alliance of misthophoros

Chapter 97 306 The Beginning of Yunxi: Meteorite

Chapter 97 3.06 The Beginning of Yunxi: Meteorite

【Paradise City-Detective Agency】

Wilson, who had just come out of the morgue, resisted his desire to vomit. He just covered his mouth and nose with a soft cloth soaked in aroma, and breathed heavily, as if he wanted to inhale what he had just inhaled into his nasal cavity and into his lungs. Use this scent to drive away the body odor and medicinal smell.

Although the corpses related to previous missions had been destroyed, a person who was suspected of being mentally controlled and mad had just squatted down. He was only executed, but the corpse was still intact.

They came as soon as they received the news.

Wilson didn't expect to be a detective to conduct an autopsy like a forensic doctor. He did see a lot of exciting scenes when he was a mercenary, but to be honest, the indescribable degree of dissecting a corpse is shocking both physically and psychologically. , It was still ten thousand times more exciting than before, at least for Wilson who had only worked as a mercenary.

Even if Wilson was just inside, watching Vidok and Vidok's assistants busy in front of the corpse, Wilson still felt that this was a very difficult job.

"Are you alright, mercenary?" Vidok tore off his fake mask, and elegantly put on a new coat and felt hat, "We'll have to go to the scene to take a look later, if you think you need to rest You can tell me right away, don’t force yourself.”

As soon as Wilson heard it, it was as if cold water had been poured from his head, and he became more awake. Through his slightly foggy eyes, Wilson looked at the man who was arranging his clothes and combing his hair not far away, with his back turned to him. The slender man thought to himself: It is said that the head of the detective agency can read other people's memories. It is not a secret. It seems that Vidok has already read his own memory. ?Can it be read at a glance, or are there other conditions?How many times have you read it? In this way, wouldn't you be in danger?
Vidok saw Wilson's unkind reaction in the floor-to-ceiling mirror, and comforted him, "Don't be nervous, Wilson, I'm not interested in those politics at all, and I didn't lend my ability to Ansel, this ability It should just be me, I swear, I'm definitely in a neutral position."

Wilson obviously didn't believe it, but he calmed down a little while talking to Vidok, "I'm fine, thank you for your concern, let's go together later."

"You know why I want to be a detective?" Vidok looked at himself in the mirror, sprayed himself with men's perfume, and then turned his body sideways to see if there were any inelegant folds on his clothes.

"What is it?" Wilson said while analyzing, from the beginning of accepting the task to the whole process of getting along with Vidok, he did not believe that Victor could read other people's memories with a glance , Suddenly, he thought of what Vidok said when they met for the first time - what did you do before.

That expression at that time was undoubtedly confused, it was the expression when facing an unknown person who was out of control.

And then... Vidok reached out to shake hands with him...

Wilson suddenly understood.

It should be that Vidok's ability activation conditions are the same as his, and he needs to come into contact with the creature to be able to read its memory.

Maybe there is something missing.

But Wilson felt that his current speculation was extremely appropriate.

After that, it is necessary to minimize physical contact with Vidok!
Vidok was very satisfied with himself in the mirror who looked handsome and gentlemanly, then turned around and faced Wilson, with a flash of light in his eyes, raised his hat brim, and opened his mouth as if he was saying something great , "There are infinite unknowns in this world. Isn't this an exciting thing? Unfolding the truth bit by bit from the mystery, isn't the joy of suddenly enlightening and the shock of the ending full of charm? Is it? There is always a group of people in this world who always have infinite curiosity about the unknown. For them, solving the mystery is the best reward for themselves who are desperately living!"

Then Vidok bowed gracefully, "And I, our detective agency, are such a group of people who are eager to pursue the truth behind the mystery and are not afraid of challenges."

Oh, it turned out to be a weirdo with weird XP.

Fortunately, the interest is unique enough, otherwise such a person, who can read other people's memories at will, may not exist in this world long ago. The disgusting feeling of being voyeurized.

I just don’t know if it will not only read the memory, but also read the thoughts and thinking of the person at that time.

Wilson silently evaluated, put the soft cloth into his pocket, and said politely, "Understood, very understandable. So can we go now?"

"Let me test you now, buddy, what do you think the suspects have in common based on the current information." Vidok walked up to Wilson, but he blocked the door handsomely, with a look on his face As if asking Wilson to answer.

Wilson, on the other hand, answered neatly, "Comparing everyone's trajectories in Paradise City and their existing social profiles, the only thing that matches them is that they have been in the Paradise City entertainment place for almost a year. More than half."

