The Rise of the Marquis

Chapter 38 The Battle of the Gazebo

Chapter 38 The Battle of the Gazebo ([-])

The Ma Ling army did not launch an attack immediately after arriving. It took them three days to gather in the east of Liangtingyi, and follow-up troops continued to arrive.

As time went by, the camp of Ma Ling's army continued to expand. The numerous flags, the smoke from cooking houses, and the dark red sky all brought an indescribable sense of oppression to the soldiers in Heyang.

Dongfang Jin himself can clearly feel that as time goes by, the soldiers who were cheering a few days ago became more and more silent, and their morale was getting lower day by day. With the increase of troops in Maling City, the atmosphere became more and more serious. Get restless.

Even though she felt that there was no hope of winning, and she didn't want that guy to get close to the princess, there was a feeling of anxiety circulating in her heart.

On the fourth day, the dark red color of the sky became deeper, and a large area covered the eastern sky. The wind howled on the top of the mountain, and the Red Mountain was like a raging fire. The rolling red clouds swept up from the mountain and went straight into the sky.

That day, the thunder and lightning above the Red Mountain in the eastern sky became more intense. The endless Red Mountain seemed to come to life.

The soldiers in Heyang are used to this kind of scene, which is called "ghost cry" by the locals, and every year during the foggy moon, as the wind from the east gets stronger, this kind of thing will happen.

There was some commotion in the barracks of the Ma Ling Army, which could be seen clearly even a few miles away from the pavilion.

But even so, a cavalry was sent on the opposite side that day, with the flag of the coach, approaching them without any weapons.

The Marquis of the Marquis ordered his soldiers to look over, and the other party directly handed over the letter of war, and then returned to the camp behind.

The content of the gauntlet was not kept secret, and soon spread to all the camps in the valley. Mu Zhiyong, the leader of the Maling army, issued a gauntlet to the Heyang army, demanding a showdown at noon tomorrow.

Dongfang would like to follow Wang Jianjian. When she received the letter of challenge, she asked curiously and worriedly, "Are you going to challenge?"

"The enemy is outnumbered and we must fight."

"Since the enemy is outnumbered, why should we fight?" She asked puzzled.

"It is necessary to win a game to boost morale, otherwise there will be a huge gap between the enemy and ourselves, and the passive defensive soldiers will only become less and less confident. This is an experience given by a man named Zhang Liao."

"Zhang Liao?" Dongfang was puzzled, "Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Send messengers and tell them that I have fought."

At noon the next day, the violent wind in Hongshan had calmed down quite a bit, but the dark red dust clouds still covered the mountain, and the sunlight was blocked.

On the east and west sides of the river valley, the armies of both sides began to gather early in the morning. Crowded figures, flags lined up everywhere, and large clouds of cooking smoke rose in the valley.

Dongfang Jin watched the soldiers in Heyang busy early in the morning, and also saw that a large number of soldiers on the opposite side were gathering.

By noon, the soldiers of Maling City on the opposite side had assembled three huge phalanxes, separated by a huge distance of one mile from north to south, a full two miles or so, and a forest of flags fluttered at the front of their army formation. The number of people has far exceeded their side.

This made many soldiers uneasy, she thought in her heart, it's over, Wang Jian has no chance at all, even the experienced generals of the Han Empire have no chance, because the gap in strength lies there.

She looked back and saw the princess looking at the fortress in the distance behind, her brows were also furrowed, and she seemed very worried about the situation ahead.

But she was a little relieved, so no matter what the battle ahead, the princess was safe.

Looking at the tall back of the man in front, he mobilized the soldiers to line up, and loudly boosted morale, repeating the words that one person who kills an enemy will be rewarded with a thousand coins. The line is familiar.

Is he evading and pretending not to see it, or is he not afraid at all?Dongfang Jin guessed in his heart, maybe he was pretending not to see it, anyone who can calmly command in the face of such a situation is already considered good, and she slightly changed her impression of that guy.

She dutifully followed behind, standing on a high slope at the southern end of the river valley, watching the soldiers of Heyang begin to gather and line up under the order of their lord.

It was a formation she couldn't understand at all.

The infantry phalanx was in the very center of the front, next to the two wings was a brigade of more than 20 warlocks and hundreds of archers, and on the outside were two teams of elite cavalry, each with more than [-] cavalry .

She had never seen such an army formation, whether it was the army of the Han Empire or the armies of the Eastern countries, she had never seen such an formation in her memory.

Playboy nonsense?Dongfang Jin frowned, using the lives of so many people to mess around?

She wanted to stop her, but she knew that she had no choice but to act now, and she was in a dilemma.

When the Heyang army drove out of the river valley, reached the open space ahead, and confronted the Ma Ling army in a line in the distance, the princess also sent her own soldiers and whispered in her ear: "The princess said that if the situation is not right, please go first. You don't have to love to fight, and you don't have to fight to the death to protect the Marquis."

Dongfang Jin turned her head, feeling moved in her heart, and at the same time, she also understood that the princess knew that this battle was more dangerous than good.

In the vast wilderness with yellow grass and trees outside the river valley, many colorful flags stand in the middle of the yellow, and under the dark red sky in the wilderness, a long black shadow is drawn across the north and south, just like the waves of vegetables rising from the yellow land. Pushing forward, just listening to the intensive steps one after another makes one's scalp tingle.

The moving slow wave was Duke Ma Ling's army. As they advanced, the dust was rolled up and filled the surroundings. The sound of orders and the trumpet of desolation mixed with the drumbeats of advancing one after another. As they approached, everyone's vision was blocked. A long battle line, covered by countless figures.

The order was issued layer by layer, and Dongfang took a deep breath to calm down and followed Wang Jianjian. From here, the overall situation was relatively clear, but a large number of flags and people overwhelmingly covered her field of vision, and she could not fully see the battlefield. In this situation, I just feel that as the distance between the two armies gets closer, the individual becomes smaller and weaker.

Even for a master like her, it is difficult to control the situation among thousands of troops. Only the power represented by those fluttering battle flags, shaking drums, and loud horns can make people feel excited and instinctively afraid.

Soon, a large piece of dry grass was trampled into mud by a large number of soldiers, and the arrays of both sides slowly approached with the sound of orders and drums. They stopped slowly when they were about [-] steps away, and began to confront each other across a large piece of withered grass and shrubs.

The opponent's battle line was obviously longer than theirs, and there were more flags, but neither side acted rashly, only a few archers began to throw arrows at the opponent's position to let the soldiers confirm the approximate distance.

Finally at this time, they also clearly saw the formation of Ma Ling soldiers on the opposite side. They were divided into three large formations, which were the classic formation of the upper, middle and lower armies. From a distance, a large number of soldiers are wearing mottled tiger skins, which are particularly conspicuous.

Dongfang Jin felt suffocated, that was Ma Linggong's "tiger son"!The situation of the most elite troops in Maling and Heyin is even worse.
(End of this chapter)

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