The Rise of the Marquis

Chapter 39 The Battle of the Gazebo

Chapter 39 The Battle of the Gazebo ([-])

Mu Zhiyong was full of confidence when his eyes passed through the layers of banners and dust, and the moving figures could no longer cover his sight. He even saw the fear on the opponent's face. He saw those few Heyang soldiers posing strangely. A formation never seen before, looking at them with fear on their faces.

The sound of advancing drums overwhelmed the sound. He was standing on top of the Chinese army chariot, holding on to the guardrail with his hands, surrounded by personal guards, with banners of various colors waving left and right, and a large area of ​​colorful tiger guards in front of him was surrounded by elite guards. There is also a sense of accomplishment that is completely in control of everything.

The left and right armies stretched for several miles, even crushing the withered yellow grass where his eyes could not reach, wading across the river, and unstoppably pushed towards the trembling Heyang army on the opposite side.

As usual, they stopped at a distance of more than [-] steps, and the two sides began to shoot arrows to determine the approximate distance. Then the eight warlocks in the army walked to the front at a safe distance and began to chant. As time went by, the air gradually became hotter After getting up, eight brain-sized fireballs gradually condensed in the air, and after a while, they roared out of the front of the position, crossed the open space between the two armies, ignited a large piece of withered and yellow weeds, and flew towards the opposite Heyang army formation.

Spirit Fire!
Because of the long distance, two of them landed more than ten steps in front of the enemy's formation, instantly igniting a large area of ​​yellow weeds and bushes, rolling up a lot of dust, three of them flew into the sky and gradually dissipated, and the remaining three smashed into the enemy's formation ahead. Several soldiers were blown away in an instant, and a fire was ignited. The Heyang soldiers who were on fire screamed in horror and rolled on the ground in pain, and soon there was no sound.

Although it was far away, he was very happy in his eyes. He happily pointed to the Heyang soldiers who died in front of the battle and laughed happily. While laughing, he showed off to the people around him: "Look, look quickly, this is The fate of the traitor, this is the fate of opposing us!"

The people around him also echoed their compliments, but before they finished speaking, the Heyang soldiers in the distance began to shoot arrows at them to counterattack. Although they almost missed because of the distance and only scattered arrows came over, he still gave the order immediately , let the warlocks retreat to the rear.

Special soldiers in the back have prepared drinks, cakes and comfortable seat covers for them, entertaining them with aristocratic treatment, even on the battlefield, this is a common practice for Eastern countries.

Just like the battle of chariots in the Spring and Autumn Period, for the various countries, the appearance of warlocks has a more etiquette and performance nature, and the more important purpose is to suppress the opponent and damage morale.

Once in a real confrontation, even the most powerful warlocks are no more than mortals, and most of them are weak and weak. They are not the enemy of fierce soldiers, so they are useless.

Then Mu Zhiyong gave a loud order: "Form the team, beat the drums, and march!"

The soldiers were ordered to carry the order flags on their backs, and immediately set off from the vicinity of the Chinese army tanks, ran in all directions, and passed down the orders layer by layer along the gap between the soldiers array and the flags.

At this time, a tall war drum was sounded at the back end of the huge chariot pulled by five horses, and the rumbling sound spread throughout the valley and resounded in all directions.

As the sound of the drums became louder and denser, the soldiers began to move forward one after another, approaching the Heyang army formation in the distance, and the Chinese chariots moved forward slowly under the pull of many horses.

As the distance got closer and closer, Mu Zhiyong found that those soldiers in Heyang did not retreat. He frowned. The troops in these small places were bolder than he thought, and they did not retreat.
And what kind of strange formation are they, with archers and warlocks on the left and right?Far outside the frontal infantry phalanx, the cavalry is on the outermost?And their number seems to be smaller, but they are preparing to die in such a sparse formation!
Mu Zhiyong's confidence increased greatly. These country people are not only bold, but also ignorant and unable to fight at all. His father mobilized his troops and asked him to catch that dude named Wang Jian, but now it seems that he is making a fuss out of a molehill!As long as he brought seven or eight hundred tiger guards over, he would be able to bring the head of that trash back and place it in front of his father, making great achievements.

At that time, what else will the elder brother use to compete with him!Those old guys who are old and stubborn will have nothing to say.

Just as his mind was full of thoughts, the front soldiers on both sides had approached within a hundred steps, and the opponent's arrows began to be thrown towards them. The soldiers at the front immediately raised their shields to defend, and the sound of jingling was endless, mixed with it from time to time. There was a scream.

Mu Zhiyong had a calculation in his mind. They had more people than the other party at this time, but not too many. Some soldiers stayed in the rear barracks, and he brought out all the elites, and recruited those who could not even listen to orders The peasants in the Qing Dynasty stayed behind and asked them to do chores such as collecting firewood, boiling water and cooking, so as not to disturb the battle.

But the tiger guards of his central army are the most elite soldiers in Ma Ling, far from being comparable to the opponent. As long as they rush forward and fight hand-to-hand, they will surely defeat the sparsely formed Heyang army on the opposite side.

So he ordered loudly: "Beat the drum again, march! Just rush over without delay!"

At this time, the wind in the river valley was picking up, causing the flag to fly, and the drums were getting louder and louder as the wind sounded, the morale of the soldiers was getting higher and higher, and the distance between the two sides was getting closer
One hundred steps, eighty steps, fifty steps, thirty steps
As the distance got closer and closer, Ma Ling's army approached the enemy's infantry position without leaving a small number of corpses.

Seeing that the most elite tiger guards were about to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy, Mu Zhiyong had already seen the scene of the old, weak, sick and disabled being torn apart and crushed.

But at this moment, the soldiers on the left and right flanks of Banlan Tiger Guard in the front line slowed down one after another, and gradually fell behind, making it difficult to advance, and it was difficult to approach after a distance of twenty or thirty steps. The formation also began to loosen, and many left and right flags They all fell behind.

"What's going on!" Mu Zhiyong frowned and questioned loudly, and the experienced veteran knight beside him told him: "Warlock's land awakening technique! There are warlocks over there in Heyang."

Although the road ahead was difficult, we slowed down the speed to the left and right, so that the tiger guards in the middle stood out, but Mu Zhiyong, a Heyang soldier with a look of fear on his face, did not order the Chinese army to stop and regroup. .

When the elite guard phalanx rushed to the front of the position a dozen steps, suddenly all kinds of lights flickered on the left and right sides of the valley, and in an instant, colorful colors stirred in the air and filled the valley, lighting up the dark red sky.

Before Mu Zhiyong realized what was going on, the veteran beside him shouted: "No, they have too many warlocks!"

The old soldier's voice just fell, and the war horse neighed in terror. His terrified eyes had reflected that various spells in the distance had pierced the air from both sides of the river valley, roaring from both sides of the north and south roads, rushing to the left and right wings of the protruding Tiger Guard phalanx.
(End of this chapter)

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