It sounds like nonsense, but it's a statement of fact.

And it's a detail that's easy to overlook.

"bingbong~ That's right, the observation is really in place." Vidok gave way while speaking, and wanted to pat Wilson on the back to express his encouragement, "It's a good way of thinking, and I will ask you questions next time. Please continue to work hard~"

Wilson stepped away in an instant.

"Oh, why did you suddenly become so indifferent, Xiao Xun~"

Vidok was glib in the back.

Wilson felt a chill in his heart, goosebumps all over the floor, and then wondered if he had acted too much and Vidok noticed it?

No matter what, bear with it!

【Element Continent】

According to Gaia's instructions at the time, Safir quickly got the map marked with the location of the Tower of Heavy Elements, but it seemed a bit far away.

And the time displayed on the arm [20 hours, 47 minutes, 09 seconds], there are fourteen 24 hours left.

Inevitably sighed, feeling that time is so tight.

"Maybe we really have to stay here." Safir joked to Mandela on the side.

Fortunately, there are still people I know by my side to accompany me, and I still don't have so much panic about coming to a strange place.

It's just Mandela staring up at the sky, as if looking at something.

Safir also looked over. Unlike Hongmeng Continent, the starry sky of Element Continent is bright at night, and every star is shining like a jewel in the night sky. It's just that... it seems that one star is a little bit brighter. head?

Apparently Mandela was looking at that star. Mandela stretched out his finger and pointed to the star, "Tell me, is there a star approaching us?" Is it a meteorite?No, it seems not.

"Ah?!" Safir felt like this when he was said this way, "Could it be that the stars of the Elemental Continent fall from the sky from time to time? It's amazing."

Certainly not, what are you thinking.Mandela complained inwardly.

So the two stood there calmly, watching the glowing thing getting closer and closer to them.

The villagers behind were stunned. Although strange people appeared here from time to time, such as the two little boys who appeared out of nowhere in front of them, it was the first time that something fell from the sky. No, why did these two How can a kid be so calm? !

——The first machine is about to fall to the ground!The first machine is about to fall to the ground!The speed is too high, the fuselage is severely damaged, and the internal temperature is too high. If the status quo is maintained, the fuselage will explode in ten seconds!

—— Immediately switch the final defense form!Mandatory order!Throw away all parts except the main body, and use the stored energy to lower the temperature of the body!

——The defensive form is activated...Warning, warning, low power, low power!

- use all remaining electrical energy.Immediately lock the distant open space, predict the distance, and enter the dormant state in advance!
——The target is locked, the target is.... the battery is cleared, and it is dormant!
I saw that the glowing thing falling from the sky was getting closer and closer, and gradually became clear. It was a huge burning fireball. The black shadow in the center of the fireball seemed to hide something.

However, in the middle of the air, the fireball suddenly became smaller, as if the things inside had been dismembered, it kept getting out of the theme and scattered away, and the flame of the fireball became smaller and smaller.

In the back, there is only smoke that continues to billow and steam.

There was a bang, a loud noise that almost shattered the eardrums of people, and the thing that looked like a meteorite smashed a small hole in the ground, shaking a lot of sand and stones away.

The sights of Safir and Mandela also fell to that place.

"Having said that, it seems that making a wish when the meteorite fell to the ground was very effective. I seem to have forgotten to make a wish just now." Safir said with a little regret as if he had thought of something important.

When Mandela heard it, he was only responsible for complaining in his heart and pouring cold water on it: making a wish may not necessarily work, so don't pin your hopes on such meaningless things.

After complaining, Mandela was about to step forward, but was held back by Safire.

Mandela looked back inexplicably, but Safir flew out like an arrow shot from a bent bow.

There is also a sentence left, "Let's compare who will get there first!"

Smelly brat!Mandela gritted his teeth secretly, comparing and comparing, whoever is afraid of whom!

"Haha, I'm coming—"

Safir ran and turned around to provoke Mandela, but found no one behind him.

He slammed into the human wall with a bang.

The impact caused Safier not only to take a few steps back, but also stabilized his figure. Safier looked at Mandela in front of him with a full face of praise, and raised his thumb, "Wow, you are really here, so fast! Why? Made it!"

The eyes shifted to Mandela's strong and curvy calf muscles in shorts.

No wonder!
But Safir is not so easy to admit defeat~
"Ha! Challenge again next time, I promise to win you."

(End of this chapter)

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