The Rise of the Marquis

Chapter 23 Wang Jian's plan

Chapter 23 Wang Jian's plan

Faced with the encirclement and shouting of many soldiers, Wang Jian looked calm on the surface, and said contemptuously: "It's just a chicken and a dog, not my enemy."

His heart was already beating wildly.

He admitted that he had gambled his life before.

When the divine sense probed the number and size of the other party, he realized that it was too late to escape.Can only live to death, a desperate fight.

It was still before dawn, and the light was dim, and he could see a few dozen steps away. He thought of ordering soldiers to line up by the river without lighting torches or retreating. Don't dare to attack rashly.

Then he continued to show weakness, giving the opponent the illusion that he could easily defeat him.

Because he has a judgment, the opposite target is only him.
His consciousness clearly felt that Mu Shiming's agility and strength were completely inferior to the black-clothed swordsman who assassinated him and defeated the black-clothed swordsman and Uncle Gong, so he guessed in his heart that as Mu Sheng's nephew, Mu Shiming Shiming's gold-plated record is likely to be watery, which does not match the rumors outside. He is not as strong as the legends say.

As for fighting on horseback, the gap between the weight and speed of the horse and the agility and strength of a person can be infinitely narrowed.

Fighting on foot with the opponent's strength for ten times, even if he can use his spiritual sense to perceive the opponent's moves, it is difficult to parry, but on horseback with the power of the horse, no matter how powerful a master is, he will be killed with a shot under the spear. room for maneuver.

What is more tested is riding skills and insight, so that his chances of winning will be magnified countless times.

But even so, he was not fully sure. Wang Jian almost scolded his mother in his heart. He used to be the number one master on earth, but now he wants to bet his life with a mortal here!
But other than that, there is no better way. He took off the armor that would drag him down, and made his movements more sensitive to increase his chances of winning. Both sides are dead at the first touch, what he lacks the most is agility, armor will only drag him down.

For masters like Uncle Gong, their agility and strength after long-term training are completely sufficient. Armor is the icing on the cake, but it is a burden to him.
In the end, he won the bet. Wang Jian was breathing heavily, and his palms were burning. Just now, he used his spiritual consciousness to monitor all the actions of the opponent, twisted away the tip of the opponent's gun, and aimed his spear at the opponent's chest.

The moment the horses staggered, he only felt a burning pain in his palm, and then the tip of the spear instantly made a huge gash in the opponent's chest, and he was thrown off the horse. Blood splashed in the air and rolled into the river.

In an instant, the outcome was decided, life and death were decided, and the confrontation of cavalry was so terrifying and short.

When Wang Jian took a deep breath and reined in his horse, he saw the cheers that shook the sky, and the fiery gazes of many soldiers. They began to shout their names. Watching him adoringly, he knew that this moment today would eventually be recorded in the annals of history.

Suddenly, I feel that all the adventures are worthwhile. If I don't work hard this time, the situation will be corrupted beyond control, and the current situation is already in a very ideal state.

The seven or eight hundred pursuers on the opposite side began to retreat like a tide. Wang Jian ordered to stop the roaring soldiers who wanted to pursue. This time, there was no resistance to his order and the passage was unimpeded.

"We only have more than 150 people. If you chase them, you will be exposed. Don't act rashly." Wang Jian said.

Uncle Gong nodded and began to gather the soldiers. At this time, the sun was rising and the river was sparkling. They watched the pursuers leave in the distance, and their hot eyes were all focused on him.

Liu Yu also stepped forward to look at him in surprise: "I didn't expect you to have such abilities."

Wang Jian chuckled: "There are many things you didn't expect. As long as you stand firm, my ally will not let you down."

"I hope so." Liu Yu tilted her exquisite and small chin, "Maybe it's just luck, but at least she has the courage, you are worthy of being the son of Duyanghou, I misread you before
What are you going to do now, go back to Boulevard Castle and assemble an army to take revenge on Mu Sheng?

Or are you planning to go north and raise troops against the Wu family?

No matter which one is open to war with the princes of Zhao State, you can think about it, you may be attacked by the king of Zhao State, and the princes of Zhao State will join forces, are you an opponent?How many troops can the Boulevard gather? "

Wang Jian glanced at her, did not answer immediately, but looked at Chaoyang in the distance, and ordered: "Let's go home."

The soldiers took orders to escort Du Yanghou's coffin and continue to the north road, Wang Jian rode his horse to catch up with Liu Yu at this time, "I know the priorities, if you start a war rashly now, you will be besieged by the princes of Zhao State.

Not to mention the fact that the six Zhengqings will definitely stand together, and they will fight with each other, but once someone challenges Zhengqing's prestige, they will definitely unite with the outside world.

The soldiers of Boulevard Fort are good at fighting, but they are not the opponents of the entire Zhao Kingdom. We can gather at most [-] personal soldiers and [-] conscripts, while the six Zhengqings of the entire Zhao Kingdom can gather about [-] troops, and there are countless others. The army rations and supplies of the Qing Dynasty.

I'm not going to be so cocky that I think I can beat them."

Liu Yu said: "I thought this victory would make you a lot more arrogant."

"As you said, it may be a beautiful victory for others, but it may be just good luck for me." Wang Jian was helpless. He didn't feel proud in his heart, but felt extremely ashamed. The mortal body was forced to the point of fighting to the death, and was ashamed and thrown to grandma's house.
"Then what are your plans?" Liu Yu asked, also in a testing tone.

"Hunt down the stranger first."

"You gave up revenge? Just because the enemy is too powerful?" Liu Yu asked with some contempt.

Wang Jian grinned, "It is precisely because I hold grudges that I must be foolproof and practical, rather than brave and incompetent and furious.

Hunting down aliens has gained the trust of the Han Dynasty. Only with your support can I dare to turn my face against the princes of the Zhao State. And as long as you support me, the princes of the Zhao State will not dare to turn against me. There must be many people waiting and hesitating.

Let them deal with me, they will naturally scramble, but if they are allowed to deal with me with the support of the Han Dynasty, many people will have to consider the pros and cons carefully, and there will be opportunities to fight against each other and defeat each other.

Only then is revenge possible, instead of impulsive and hasty death, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. "

Wang Jian finished his plan calmly, and he had no reservations about Liu Yu, because he was like an investor who needed the support of Liu Yu and the forces behind him.

After Liu Yu quietly listened to his story, he was already frozen on the horse's back. He didn't say anything for a while, the horse's hooves were rattling, and he finally choked out a sentence: "You are young but you are like a child. To those old guys.
You are not like Marquis Duyang, but like a prime minister. "

(End of this chapter)

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