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Chapter 219 Victory in the first game

Chapter 219 Victory in the first game
"The fourth dragon was refreshed. VG relied on the female policeman's dominant position in the middle line to control the river view first, but ROX seemed to have no intention of snatching it."

Miller was extremely happy when he saw that no one from ROX had any intention of moving.

The baby was stunned, "Do you really want to give up the three fire dragons to VG? What is the difference between this and admitting defeat?"

You know, in the current version, one fire-attribute dragon can provide the team with an 8% attack power bonus, and three of them are 24%!

Translated into economic terms, this is no different from being ahead of a large piece of equipment.

VG is still a typical late-stage double C. The combination of Victor + Policewoman has terrible long hands. After getting the three fire dragons, it really fulfilled what the baby said before. Even if you lose, you don’t know how to lose.


Miller seemed to have noticed something unusual, "What are you planning to do, little peanut?"

On the screen, the spider is walking on foot from the lower route to the blue square triangle grass pass.

Since Semb pushed the army across the river early, Peanut's movements were completely shrouded in the fog of war. VG did not notice that the enemy jungler had detoured from a tricky route to its own red zone.

"I want to grab the dragon!" No matter how stupid the doll is, he understands Peanut's true thoughts at this moment. "ROX knows that now is not the time for a head-on collision with VG, so it decisively sends Peanut out to try!"

Spider's E skill Flying has a unique mechanism, which allows it to fall smoothly from above the dragon pit relying on the dragon.

Moreover, his Q punishment is similar to Olaf's E punishment, and has a very high killing effect.

The most important thing is that the acting skills of the rest of ROX are at their peak. Kenan has already moved to the middle after pushing off the line. After the three of them dealt with the minions pushed in front of VG, they did not continue to go down the river. Instead, they turned around and headed towards the river. Go above.

This made VG subconsciously think that the Tigers wanted to take advantage of the time when they gathered with Xiaolong to attack Baron Nash.

The five people just wanted to take down the fire dragon quickly, and then rushed to the big dragon pit to stop the other party.

A large part of the reason why Dandy was able to successfully take down the Fire Dragon last time was because all the spider's skills were used to lower the dragon's health line. As a result, the little peanut only had punishment and no Q to increase the kill line.

But this time it was different. In order to quickly kill the fire dragon, Dandy did not save any skills at all. The two of them had a two-level reversal. At this moment, the advantageous position became the side of Little Peanut.

Miller couldn't help but feel a little worried.

The only thing that made him breathe a sigh of relief was that VG was still cautious. They used their real eyes to eliminate all enemy eye positions in the Xiaolong Pit. At this time, for ROX, everything in the Dragon Pit was in darkness.

But in the next moment, Miller's heart tightened. Over the Summoner's Rift, an eagle spirit that belonged to the Ice Plains Project came galloping towards him, illuminating the dragon pit in the fog of war.

The field of view didn't last long, but it was apparently enough.

After a moment, Little Peanut saw the blood volume of the fire dragon inside!

It seemed like a lot, but in fact, it couldn't last more than a few seconds under the combined attack of the five VG people.

This eagle spirit did not make the VG generals wary, they just thought that ROX wanted to see how long it would take them to take down the dragon.

Peanut moved in the triangle grass, and the only real eye in the backpack was inserted above the dragon pit.

He probably guessed that VG would not have vision here. After all, the Tigers had no intention of competing for it. In addition, this was still their own red zone, so there was no reason for the enemy to appear here.

However, just to be on the safe side, Little Peanut inserted the real eye into it to ensure nothing went wrong.

In the Korean commentary box, Roaring Emperor Quan Yongjun's whole body was tense, and he even stopped breathing at this moment, "Peanut player, you must work hard!"

He saw it clearly from God's perspective. The ROX four had no intention of touching Baron at all. They just used this gap to arrange the vision around Baron Nash, and then all four of the top and middle duo hid in the grass above the midline. ,like a statue.

ROX's plan is very simple.

The four teammates created a space for Peanut to snatch the fire dragon. When Spider E descends into the dragon pit, no matter whether it succeeds or not, Peanut can use his flash to get back up.

Then the four of them all ran to cover the opponent's retreat in order to stop VG's pursuit.

When the five people gather together, ROX can rely on its dragon vision to ambush in the upper river, so as to find a glimmer of hope from the current desperate situation!
As for beating Baron now, the Tigers know that is unrealistic.

Not only is there a gap in damage between the two sides, but the health volume of Baron Nash and Xiaolong is also very different. VG has enough time to take down the fire dragon and then switch to the baron.

At that time, ROX will be truly forced into a desperate situation, and will be double-teamed by VG's five-man team and Baron, making it difficult for them to get off!
The current situation can only bet that the spider can capture the fire dragon. Even if it fails, it will be like what was said before and there will be no more losses.

