Son of the Stars

Chapter 103 Random thoughts

Chapter 103 Random thoughts
Energy does not disappear into thin air, it is simply transformed into other types of energy.

In the same way, radiation-proof materials will not weaken those gamma ray bursts traveling through the universe out of thin air.Gamma rays travel through dense metal structures, collide with protons in atomic nuclei, and are ultimately converted into kinetic energy of electrons and energy of scattered photons through the photoelectric effect.

Utilizing the hollow and porous structure at the micro level and the special structural form at the macro level, the company called "Bastov New Materials" successfully achieved the goal without changing the thickness, mass and other basic physical properties. The astonishing achievement of halving the radiation half-attenuation depth.

To be honest, this achievement can almost be exchanged for a second-level major scientific and technological progress award.This technology can greatly reduce the weight of the spacecraft performing the launch mission, thereby increasing the payload and increasing launch efficiency.Technology is good technology, but considering the purpose of the actual controller of Bastov's new material... it is really disappointing.

"We will launch an investigation." The committee ended the joint meeting after the officers of the General Investigation Bureau repeatedly assured that they would conduct investigations and verifications carefully.

"You need to stay near the review hall for a while." After the joint meeting, as the armor plates slowly fell from around the windows, Academician Yuan Siping walked to everyone and made arrangements, "I will have someone take you to the hotel to rest first. , the deputy director of the United Government’s Legal Affairs Committee is coming over, and I think it would be better for you to explain Watanabe’s status directly to him.”

After explaining his plan, Academician Yuan Siping continued, "Xiaohui, we have read your application. Since you think it is necessary, then implement it - do you need to ask the staff of the spiritual center to come over for support?"

"No need." Li Xiaohui shook her head and said, "There are only a few people in total, I can handle it."

Lu Chen and Mu Zhiran looked at each other and knew that Director Li was going to provide psychological counseling to everyone.It’s good to have an expert teacher in psychology in the research group. There is always someone who will take care of everyone’s psychological condition.

The bad part is actually here... Psychological help is actually a very troublesome thing.Especially psychological counseling, which mainly uses communication, conversation and guidance, is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the effect may not be very good.

More importantly, the doctor who performs the psychological consultation must be "unfamiliar" with the person being consulted.

Director Li Xiaohui usually doesn't interact with many people. She even deliberately avoids going to the cafeteria to eat at the same time as Lu Chen and others.

For such an expert doctor who is extremely dedicated and truly cares about your mental health, few people in the world can refuse his request for "psychological counseling."

But sometimes...compared with psychological counseling, using other methods to relieve stress may make people feel more relaxed.For example, Lu Chen now wants to find a place to hold Mu Zhiran and have a deep sleep. It is best to sleep from dusk to dusk. When he wakes up, he will be thirsty and hungry, eat and drink enough, and then continue to sleep.

Seeing his "cushion" being called into the room by Li Xiaohui to start psychological counseling, Lu Chen sighed quietly and turned to chat with Giuseppe.

Compared with the serious Director Li Xiaohui... Giuseppe is a wonderful person.

Lu Chen is not an artistic young man. He rarely uses "miao", a vague word that is difficult to distinguish what attribute it is, to describe others.But for Giuseppe, besides "wonderful", Lu Chen really couldn't think of any other word that was more suitable for this doctor of mathematics.

Although he is an old man who can be racist with just his mouth, Giuseppe himself has no malicious intentions.He doesn't even think that being called "nigger" is being discriminated against.

It’s okay to call him a red-necked gay guy or even an egg man.

Chatting with such an old man who has no awareness of racial discrimination, but runs in the direction of racial discrimination whenever he speaks, this thing itself has a punk energy.

Just remember to turn off the AI ​​on your phone when communicating with him, otherwise the AI ​​will easily become impatient and call the police to accuse Giuseppe of racial discrimination.

In the room, Giuseppe was chatting with Yang Weimin about southern North American specialties. When they saw Lu Chen enter the room, they both just turned their heads and nodded, then continued to immerse themselves in Giuseppe's memories.

Those freshly caught crayfish are thrown into a bucket and pounded with rough seasonings. Then they are boiled with corn, sweet potatoes and potatoes for an hour, and then poured directly on the table. The feeling of picking them up and nibbling them with your hands is really tempting. .

"That thing is just like South Asian desserts. They look good but are actually not delicious, really." Giuseppe's expression was very nostalgic, "But when we eat this kind of thing, what we eat is not actually the taste. Just like East Asians The longevity peach I bought for the old man’s birthday party is just a ball of fermented wheat flour that has been cooked by steam. It’s not delicious and it’s a waste of raw materials.”

Lu Chen sat on the sofa, picked up an unopened bottle of Coke and asked, "What are you talking about? Why do I hear that there is still something about useless snacks?"

