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Chapter 217 Is there such a clamp?

Chapter 217 Is there such a clamp?

The camera showed Lin Yi on the contestants' bench.

He was smiling all over his face and was in a very excited mood. He was shouting something to his teammates with his head turned.

Thanks to the overwhelming publicity from domestic League of Legends officials, the number of spectators in this semi-final was extremely exaggerated.

VG is the only one left in the top four, and many viewers have spontaneously become their fans. Therefore, netizens will not miss such an important game today.

After seeing VG lose in the small-scale group in Xiahe Road, the morale that had dropped suddenly skyrocketed due to Lin Yi's wave of solo kills.

There was a flood of barrages in the live broadcast room of the LPL match. The words '666' filled the entire screen, and the public screen even experienced freezes.

【Fuck, MrY!】

[Do you understand the value of VG Daddy? 】

[Why do you dare to predict like this? You really saw through Pary’s panties]

[Handsome, E flashes Q, this combo can't see the policewoman's Q raising her hand clearly, the Rat King directly hits the target hahaha]

Not only the off-field commentators and the audience found it unbelievable, but Pary in the players' seat also looked at a loss.

Grella is worthy of being a father, and he is very good at taking care of other people's emotions. Although he was busy saving his teammates at the time, his perspective was not on Han Bing, and he did not know what happened in the bottom lane, but his teammates were all confused. Despite the situation, he was the first to speak to break the dull atmosphere.

"It doesn't matter, we are still balanced now, and we can win if we operate slowly."

In the slightly silent voice of the team, Semb spoke at the right time, "Wanghu, you guard the middle line, and come and help me get to the tower later!"

As of now, there is no way to reverse time.

Hanbing died in battle, Ryze escaped with remaining health, and Xiaohuatou vowed to guard the middle while Kuro returned to the city to replenish supplies, to prevent Easyhoon from wearing down too much of the turret's health line alone.

As for the bottom tower, Grilla could not defend it alone, so she could only let the policewoman cooperate with Zyra to push it away.

"You can eat this tower alone," Duan Deliang calmed down his mood that turned from pity to joy, and calmly stated his next plan, "Go back to the city to replenish the equipment and go to the center first. When the second dragon is finished, we will move on. Go hit the road and push!”

"Brother Long, be careful. The spider has no place to go and has no choice but to attack you."

While helping the policewoman grind the tower, Duan Deliang did not forget to remind his top orderer.

Zhu Xiaolong obviously understood very well. After suffering a loss once, he did not hesitate to retreat to the autistic grass in the back. When he returned to the city, he made the mercury shoes first, and then continued to walk towards the line.

As expected, Little Peanut appeared on the top road and accompanied Kenan to start pushing VG up to the first tower.

Thanks to Lin Yi's ability to lower the Tigers' tower status to a very low level before, and because he pushed ahead of the opponent, he was able to secure the first-blood tower.

The two outer towers collapsed one after another, and the economic gap between the two sides was not even 1000 yuan.

On the surface, it seems to be a balance of power, but VG is one dragon ahead, and the lineup has longer hands than ROX in the later stage. It is obvious that it has a considerable advantage.

The most important thing is that the spider is pushing the tower on the top road. As the 10-minute mark approaches, the second fire dragon is about to be refreshed. VG can take a position first and quickly rush it out before the Tigers have gathered their forces.

The advantages will be further expanded.

ROX obviously knows this, but they can't do anything about it.

Both Ueno and Ueno are on the road, and it will take a lot of time to get back to the lower river.

By the time Spider and Kennen arrive at the front battlefield, VG will probably have wiped out all the dragons. With this time, it is better for all three lines to stay online to deal with the minions, and at the same time kill the opponent's defense tower!
"After MrY pushed the first blood tower, he and Prince Duan ran to the middle to grab the line. Xiaolong immediately refreshed. VG's intention was obvious!" Miller kept a close eye on the situation. "The policewoman's equipment is very good. With financial support, she will be able to do it right away. Make a hurricane!”

The transfer period has officially arrived.

Lin Yi came to the top lane and cooperated with Ye Fu to launch an offensive on ROX's upper tower.

Little Peanut knows the formula of helping the strong but not the weak. He mirrored himself to the bottom lane to cover Kenan's advance.

The two sides turned into a demolition brigade, frantically exchanging money in order to enrich the C position.

However, it is obvious that the dual AP's ability to demolish towers cannot compete with the policewoman, not to mention that VG still has a three to two numerical lead.

The two elders Xuan Ming also made up their mind to focus on steady growth and not defend the top defense tower too much, for fear that Olaf on the opposite side would jump over the tower like a mad dog.

The flash of ice has not yet improved, but it cannot withstand the torment of the rough guy like Berserker.

VG destroyed the top turret first before ROX.

Dandy is also cleaning up the top half of the Tigers' jungler-less defense.

At 12 minutes into the game, Pary shot out the Eagle Spirit, which revealed Olaf in the F4 camp who was counting down the seconds to return to the city.

Grella waited for a few seconds in the stone beetle camp before controlling Karma to enter the upper half of his jungle, preparing to defend the middle with AD.