Peanut was concentrating, and the vision brought by the eagle spirit was about to disappear. At this moment, the dragon also broke through to less than [-] health.

"The spider flew up and fell down!"

Xiaolong, who seemed to be relatively healthy, reached the killing line of punishment in just a moment under the attack of five people.

Little Peanut held his breath. The moment he entered the dragon pit, he used his Q skill to bite down on the fire dragon. At the same time, there was a thunder in the sky.

"Whose dragon?" Miller put his hands on the commentary table, tilted his body, and looked quickly at the kill prompt on the right side of the screen.

"It's a spider!"

Madison Garden immediately erupted in deafening cheers, and tens of thousands of spectators gave the bravest their warmest applause at this moment!
But under the overwhelming cheers, an inconspicuous 'clang' made the little peanut's smile stop abruptly.

A light suddenly appeared in the doll's confused eyes, "The spider grabbed the fire dragon, but he was pinned by the policewoman's clamp!"

"Kill him!" Miller felt like one wave after another, and his old heart couldn't bear it. "We can go get the dragon!"

Dandy, who was robbed of the dragon, was quite angry. He swung his ax and chopped down at the spider that was frozen in place.

He really didn't expect that there would be an enemy hiding in his red zone. The four people on the ROX line were all acting like this, right?

"Give me your head, I'm short of money for a three-piece suit!"

Lin Yi shouted loudly in the team voice.

But it's obviously a bit redundant. Easyhoon didn't even hand over a damage-type skill. He just put W at the spider's feet to assist. The intention was very obvious. It was clear that he deliberately gave up the 300 yuan to his own AD.

"Big dragon, big dragon!" Duan Deliang shouted excitedly, his tone full of impatience, "There is no jungler on the other side!"

Netizens witnessed Caitlin send off the enemy jungler with another clip, and couldn't help but quarreled in the chat channel of the live broadcast room.

[It’s really hot and spicy! It’s so tight! 】

[No, why does MrY know that the spider will fall? 】

[Little Peanut entered heaven one second, and fell into hell the next second. In one word, miserable! 】

[Should I say it or not, this clip is really amazing, MrY’s policewoman probably won’t be able to release it in the future]

[Peanut’s confused expression made me laugh]

Lin Yi took the head and followed his teammates up the river.

As mentioned before, for VG, although this third fire dragon is important, it is not as unavoidable as ROX.

Although the double fire dragon does not do as much damage as the three fire dragon, the 16% bonus is not low.

To put it bluntly, I am still as strong without it, but you are GG without it!

And if they could exchange a third Fire Dragon for a Baron Nash, VG would be eager to exchange it quickly.

"The ROX team who lost their jungler can only spend their time on the edge of the dragon pit, but it is of no use. It cannot change the outcome at all."

Brother Long stacked his anger on Baron Nash and took Zyra to the center of the team and the enemy formation, blocking the road.

Semb was ready to start a team, but when he thought about the weakness of the opponent's support, he could only give up.

When Kennen is unable to deal damage that changes the situation of the battle, forcing four on five is undoubtedly courting death!
Baron Nash's wail echoed throughout Summoner's Rift.

With two fire dragons and a baron, the outcome of this game is decided!
The three VG people surrounded the double C in the center and began to rely on the soldiers added by Baron Nash to remove the remaining outer towers of ROX.

After the two towers were all bulldozed, the five of them pushed towards the middle high ground.

With Caitlin's Endless Hurricane Cannon in hand, her equipment was a long way ahead of the enemy's. It was so powerful that one shot on a crispy body would kill her, not to mention that after the hurricane came out, it could stack up headshots extremely fast.

In ROX, only Ice can slightly touch the soldier line, but Pary's development is too poor in this round and he can't even activate the minions with the Baron BUFF.

Seeing that the health line of the Highland Tower was about to bottom out, Semb finally couldn't bear it anymore and rushed forward as if he wanted to take the initiative to speed up the game.

"Kenan flashed and pushed the stick into the field, but Prince Duan immediately applied Weakness to him, and Semb's output was greatly weakened."

Lin Yi's E+ flashed out of the range of the opponent's ultimate move early, and then began to smoothly perform the A show.

ROX came up to start the team this time. They obviously knew that there was no hope of a comeback in this game. In order to reduce the impact on their subsequent mentality, they actively chose to speed up the game.

"VG plays one for five, it can be a wave!"

Miller's right fist was clenched, and veins bulged on his neck.

He knew that VG was very strong, but he really didn't expect to have such a crushing performance in the first game against the Tigers.

As the five members of VG advanced, in just 29 minutes, ROX's main crystal exploded, sending fireworks all over the place!
(End of this chapter)

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