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Chapter 218 If it really doesn’t work, can we become a female police officer?

Chapter 218 If it really doesn’t work, can we become a female police officer?
The audience in the stands was in an uproar.

Miller looked excited and yelled, "Kenan was clamped, the Marquis placed a gravity field under his feet, Zyra followed up with her E skill, and Semb was knocked out!"

The noise in the venue intensified, and this scene left everyone in disbelief.

"Don't fight the dragon, kill the spider first!"

Lin Yi felt a little hot on his breath.

Dandy ignored the fire dragon, which still had nearly [-] health, picked up the ax and struck Peanut on the spot.

Faced with the siege of four people, Xiao Peanut knew that there was no hope for his survival, and he still wanted to fight to the death to capture Xiaolong.

"Kill the spider! Kill the spider! Kill the spider!"

On the LPL commentary stage, Miller was hysterical, "Don't let him punish the fire dragon!"

The dragon's blood volume dropped rapidly. Even if VG didn't want to attack it, it couldn't bear the AOE damage from the lineup.

Within a moment, the fire dragon was approaching the killing line!
But Dandy didn't panic at all. As the dominant side, he kept his E skill unreleased. The purpose was to use E punishment to increase the kill line.

On the other hand, Peanut had just focused all his skills on the fire dragon.

What is he fighting for?

As Olaf's ax struck down, a thunder suddenly fell from the sky.

Looking at the kill prompt that appeared in the chat message box in the lower left corner, Xiaohuatana was heartbroken.

The next second, the spider was directly killed by Easyhoon's second stage Q.

"The Tigers were killed one after another in the field, and they were still attacking Gnarl from the front."

Miller finally looked over the battlefield.

It turned out that Allen Chu actually still had a quarter of his health.

"Brother Long is so capable, isn't he?" Watanabe was astonished, "He successfully dragged his teammates to deal with the enemies in the dragon pit!"

Except for Ice, the other four positions of ROX are all AP output.

Zhu Xiaolong is already under a lot of pressure against Kennen, so the equipment he buys contains a lot of magic resistance.

Pary, ROX's only physical output, was poorly developed in this game and was not enough to pose a fatal threat to Gnar.

This allowed Brother Delong to rely on his ultimate move and W control to stand in the middle of the three of them for four or five seconds after transforming into Big Gnar, before falling down.

"Chase chase chase!!"

Lin Yi gave orders and even used reverse E to rush to the battlefield above.

Dandy decisively started sprinting, which he had not used just now, and rushed towards the remaining three members of the Tiger team with a roar.

"Let's go, let's go!" Little Peanut under the black screen kept urging, for fear that all his teammates would die here.

Kuro and Pary also knew the dangers. They didn't even want to care about the residual blood of Gnar, and fled to their home tower.

But Allen Chu’s temper was also rising at this time.

"Stay here for me!"

Being super disabled, he had no idea of ​​retreating and moved forward bravely to save people for his teammates.

He looks like you won't leave until you kill me!

He picked up the Q skill on the ground and threw it out at the next moment, aiming directly at the ice shooter.

Zhu Xiaolong wanted to trade his life for his life and completely suppress Pary's development in this round!
The Rat King looked at Olaf, who was sprinting towards him behind Gnar, and handed over the flash in a frustrated manner, fearing that he would be detained.

But Brother Long ignored him and used his E skill to come to the opponent's side. He took the shot with his basic attack and hit the thin Ai Xi.

Pary couldn't bear it anymore and chose to fight and retreat at the same time. He kept releasing cold arrows, wearing down Zhu Xiaolong's little health.

Grilla equipped his teammates with the E skill and tried to help Pary as much as possible, in order to allow the other party to distance themselves from the enemy.

Pary's last shot was a flat A, successfully taking Gnar away.

But at the same time, he also lost the chance to escape because he kept turning around and attacking with basic attacks. Dandy successfully used the huge acceleration brought by sprinting to come to him.

"The ice has been retained, and Pary can't bear Olaf's damage!"

Kuro also wanted to use EW to control Dandy and help his teammates escape, but in the next second Olaf used his ultimate move that he had never used, killing Han Bing on the spot.

Ryze can only use Overload to detonate the runes and gain super acceleration to leave the battlefield to prevent himself from being left behind.

Seeing the end of the team battle, Miller was ecstatic and raised his arms and shouted, "ROX's plan was completely torn apart by VG. Not only did the Fire Dragon lose, but they also played 3 for 1. It was a huge loss!"

The shouting in Madison Garden never stopped.

The audience supporting VG waved their light sticks and shouted. Looking down from the top of the venue, the red and blue ocean was boiling again!
"A picturesque team battle!" Wawa was very excited. "VG's formation was cut apart, and it was still during the period when ROX's lineup was strong. How can we win this?"