"Eighty-eight pounds of fermented wheat flour is used to steam a 'snack' that looks like a peach and has no other taste at all." Giuseppe spread his hands, "This behavior is the same as crayfish boiling pot - it is a complete waste. Raw materials. Although I also like this way of eating it, I must admit that Thirteen Spices is the correct way to cook crayfish."

Giuseppe, who really doesn't like spicy food, can only accept the thirteen spice level at most, but he can't eat anything spicier. "I'm not very interested in crayfish at the moment. There are too many patients who are allergic to this stuff." Lu Chen rubbed his face, "I still remember when I first went out to the clinic, I picked up a patient who was allergic to crustaceans. I gave him The eldest brother prescribed medicine and told him not to eat shelled things in the water in the future."

Yang Weimin slapped his thigh, "Are you talking about the patient whose face was swollen into a pig's head and who forced you to see him in the emergency room?"

Lu Chen nodded sadly, "That's it. I went to ask him what was going on, and he said that the crayfish he ate had the shells removed..."

Although no one said it explicitly, everyone knew that the members of the research team were under a lot of pressure.In addition to digesting the stress, often telling jokes and jokes is a good way to relieve stress.

Anyway, it’s a good way to liven up the atmosphere by telling your own embarrassing stories.

After chatting all over the place, Lu Chen rubbed his head and asked Giuseppe, "I have a question that I still don't understand. Where does the energy go after those gamma rays are irradiated on the shielding material?"

"I really know this." Giuseppe became more energetic. "My former choir leader was engaged in gamma ray burst research. That guy didn't look like a Saharan at all. He had a nice voice and a good brain. !”

According to Giuseppe's explanation, gamma rays, as photons, can collide with inner electrons in matter.It can also collide with or be affected by atomic nuclei.This leads to three basic reactions between gamma rays and matter - the photoelectric effect, the Compton effect and the electron pair effect.

After the elastic collision between the gamma photon and the electrons in the outer layer of the atom, part of the energy is transferred to the electrons in the outer layer of the atom by the gamma photon.This allows the electrons to escape from the atomic nucleus and change the direction of the photon's movement.

A large number of electrons form an electric current, and the atom that has lost its electrons falls into an "embarrassment" of imbalance between the nucleus and the electrons.And thus a positive ion state is formed.

The Compton effect is a little more interesting. It is a subsequent reaction of the photoelectric reaction.Photons and electrons collide elastically, and then the photons and electrons exchange energy and momentum, which changes the wavelength of the photon.The wavelength and frequency of photons that have not collided remain unchanged and are called Thomson scattered light.After the collision, the wavelength side length and frequency of the photon become lower, and it is called Compton scattered light.

The third electron pair effect is more difficult to understand.

"I don't understand this." Lu Chen was still confused after listening to Giuseppe's explanation for a long time, "Why does a radiation photon approach the nucleus and be affected by the Coulomb field, it turns into a positron and a negative electron? ?”

"You see, in the microscopic realm, many things can actually be converted into each other - such as radiating photons and electrons." Giuseppe picked up a banana from the table as an example. "Now, what you see is a A banana. When it gets close enough to a parlor knife, it splits in half. So it goes from a banana to the shell of a banana split ice cream."

The sum of the rest masses of positrons and negative electrons is equal to 1.02MeV. When the energy of a photon is greater than or equal to this level, it will be changed in direction and wavelength under the influence of the nuclear Coulomb field.Then a positron and a negative electron are produced.They each carry a portion of the photon's energy—and the original photon disappears.

"Then the negative electrons are attracted and filled by the positive ion state formed by the photoelectric effect, and the positrons fly out as free electrons, join the photoelectric effect or are hit by other gamma photons, exchanging energy and momentum again. They may directly become free electrons , it may also become a recoil electron... and jump to an excited state." Lu Chen muttered here, and suddenly noticed a certain keyword.

"Excited state?" Yang Weimin also became more energetic, "So gamma rays can change the energy state of electrons? Can the gamma knife be used on ordinary people to alleviate quantum potential energy syndrome?"

"I don't know, but it's possible." Giuseppe spread his hands. "Gamma rays are very harmful to the human body, right?"

"It's smaller than an explosion." Yang Weimin said enthusiastically, and then he began to frown and mutter to himself, "But what has allowed people to maintain excited states for thousands of years? It can't be gamma rays, right? ?The radiation intensity of gamma rays is so high, doesn’t everyone get cancer?”

"Gamma rays are not the most ideal means to maintain excited states, after all, their energy is too great." Giuseppe said, "In addition to the recoil electrons that may be in the excited state, there are many electrons that will become free electrons."

"Electrons can turn into photons, and photons and quarks are both fermions - although they are very different..." Lu Chen's attention turned to another direction completely, "Is it possible to give color to photons? Make it a quark?"

 Sorry for the late update!

  Stand at attention and bow to apologize. There is no excuse. I am really sorry for everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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