Son of the Stars

Chapter 104 Femtosecond

Chapter 104 Femtosecond
Photon is the basic unit of light. In other words, it itself is the most basic unit of matter - it does not consist of other smaller structures. The photon itself is the original product.

From this perspective, photons and quarks have similar properties - they are both the most elementary particles and cannot be further divided.

But photons and quarks have completely different properties.Especially in terms of mass, the difference between the two substances is huge: the mass of a quark can be thousands of times that of a photon.

In the microscopic realm, quality has a completely different meaning from the macroscopic one.It means how much energy a particle contains, and is a special property given by the Higgs boson.

The Higgs boson gives quarks mass in the Higgs field through symmetry breaking.

If the Higgs boson can give photons rest mass through the same method, does that mean it is possible to create matter from a beam of light?

This kind of science fantasy only lasted for a while, and Lu Chen quickly calmed down again - mainly because the knowledge in the relevant fields in Lu Chen's brain was far from enough to support him to continue dreaming.

Both Giuseppe and Yang Weimin were fascinated by Lu Chen's words. Although they didn't know why, they were thinking about it.An electron can be converted into two photons, and photons can also be converted into each other through annihilation of positive and negative electrons and the photoelectric effect.

If this transformation can occur accurately inside the human body, it will occur when abnormal external electrons of hydrogen atoms are produced.

Is it possible to knock out the excited state electron and then replace it with a ground state electron, thus completing the "bomb defusing"?
Lu Chen is still wondering how fashionable "taking out a ring from the light" can be, while Giuseppe and Yang Weimin are thinking about whether the photoelectric effect can be applied inside the human body.

There were three people present, each with a different expression on their face - but they were all quite psychedelic.

Tang Qinglong, who entered the room and was about to chat with everyone, was stunned while holding the thermos cup. He put the lid of the thermos cup back solemnly and slowly, then frowned and said to himself, "This is after eating Yunnan mushrooms." Already?"

Then Lu Chen spent half an hour to prove that he and those two guys were not the same group - at least he really didn't eat mushrooms.

"It's a good idea. You can consider further research." Regarding Lu Chen's sudden whim, Academician Tang Qinglong did not directly denounce it as absurd or whimsical.He opened the thermos cup and took a sip, then said solemnly, "You can work with Giuseppe. He can provide you with some theoretical help - you can talk to Zhiran about the specific experimental design."

"Don't you think this idea is whimsical?" Lu Chen asked curiously, "The idea of ​​converting photons into quarks is deviant at best, right?"

"If it was two or three months ago, I might have suggested that you go see a doctor or stay away from our Institute of Physics - the professors who do theoretical physics research are all bad-tempered." Tang Qinglong reopened the page He drank from the thermos cup slowly and leisurely, "However, after experiencing the baptism of discovery of Zhiran, my obsession with 'not being deviant' has become much less. The Pauli Exclusion Principle has become a bubble, but it has not Completely destroyed." "I heard Dr. Mu tell me, but she is really not very good at describing this shock in terms that clinicians can understand." Lu Chen smiled bitterly and nodded, "Fortunately, I understand the spirit of leadership. He’s always good at what he does.”

"So you see, I am very peaceful now and have great tolerance for many theories that I would never have heard of before." Tang Qinglong said, "Isn't it just to convert photons into quarks and try to give photons rest mass? In the worst case, just Photons also turn into big bombs, what’s the big deal?”

The atmosphere that was relaxing just now was suddenly frozen.Like a rusty robot, Lu Chen turned around slowly and hard to look at Tang Qinglong.Giuseppe and Yang Weimin, who seemed to have eaten mushrooms, just came back to their senses. They wiped the non-existent saliva from the corners of their mouths and asked in confusion, "What big bomb?"

"You plan to use the Higgs field to give mass to a photon." Now it was Tang Qinglong's turn to be confused and surprised. "You are trying to give mass to an elementary particle that can never stop and fly at 100% the speed of light. Haven’t you considered the possible consequences of this idea before?”

"Photons without mass can knock open the electrons around the atomic nucleus, turning them into free electrons or reflected electrons in the excited state." Tang Qinglong put down the thermos cup and said, "When you change the Higgs field through God knows what method, you endow it with With the mass of a photon, it may become the only substance in the entire universe that can travel at the speed of light.”

"It would be okay if its speed naturally slows down, but if it still maintains the speed of light, then there will be a situation where 'matter with rest mass moves at the speed of light.'" Tang Qinglong spread his hands and said, "According to the special theory of relativity, the speed of light The invariance principle speculates that the faster a material with rest mass travels, the greater its mass. It needs infinite energy to fly at the speed of light."

Lu Chenpin realized the horror of his guess, "Although the possibility is very small, if the photon gains mass, at least the moment it gains mass, the energy it possesses will be infinite."

"Although I think this is unlikely, and I think it is impossible for you to come up with a way to control the Higgs field." Tang Qinglong nodded, "But yes, the moment you complete the experiment, the universe may It will be completely torn apart by the huge energy."

"A photon with mass flying at the speed of light carries infinite energy. The moment it acquires mass, its flight speed will drop. As long as it drops by one quadrillionth, the energy released by this change in speed will be infinite. "Tang Qinglong picked up the kettle from the side, refilled some water in his thermos cup and said, "In the first femtosecond, the infinite energy can completely destroy the earth under our feet, and then the earth-moon orbit. , Mars and Venus, Jupiter and Mercury, and finally the Sun."

Lu Chen's mouth opened and closed, opened and closed again, but nothing came out - he looked like a goldfish with a hydrangea on its head.

"Is the content of your usual research so dangerous?" After a long time, Lu Chen asked tremblingly, "You actually let me do an experiment that will destroy the whole world in a femtosecond?"

Tang Qinglong showed a sly smile, "Can you do it?"

"Okay, it's right for young people to dare to think, but you have to think about why this kind of thing has not been published first." Tang Qinglong found a comfortable position and lay down on the single sofa chair, and started from his own He took out a pipe from his pocket and stuffed it into his mouth, "These people in the field of physics research are much more brutal when fighting for papers and projects than you are as doctors."

(End of this chapter)

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