As a popular commentator in the LPL, he can be said to be a success as long as it is an LPL team's foreign game.

In recent years, in the collision with LCK, it has basically been in a state of not winning much.

The reason is also very simple. In addition to being incompetent in operations, weak team fighting skills are also an important factor.

The Korean team really likes to fight, and everyone's goals in team battles are extremely clear. The absolute core is huddled at the back of the formation, not giving the enemy any chance, and frantically stealing damage.

Many times, before the battle begins, several positions in the LPL are reduced to low health, and naturally there is no possibility of winning a team battle.

It is not uncommon for a team to lead four, five thousand, or even ten thousand in economy, but be overturned due to a wave of team battles.

But what I saw from VG today was that he was at ease.

Each position performs its own duties, and the five people can complete their tasks perfectly without giving the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of them.

"It has to be MrY," Miller danced happily, "His clip directly changed the direction of this team battle!"

The director gives specific playback.

When Ryze's ultimate move was about to take effect, the Piltover policewoman deployed a [Yordle Trap] at one of the points when no one was paying attention.

The next moment, Kenan's figure appeared above it.

The special sound effect of the clamp shrinking sounded, and even though Semb launched his ultimate move immediately, he failed to hand over his flash and push stick when he was imprisoned.

"Kenan came directly into the air, and there were no enemies within the R range except the dragon!" The baby was dumbfounded, "Semb didn't move even until he died."

Miller couldn't help but marvel, "This clip looks so weird. Can MrY even predict Ryze's ultimate move?"

"Pure knowledge blind spot!"

Even if this operation was played back to him ten thousand times, he would probably still be unable to understand it.

Wawale is blooming, and he doesn't care how Lin Yi does it. "After a wave of team battles, VG directly led ROX by an economic difference of nearly [-], plus the huge profits brought by the two fire dragons, as long as it continues to operate , what will the Tigers win in the later stage?"

'666' filled the screen of the LPL event live broadcast room, followed by countless barrages cheering for VG.

[Go, go, go!Dry and crushed ROX! 】

[What a ruthless policewoman, MrY’s clips are always so evil? 】【I got the double fire dragons, I don’t know how to lose! 】

[Brother Long on the front is also very good. He can withstand the output of three people on the front and fight to the death. The most important thing is that he successfully drags his teammates to help. Although he died in the end, the top laner changed to AD, which is not a loss no matter how you look at it]

[Master Gua Sha Ai, it made me laugh so hard]

[If you ask me, if it doesn’t work, let’s just ban the female police officer]

Semb in the ROX player box pursed his lips tightly, the expression on his face filled with boundless annoyance.

No matter how advanced his game understanding was, he would never have imagined that he would be caught by a policewoman after teleporting into the battlefield using Ryze's ultimate move.

Faced with VG's perfect control connection, in the end I could only watch my blood bar drop rapidly until it disappeared.

Under the black screen, Semb locked his perspective on Caitlin who came to the middle to push the tower, feeling extremely depressed.

According to his expectations, this wave was supposed to be a scene of him showing off his power, driving the R into the enemy's back row and crushing everything, but in the end, this policewoman single-handedly reversed the situation.

Little Peanut next to him was also in a bad mood. He randomly changed the angle of view, trying to use this method to numb the panic in his heart.

VG's success in getting the double fire dragons undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on Peanut, but before he could adjust his mentality, he saw patterns gradually emerging on the walls of the dragon pit.

There indicates the refreshed attributes of the next little dragon.

Still fire!
After the first water dragon, the three dragons that were refreshed immediately were all fire dragons!

Little Peanut gritted his teeth and was filled with anger.

The probability of such a terrible incident is so small that it can be encountered by oneself.

In a disadvantageous situation, just farm the Fire Dragon fiercely, right? Why don't you farm the Baron?

"Only one person from VG, Brother Long, was killed. The other four came from the lower river channel to the middle to start advancing!" Miller couldn't hide the smile at the corner of his mouth. "While you are sick, ROX only has Ryze and Karma. Survive, the two of them don’t dare to defend at all!”

Kuro had no choice but to abandon the First Tower.

In the following time, the Tigers completely shrunk their defense and retreated to the inner tower to develop.

Seeing that the situation on the court was calm for a while, Miller began to make suggestions on the commentary table, "VG doesn't have to play too hastily in the future, just compress ROX's vision and plunder the resources in the jungle. Wait for the third fire dragon to refresh, and then switch. With the dragon, you can win the game!”

The situation is going as he said. After gaining the advantage, the five VG players still attack in an orderly manner, rapidly expanding their development in the C position without giving ROX any chance.

