alliance of misthophoros

Chapter 96: The Beginning of Yunxi: The Starry Sky

Chapter 96: The Beginning of Yunxi: The Starry Sky

Gaia naturally understood what Yi said was true.

Wangcheng is also assisted by the Hunter Alliance, and also uses the demon army that appeared out of nowhere.

Gaia may have an advantage in the early stage, but gradually in the later stage, there is almost no force in this entire continent that can compete with the king city, unless it is an alliance.

However, apart from the complexity of the alliance's internal forces, the combined forces are still very different from those of the royal city.

Unless, as I added at the end, there are new external forces rising, or new allies, but this is like a fantasy. Where can I find such a group that emerges like a rock? Woolen cloth.

"Lord Gaia." Anguisola took out a necklace from his bosom, and that necklace was exactly the same as Safiel's. I'm just bringing this to you now."

Gaia is still indifferent, she is very confused now, as if a decision will be made one day later, and the flames of war will burn to Paradise City.

Anguisola gently put on the necklace for Gaia, "Master Gaia, you are too kind and kind. This noble character has troubled you for a long time. I don't think it is a good thing. Don't pay too much attention to others. Thinking too much about life and death will only increase your troubles, and many things are not up to you and me alone."

Gaia didn't say anything, walked out of the conference room silently, and continued to return to her office, dealing with the mountains of documents that had piled up these days, ranging from light to heavy.

It was not until the dead of night that I leaned back tiredly on the jeweled seat.

Anguisola also accompanied Gaia seamlessly, and put a blue blanket on Gaia, "Master Gaia, won't you go back to sleep?"

"I'll just take a rest here." Gaia closed her eyes wearily.

"Okay, good night, my god."

Anguisola blew out the lamp.

【Mechanical Continent】

It was the familiar sound of shooting again, but this time he was running away, machine gun fire whistling past his feet and ears.

The broadcast echoed in the dark and narrow space, the siren kept beeping, making piercing and high-pitched sounds, scratching the eardrums of the listeners.

"Professor Devon! Professor Devon! Please stop your steps immediately!"

"Enter level one alert mode, enter level one alert mode!"

"The intruder Dewen has entered the last cabin, and the red card arrest warrant has been activated! Immediate execution! Immediate execution! All teams, please pay attention, all teams, please pay attention, don't hurt expensive equipment, don't hurt expensive equipment!"

Devon couldn't help his side, where the blood flowing out from the part hit by the silencer gun was soaking through the experimental protective clothing. He was panting heavily, secretly manipulating the developed small humanoid weapon and chasing and killing the game.

While observing secretly, he found the right moment and pressed the button.

With a bang, a small mushroom cloud exploded right in front of it, the heat wave was rolling, and for a while, thick fog and flames lingered in everyone's field of vision.

"You, go decrypt it." Dewen said to the assistant who was with him day and night, and raised the gun, "After opening it, you can go, show them the bomb in your chest, they won't embarrass you too much Yes, everything is my mastermind."

Although Dewen is the chief planner, the follow-up executor of the N1492 plan is Junxi. Junxi is responsible for the daily maintenance of the first generation machine, and only Junxi and a few high-level executives know about deciphering the code.

"Professor, why are you bothering?" The male assistant Jun Xi looked sad. Although he understood the professor's thoughts, he did not expect the professor to do this.

With a sigh, Junxi walked up to the last data door and started to decode. Bullets rained down behind him, but the robots controlled by Dewen blocked them all with their bodies and fired back with artillery fire.

People in the chasing room looked at the surveillance cameras, but it was obvious that Professor Dewen, who was familiar with everything in the experimental base, had already removed all the surveillance cameras.

The monitoring in the big screen was pitch black, leaving only the projection of the front line of the battle, which was a piece of black and thick smoke.

And the people standing here are almost all students of Professor Dewen.

"It's not good! The main chip of the secret weapon research and development program code-named H1945 is missing! And even all the data of weapon research and development have been emptied, and there is no trace. According to the video, Professor Dewen has entered here before. !"

"Professor Devin must have taken it!"

One of them slammed his hand on the table and said in a very iron tone, "Dewen, why are you doing this?!"

"The bought foreign scientists are unreliable!" The rest began to whisper, taking the opportunity to slander and vent their daily accumulated jealousy.

"That's it."

"But why did Professor Devon do this? Isn't his country long gone?"

"Hmph, maybe it was bought by someone!"

Junxi successfully opened the data door.

