Chapter 22

Uncle Gong didn't have time to react, the young master had already taken his spear and placed it beside the horse, and then made an astonishing move. He took off his upper body leather armor and threw it on the ground, took a few steps forward with the gun, and pointed at the horse on the other side of the bridge. Mu Shiming, the fierce general of the Lingtong soldiers, said loudly: "Okay, I promise you, indeed, there is no need to beat people to death.

The children of Heyang are all my subjects, and as a lord, I have the obligation to protect everyone. "

"Little Lord."

He was anxious in his heart, but it was too late to stop him, Mu Shiming on the opposite side immediately said: "Okay, if you have the guts, then come on, I will let you die to understand, today's matter will be over, I will absolutely keep my promise, Regardless of victory or defeat, you will never touch a single hair of your subordinates."

Uncle Gong watched the young master walking towards the bridge with a spear in his hand, facing the enemy army scattered across the ground like fireflies, suddenly felt that the young master might be disappointing at times, but he was the son of Du Yanghou after all.

"I'll go for you!" Uncle Gong rushed forward.

"No, it's hard to get such an opportunity, we have few people, and we can't leave after the fight.

Now our men and horses are all standing by the river, and there are forests behind them. They can't see how many of us there are before dawn across the river, and they dare not cross the river easily. "

It was only then that he came to his senses, no wonder the pursuers on the other side would stop rushing over rashly, and he also understood why the young master asked them to line up by the river, were these all his schemes?For a moment, the person in front of him already made him feel strange.

"Time is limited. If there is an accident later, you protect the hero and run towards the princess first. As long as she is in Mu Sheng, she dare not do anything to you." The young master patted him on the shoulder and confessed. Why did the Lord speak like that? He is saving everyone.

Uncle Gong was overwhelmed with mixed feelings for a moment, a little at a loss, and said, "Princess can also protect the young master, just run away! They will not be afraid of many people coming to Boulevard Castle."

He saw the young master shook his head and said to him seriously: "I am different from you, I am the bull's-eye of the power struggle.

Whether you die or not has little effect on Mu Sheng and others. If there is resistance, he can show mercy;
And if the princesses of the Han Dynasty died, they would all be buried with them, so they would be careful;

Only me, once I die, Heyang will have no legal heir, and it will become a land without owner.

I am the only one who sent the pursuers. "

Uncle Gong's eyes were moist. He seemed to be increasingly unable to understand the young master he thought he knew very well. He had witnessed him growing up, witnessing him grow up day by day, from a mischievous child to a young man in front of him, but But I don't seem to know him that well, and there may even be many misunderstandings and criticisms, "If something happens to the young master, I won't go back alone."

"No, go with Liu Yu. Talents like you will accomplish a lot in the Han Dynasty. Staying in Zhao State will only lead to death."

The young master patted him on the shoulder at last, turned his head and beat the horse forward, without saying a word, he was holding a long spear over one foot in his hand, his spine was straight, and his single clothes fluttered slightly in the morning wind. He didn't understand why the young master wanted to disarm, but this There was no chance to remind me.

Everyone held their breath and looked towards the bridgehead.

The two tacitly rode their horses and approached the bridge. Everyone's eyes had already converged, and many people stretched their necks to watch the situation over there.

Under the flames on the other side, he could also feel the scorching gaze. Everyone held their breath and kept their eyes on the water. The crowd of people and horses seemed to quiet down at the drinking water beam. birds chirping.

No matter what the outcome is, what happened here will eventually be recorded in the annals of history, Uncle Gong thought, and many people will tell their children and grandchildren about it.

When the morning sun in the distance gradually pierced the dawn, the people and horses at the bridge head began to speed up, and the sound of horseshoes mixed with the flowing water resounded on both sides of the bank. The two tall men on the back of the two war horses rushed towards the middle of the bridge, and the speed was getting faster and faster. faster and faster.
Mu Shiming roared and cursed loudly, echoing on both sides of the river, while the young master rushed forward quietly.

Uncle Gong almost couldn't bear to close his eyes and tried to open them again, staring at the bridge deck, trying to watch the war across the river!
In an instant, his mind was full of thoughts like a revolving lantern, and the scene of the battle between the two mountains six years ago appeared in front of his eyes, and those things drifted away like snowflakes.

He was on the battlefield at that time. The tragic battle was fought for more than a year. Between the two mountain passes in the upper reaches of Linshui, at the border where Zhongshan State and Zhao State meet.

Zhao Guo wanted to annex Zhongshan, but the army was blocked between Ximen Mountain and Dongmen Mountain, so people called it the Battle of the Two Mountain Passes. When the banks of the two mountain passes were buried, Zhongshan was forced to pay tribute to Zhao in exchange for Zhao's retreat. However, Zhao did not get an inch of land, which was a failure to save face.

He remembered the tragedy at that time, and he could still see the red-dyed Linshui River in front of his eyes. He remembered the floating corpses blocking the downstream tributaries, and remembered the legend that Mu Shiming killed 13 people in a row. The young master drowned, fearing that the cruel and desperate scene would reappear in front of him again.

Opposite is Mu Shiming, the fierce general Mu Shiming of the Battle of Two Mountains!
In an instant, the thoughts return, the scene on the bridge comes into view, and the result has been separated in the distance!
The war horses criss-crossed in the middle of the bridge. At such a high speed, any touch would be fatal. Mu Shiming's loud roar stopped abruptly. There was a crashing wave when it entered the water.

His war horse continued to run forward for a while, only to find that the owner was no longer stopping slowly.

Uncle Gong stretched his neck and tried his best to watch the young master's horse slow down and stop at the other end of the bridge. The young master reined in the horse and turned around, sitting safely on the horse's back.

He couldn't help letting out a cheer any longer, and the cheers on this side joined together in an instant, and the soldiers of the Boulevard were cheered and cheered loudly.

Soon, someone shouted "He Qin Hou" and "He Qin Hou!", and after a while, they all became one, startling the birds and beasts that were still sleeping soundly in the woods behind. At this time, this derogatory title was particularly loud and inspiring.

The enemy troops on the opposite side were all stunned, and several of Mu Shiming's personal soldiers were terrified, took off their armor and rushed down the river.
Uncle Gong felt the blood rushing up all over his body, looking at the young master riding a horse standing on the bridge, he was as tall as Duyang Hou back then, a tiger father without dogs!
He rushed to the bridge with the cavalry around him, protecting him.

The guards on the opposite side had already dragged Mu Shiming out of the river, shouted his name but there was no response, and then burst into tears, since that was no longer the fierce general of Maling City, but just a corpse.

And as they rushed to the bridge, the pursuers on the opposite side also began to waver and retreated to the rear. The main general was dead, and they had no unified command and confidence to fight. Who has the final say?Who should listen to whom?When these are problems, fighting is courting death.

The surging pursuers dropped a large number of torches by the river, and retreated into the opposite woods like a tide.

At the beginning of the morning sun, the young master was riding a horse and standing on the bridge with a long spear in his hand. The tip of his spear was still stained with blood, just like Du Yanghou who rushed into the courtyard to save him. Gong Shu felt that he seemed to have found a reason to live again.

(End of this chapter)

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