As a result, when he was walking to the grass next to the Sharpbill, one of the axes suddenly appeared and passed through his body.

"Dandy didn't even return to the spring to replenish supplies!" the doll yelled. "After the vision provided by Ice's E skill disappeared, he canceled his return to the city and hid in the grass next to him!"

The unlucky guy turned out to be Grilla.

Now that he was slowed down by Olaf's axe, Dandy had started sprinting towards him.

"Faced with the approaching berserker, Grella put on a shield for herself, W chained Dandy, and RQ blasted out, trying to stop him from getting in touch with his face!"

Pary, who was not far away, threw out his ultimate ice arrow, and then fled towards the second tower without looking back.

He was an ice-cold person. He didn't dare to hit Olaf, who was sprinting, for fear that the opponent would drop his support and attack him forcefully without flashing.

"Let's cross-dodge," Pary reminded him hurriedly when he saw Olaf's few basic attacks combined with an E to directly smash Karma to ashes.

The closest teammate to them now is Kuro, but Ryze is still under the mid-tower doing last-ditch damage and cannot support him at all.

Gloria is quite obedient.

But just as he was fleeing through the wall, a red aiming line locked onto him!
"MrY is hiding in the upper river channel and is waiting for you to dodge and run away!"

Gerila was desperate.

"I'm sorry, I wish I had crossed over earlier."

He originally thought that the policewoman who had pushed up the tower would go back to the city to make a hurricane and then rush to the middle, but he didn't know that the policewoman had no intention of going home at all.

Whether it is pushing down a tower or pushing up a tower, VG is much faster than ROX. Therefore, there is a time difference between the two's offense and defense.

Faced with VG's imminent push into the middle turret, the Tigers were inevitably a little anxious and wanted to use the shortest route to allow the duo to quickly return to defense.

But I didn't expect that Lin Yi and others were catching on to this kind of mentality.

First, Olafka's Eagle Spirit caught people for a long time, and then the policewoman's unexpected big move sealed Karma's last hope of escape.

The bullet shot out of the air and penetrated Grela's health bar.

Lin Yi once again gained a head!
"Wuhu, feel good!" He shouted happily, "Brother Renkui, it has to be you."

After initially pushing up to the tower, Lin Yi also had the idea of ​​returning to the city and making a hurricane first, but during the countdown, he was interrupted by his own jungler, who said that if he followed him, he would get meat.

Lin Yishang was doubtful at first, but now that he has made a profit, he starts to smile happily.

Dandy couldn't hide his excitement as he listened to the noisy cheers from the outside audience that reached his earphones. His voice was raised a lot as a result, "That's it, when did my brother lie to you?"

Lin Yi repeatedly echoed, "Niu Niu Niu, I'll go home and replenish my equipment first. This mid-tower is not easy to push. We still have to look at the next little dragon!"

The attribute of this dragon is still fire!

All VG generals are determined to win this.

Lin Yi returned to the city to create a hurricane, and combined with the storm sword, the current policewoman's combat power has been significantly improved! ROX took great pains to defend the middle tower. Not only did Peanut always protect the duo, but even Kennen in the bottom lane disappeared from time to time after pushing the lane, putting pressure on everyone in the lane.

VG’s current advancement work is extremely difficult.

Game time comes to 15 minutes.

ROX's mid-tower is almost in a state of being worn down by one-third.

But VG is very patient.

Xiaolong will be refreshed in 1 minute.

Lin Yi was in charge in the middle, and he cooperated with Duan Deliang to kill all the soldiers with three strikes, five strikes, and two strikes.

VG Nosuke took advantage of the line advantage to successfully clear out the entire field of view of Longkeng and set up his own ward at the river.

There was no obstruction the whole time.

The ROX duo was busy cleaning up the minions under the tower to prevent the policewoman from sneaking down the defense tower's health line. Peanut naturally did not dare to appear in the lower river when there was only Peanut alone.

After the eye positions are arranged, VG needs to secure the middle and lower soldier lines.

Needless to say about the middle lane, ROX has no chance of competing with VG for lane rights.

The problem is in the bottom lane!

Since the line transfer period, Zhu Xiaolong has been in charge of this line.

In the early stage, he was killed once by the Tigers who forced him to jump over the tower, and was pushed off the next tower again at 10 minutes.

Even though I didn't miss any minions, I couldn't bear that Semb was too fat.

With the Rocket Belt and the parts of the golden body in hand, Kennen is about to reach his strongest moment.

Relying on the advantages brought by the equipment and unparalleled personal ability, Semb has been firmly suppressing Long Ge in the bottom lane.

"I'll help you push the thread out," Dandy came to assist, "Please control your anger, we may have to fight in a group fight later!"

"OK OK, I know" Brother Long agreed repeatedly.

Seeing Olaf showing up in the bottom lane, Semb quickly used E to accelerate and evacuate backwards, not giving the opponent a chance to catch him.

The hero Berserker has no movement and generally looks like a dumbass. However, after the summoner skill Sprint emerged in the S6 World Championship, its terrifying pursuit ability made many online characters frightened.