The moment the door was opened, the damp and cold air inside began to permeate the air, and then condensed into ice, and the wind formed by the temperature difference blew out the fire and black mist.

Before entering, Dewen did not forget to take a shot in Junxi's hind leg, so that everyone could see this scene.

"Emergency! Emergency! Professor Devon has entered the last cabin, and the roof of the empty cabin is being opened! The roof of the empty cabin is being opened! Repeat, Professor Devon has entered the last cabin..."

"Operation Plan A, failed to arrest Professor Devon, urgently adopted Plan B, blowing up the cabin!! Professor Devon must not be allowed to drive the first-generation aircraft, and he must not be allowed to go out!"

Dewen sat in the No. [-] cockpit familiarly. All the manufacturing designs in it were meticulously designed by him, and there was nothing different from what he remembered.

Devin put his hand on the screen.

A picture of human body analysis appeared on the screen.

——Fingerprint recognition is in progress, please wait a moment.

——Fingerprint recognition is successful, Professor Dewen, loading.

——The power is sufficient, please click to confirm.

——Confirmation is complete, the first generation machine, Xiao Mio is at your service.

Dewen saw the girl again, according to the fact that when he was a child, he lived next door in the small town, and often accompanied him to and from school, and all the girls who caught fireflies and watched the starry sky at night were also his first love.

"Professor Dewen, why are you here?" The girl in the picture was obviously surprised when she saw that it was not the daily maintenance person, but there was also joy in her surprise. She knew it was the gray-haired old man in front of her. made itself.

Devon just silently put a chip into the fuselage, and then started the program.

"Professor, you are bleeding!" Little Mio sensed Devin's abnormality, "Professor, what happened?"

--warn!warn!The power supply is being cut off!

--warn!warn!The temperature of the source of danger around the body is gradually rising!Please get out of here as soon as possible.

As if nothing happened, Devon said softly to the girl in the picture, "Let's go."

"Go and see the stars."

With a bang, there was a series of small explosions.

The top floor of the entire research base is like a huge flame flower that exploded from the leylines, gorgeous and full of danger.

"How! Dead?"

"Observe quickly, observe quickly!"

"Not good! There is something! Something rushed out of the black mist!"

"Quickly lock and locate the target! Find out the target body! And conduct a dynamic scan!"

"It's the first generation machine! The first generation machine!"


Dewen only felt that his eyes were gradually blurring, and the operation with the injury had made his spirit almost collapsed.

"Professor! Professor! You are bleeding, the blood in your body is losing, and your vital signs have dropped to an extremely dangerous level. Emergency treatment is needed! Please stop driving immediately!"

But Dewen smiled, smiling so calmly, "Little Mio, do you know why you are being developed?"

"Because the code name of the new continent exploration plan is N1492, to explore new continents, to use a speed close to the speed of light to try to explore new continents, and I am the consciousness of the body, responsible for assisting the achievement of the goal when the operator accidentally loses the ability to operate .”

"Yes, then, do what you should do now and leave me alone."

"Understood, Professor Dewen, reading the database and switching to autopilot mode."

Dewen looked at the girl on the screen in front of him, and he missed her more and more at this moment, repeating her tall figure in his mind over and over again.

Slender thighs, tight black leather trousers, and waist-length black long hair.

That was the last, she still stood in front of him without hesitation.

"Little Mio, let's store all my memories together with the chip just now. Please come back sometime and expose all these conspiracies."

"Good professor."

The data on the screen is constantly being refreshed, and it is getting farther and farther away from the ground. It looks like it is standing still in the night sky, but in fact, the flying speed is constantly accelerating.

Devin closed his eyes, and seemed to have returned to that dream.

But there was that girl in my dream.

She took her hand, and the two of them hid around during the bombing.

In a strange city, it is like a mouse crossing the street, constantly running around.

She has always been by her side to encourage him and support him.

"It's okay, it'll be fine."

"Dewen, I found bread again today!"

"Great Dewen, a couple is willing to take us in!"

Give him hugs and support when he feels lost and helpless.

Let him see a glimmer of hope in the infinite darkness.

At first, she thought that she finally stood in the light, and such days would last for a long time, but the upright and kind-hearted woman was once again involved in political struggles.

It has been 30 years since that girl left him.

It stands to reason that today is her birthday, and she will act like a baby and ask him for gifts as always, but all of this has become a memory.


"Operation B is invalidated! Combat change, use C operation! Intercept and destroy the first-generation aircraft!!"

(End of this chapter)

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