The last wave of team battles can be said to have wiped out the early gaps in VG's middle and upper jungle. Easyhoon and Brother Long played an extremely stable style. It will undoubtedly be extremely difficult for the Tigers to find a breakthrough point from them.

Little Peanut made several attacks, but the two of them easily dodged them all.

As a last resort, he could only target the VG duo in the middle who was pressing the line.

It really gave Peanut a chance.

Lin Yi fought very hard, and he would press forward whenever there was someone in the space.

Kuro, who was finishing a wave of minions on the top lane, came to the wild area, activated R [Zigzag Jump] and took the spider to teleport to the middle lane with a four-pack and two.

The impact point is clearly in the center, where policewoman Zyla must pass when she retreats!
Seeing that their teammates were about to arrive, the ROX duo, who had originally planned to avoid their sharp attack, suddenly showed their ferocious fangs - Karma gave RE, accelerated forward with ice, and Pary aimed at Caitlin and released his ultimate move!
Lin Yi took his time and released the oblique E at a 45-degree angle to avoid the ice arrow.

Duan Deliang did not hesitate, and spread his R skills at the feet of the ROX duo. Flowers rose up all over the sky, blocking Pary and Gloria's pursuit.

At the last second of [Warping Path Jump], Lin Yi deployed a [Yodele Trap] towards one of the points, and the next moment the 'clanging' sound once again caused an uproar in the audience.

"Caught again, this time it's Ryze!" Even though he had seen it once, Miller still couldn't hide the shock on his face, "MrY ran down the river, trying to seek protection from Dandy!"

Kuro pressed sprint as soon as he appeared, but found that the summoner's skill bar was still in a gray and unavailable state.

The bullets from the sniper rifle whizzed out, hitting Ryze with a headshot and taking away a chunk of his opponent's health with a bang.

Dandy also appeared from the lower river at this time, throwing his Q skill and hitting the air as ROX's midfielder advanced as a warning.

"MrY has made a great contribution again!" The doll beamed with joy, "The use of this clip is simply superb!"

Originally, he was worried about the lives of the VG duo when Ryze activated, but he did not expect that the two retreated so calmly, and did not even use a summoner skill in the end.

Little Peanut almost vomited, unable to figure out what went wrong, and the originally delicate face was now filled with doubts.

"How on earth did he do it?"

If we say that the wave of the dragon group was because of Kennen's specific vision, the policewoman saw Semb's position during Ryze's ultimate move, thus setting up a trap.

What about this time?

In order to increase the success rate of gank, Peanut specially used punishment on F4 in exchange for the [True Sight Effect] to ensure that there is no VG vision around him.

Jiang Zi was caught by prediction even after driving around in a car?
Kuro scratched his head, "Maybe he knew we would stand at the bottom of the ultimate, so he tried to put the clip there?"

He couldn't think of a reason in his mind, so he could only attribute it all to this reason.

Peanut was speechless, staring closely at Caitlin who was surrounded by VG Nosuke, with murderous intent in her eyes.

He wants to kill this policewoman right now!
But Little Peanut knows that this mentality cannot appear in the knockout rounds, otherwise it will affect his own judgment.

"I'm going to grab the little dragon later," Peanut said, shaking his right hand that was holding the mouse, trying to calm his impatience as much as possible, "Don't go to the river."

The current capabilities of the two sides in head-to-head conflict are not at the same level at all.

With VG occupying the right to the middle route, ROX had no way of positioning down the river in advance to seize the field of vision.

This means that the initiative in the battle situation is completely controlled by VG.

The Tigers either wait for VG to enter the Xiaolong Pit and finish dealing with the center line before passing over, or they just place the soldiers in the middle without caring about them.

No matter which of the two options, ROX is not good.

First, letting VG go first and the Tigers go last is undoubtedly a repeat of the last wave of Dragons.

Gnar blocked the road with Zyra's flowers, making it impossible for ROX to break through.

And as long as Ryze sends people into the field with a big attack, there is a high probability that the female policeman will pin him down and kill him instantly.

Yes, that's right, Little Peanut has now assumed that Lin Yi can accurately predict the landing point of [Wind Path Jump].

He didn't want to fight this kind of losing team battle.

As for the second type, the Tigers dropped directly to Xiaolong Pit regardless of the center line, waiting for VG to come over and start a team fight.

This is undoubtedly the best team-fighting plan.

But Little Peanut knows very well that VG is not that stupid.

The opponent doesn't have the pressure of the dragon, so at worst, they don't want the fire dragon, and instead follow the minions to push the second tower of ROX or directly go to the baron to cause trouble.

Either option is unacceptable to the current Tigers.

Hard steel team fights will only speed up the game.

Little Peanut simply made a plan to grab the dragon alone. It would be the best if he could grab it. If he couldn't grab it, he wouldn't lose more.

(End of this chapter)

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