Sometimes you can't escape even if you dodge!
Semb didn't dare to make excuses, for fear that the other party would get angry and come to force him to do it.

Once Kennen withdrew, VG naturally controlled the bottom lane at will.

The Tigers responded by taking advantage of the gap between VG's upper and lower field and quickly rushed into the lower river channel to seize the field of view.

However, relatively speaking, it is not realistic to clear all the eye positions arranged by VG in a short period of time.

They can only choose to focus their vision near the dragon pit, so that their side can still occupy a corner of the river and prevent the entire river location from being shrouded in the fog of war!

The Haier brothers are from a God's perspective and have a panoramic view of the entire lower half of the area.

"All the minions in the middle and lower lines of VG were pushed out, and Brother Long also controlled his anger well!" Miller analyzed truthfully, "ROX is ready to make a move, and it looks like they are determined to join the team!"

For the first time, Wawa has a certain understanding of the game, "There is nothing we can do about it. The power of the double fire dragons is too strong, not to mention that VG's lineup has longer hands in the late stage!"

Although Kennen is known as a powerful weapon in team battles, the weakness carried by his support will have a huge impact on his damage.

The most important thing is that this hero relies too much on flash.

Without dodging, it is basically unrealistic for Kennen to break into the enemy formation and pose a threat to the back row.

Theoretically, the Tigers only have one late-stage output point, Hanbing.

However, Pary's development was too poor in this game, and the policewoman's late-stage abilities were not weaker than Ashe's, and even better.

Once two fire dragons are released to VG, the 16% magic power and attack power bonus will be enough to cause a qualitative change, which is simply not something ROX can bear!
ROX doesn't want to let the dragon go.

They even want to use this wave of team battles to completely establish their situation as a victory!

The Tigers naturally have something to rely on if they dare to think so, and the basis is the current super development of Semb Kenan!
Now the minions in the middle and lower lines are controlled by VG.

Dandy and Brother Long didn't rush from the bottom lane to the river until Xiaolong refreshed. Lin Yi and Duan Deliang also walked down from it, and VG took advantage of the situation to complete the assembly of five people.

"ROX could only handle the line of troops in the middle and go straight to the river without taking the lower route, but it was still a step too late." Miller stared closely at the disturbances on the field. "Brother Long was very angry. He stood alone. The top of the formation blocked ROX's path forward."

Next to Gnar, there are also seeds generated by Duan Deliang's passive and W.

The current situation has evolved into VG occupying the Xiaolong Pit and the lower river area. The ROX people coming from the middle can only wander around in the upper position.

Semb was still thinking about going back over the small dragon pit, but the next second the icy eagle spirit shot out, illuminating the fire dragon's last line of blood, this idea was rejected on the spot.

Xiaolong only has less than half of his health left and will be taken down by VG soon.

Time is running out!

"We can't wait any longer," Semb decided immediately, "Rui Xing, open the door and send me and Wang Hu in!"

There is a Gnar blocking the road at the front, and there are Zyra seeds. It will be extremely difficult to forcefully break in.

ROX's lineup has no one in the front row, and no one can withstand the damage in the first round.

Kuro also understood that there was no further delay. He controlled Ryze and immediately slapped the ground. The skill effect of R [Warp Jump] came on, and both Kennen and Spider entered it.

Its landing point is obvious, and it is the entrance of Xiaolong's pit.

The location was chosen very subtly, and this ultimate move completely tore VG's formation in half.

On one side is Olaf, who is attacking the dragon alone in the dragon pit, and on the other side are double C and three supporting crispy skins.

And as long as VG doesn't pull away from the back row, when Kenan appears and the Rocket Belt flashes in conjunction, Semb can cause devastating damage by himself!
The three people in front of ROX rushed forward in a group at the same time, intending to join their own Ueno.

There was an uproar in the arena.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that as long as this wave of team battles starts, it will determine the outcome of the middle game or even the entire game!
Several thoughts flashed through Lin Yi's mind the moment Ryze opened it up.

He forced himself to calm down, and when he saw his lieutenant subconsciously preparing to pull away, he immediately shouted, "Don't leave, kill Kenan, he doesn't have a golden body!"

Ryze's ultimate lasted very short, so Lin Yi didn't have time to elaborate on his plan.

He could only command the team battle with a tone that drowned out all the voices, and abruptly stopped his teammates from evacuating.

Lin Yi held his breath and concentrated, placing his finger on the W key, ready to press it at any time.

At the last second when Kruo's ultimate move took effect, the policewoman dropped the [Yodele Trap] towards one of the points.

The clamp just opened and then tightened suddenly the next moment.

There was a crisp sound of 'clang', but it was like a thunder exploding on the spot in this wave of team battles!

Semb just saw himself appearing at the entrance of Xiaolong's pit, and the next second he pressed his ultimate move, R [Secret Secret!Wan Lao Tian Lei Yin] crashed down.

But when he desperately wanted to use Flash, he found that he couldn't use it at all.

"What happened? Kenan was caught by policewoman W!"

(End of this chapter)

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