could such a weak body have such a powerful force.

A word came to mind in a trance:


Then passed out.

Open your eyes again.

Wilson found that there was no one alive except Hibiscus and himself.

Hibiscus said lightly. "Safire was taken to the eastern suburb forest by that suspicious boy."

Wilson didn't know how to answer.

"He said not to go look for them until Safir recovers, so as not to cause trouble." Mu Jin took a deep breath, "Forget everything that happened today, including this incident that you and I have known."

Wilson still didn't know what to say at this moment.

Hibiscus changed the subject, as if chatting.

"Do you think this kid is trustworthy?"

Upon hearing this, both of them understood that they were referring to that kid Mandela.

Wilson looked a little dazed, "I don't know, he seems to be protecting Safir, so there should be no danger to us for the time being."

"That's it." Mu Jin nodded thoughtfully, "All right. It seems that you don't know about rewards."

"A reward?"

"It is said that there is a little monster who was offered a high bounty in the world. I heard that he was caught by the people on the bounty and escaped. Looking at the description, I can see that the description is somewhat similar to this guy."

Seeing that Wilson's expression became serious, Mu Jin had already guessed very closely.

Mu Jin sighed, "Although I don't know exactly what's going on with you, I hope you all should be careful. I saw someone with a bounty on the way, so I'll wake you up."

Hibiscus wiped the blood in her hands in the desert, but it was only the gravel that had been dyed red, and could not wipe away the blood in her hands.

"Walls have ears, don't mention everything that happened today."

She suddenly regretted not killing that little raccoon.

"You have to pay attention to a guy named Huan in the bounty alliance. This person can transform into various things, but no matter what he turns into, he has a special logo in the bounty alliance engraved on his body. He is responsible for tracking down major accidents in the alliance."

Wilson nodded. He didn't ask too much about what happened in the desert.

If you don't want to say it, you won't mention a word.

"I'll explore the way to Paradise City first, and then come to join Safir and the others."

"Alright." Mu Jin exhaled a puff of smoke with emotion. "This is the last time I cross this desert."

Wilson looked sideways at Hibiscus, "Is it a totem?"

Hibiscus had a rare smile on his face.


There was a magical totem in the country where Hibiscus used to be.

This totem is also the symbol and pride of the Ottoman Empire.

Rumor has it that any wish made to this totem will come true.

Because of this rumor, the greed of human nature led to the final demise of the Ottoman Empire.

After completing the last task of Hibiscus, the totem can be recovered.

I have no regrets for the rest of my life.

Before I knew it, I had arrived at the forest in the eastern suburbs.

"Don't let it go."

Wilson held out his hand to Hibiscus.

Hibiscus trembled her lips.

She brushed the dust off his glasses.

Wanting him to see her more clearly, thousands of words finally converged into two words:
"Take care of yourself."

"Well, take care, I will find you after I get the employment license in Paradise City."

"Hey, let's talk about it when you get it!"

Hibiscus is slightly playful and authentic.

At this moment, the sky has gradually turned pale.

Hibiscus stared at Wilson's back as it gradually disappeared into the forest in the morning light.

Say it again:
"Take care of it."

[In the Eastern Suburb Forest]

As soon as Mandela entered the forest in the eastern suburbs, he felt abundant spiritual power. With Safir on his back, he quickly found the spiritual place, but he didn't go in.

He just wandered outside the spirit land for a long time, and found a relatively comfortable flat place to put Safir down.

The land of spirits has another name, also known as "the land of bones".

Although this place is full of spiritual power, there are also countless heroic spirits wandering around. Even the spirit warriors have a set of corresponding family rules, and not all spirit warriors can enter it.

So for the current Mandela and Safire, it is natural that they cannot enter rashly.

The morning sun breaks through the fog and shines on the earth.

On the forest path, the fallen leaves are scattered, the sun is warm, and the monarch butterflies are flying in groups, the beauty is not in full bloom.

A half-sized girl was carrying a bow, dressed in animal skins, a necklace made of animal bones and an amulet. The light in her eyes was as sharp as that of a beast.

She leans over to communicate with a hound.

There are also two boys who seem to be younger.

The girl's name is Lan Lingxi, she is seven years old this year, but she is already as sophisticated as an experienced hunter in her gestures.

The two boys following her, the one with the left braid is called Xiao Yi, and the one with the right braid is called Xiao Er, they are twins, nine years old, who look only five or six years old due to malnutrition.

"okay, got it."

Lan Lingxi patted Xiaobao to show encouragement, and Xiaobao wagged his tail happily and circled around Lan Lingxi, as if asking for credit.

Don't look at Xiaobao's obedient and docile appearance. When Lan Lingxi first saw this hound, it was covered in scars from a fight with a hyena, let alone how fierce it was.

"Big Sister, how are you?" Xiaoyi asked earnestly.

There is a rule in the clan that everyone at a certain age has to contribute a certain percentage of food, but it's a pity that Xiao Xiaoer is too stupid, so he has to rely on Lan Lingxi.

Most of the food they were supposed to hunt was due to Lan Lingxi.

Today was Lan Lingxi's turn to be on patrol. Instead of hunting, they found suspicious intruders outside the land of spirits.

"I found the location of those people, there are two people."

After Lan Lingxi finished speaking in a deep voice, she gestured to Xiaobao to go.

The clever hound ran in one direction instantly, and Lan Lingxi followed closely behind.

Safir felt the pain in his body gradually lessen.

Gradually walked out of the pain and loss.

When he felt almost recovered, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

This is... Where are you?forest...

"Whoosh" breaking wind.

An arrow shot straight ten centimeters above his right ear, and firmly embedded in the tree behind him.

Sapphire woke up instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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