Son of the Stars

Chapter 115 Retreat route

Chapter 115 Retreat route
In the no-man's land of the Mediterranean, two white shadows were flying quickly.

"Aha, they are really willing to spend money." Feeling the shock wave behind him like a whip, No. 33 pounced forward, his white cloak suddenly unfolded, and a huge "ship" was stretched out beside him. sail".

The sail held up by the cloak was instantly filled by the shock wave. The sail, which was originally half a man high, was rapidly expanded and stretched, like snakes swallowing oversized bananas.

The two people, who were not slow in the first place, accelerated again. They passed by countless stone peaks and gravels, and flew dangerously between huge rocks one after another.

The cloaks on their bodies slowly expanded to the limit. Under the action of huge stress, these "fabrics" composed of nano-movable units made a "crack-crack-crack" sound that was about to fail.

The next second, the blue sea appeared in front of the two people.The sailboat anchored in the abandoned port was floating quietly.

The white cloak began to gradually disintegrate, like two snow meteors streaking across the sky - where the meteors passed, the snowflakes scattered little by little, then slowly fell, and finally melted in the blue sea water.Just disappeared completely.

No. 33 and Truth are falling faster and faster, and the angle is getting wider and wider.After all the white cloaks on their bodies turned into snowflakes and dispersed, the two of them fell into the water together.

Turning around from the water and looking in the direction of the base of Mount Argentario, a huge mushroom cloud slowly rose from the top of the tall, green mountain.Below the mushroom cloud, the mountain peak was cut off in the middle and exploded into a flower made of dust and stones.

"It is recommended to evacuate this machine as soon as possible." In the embrace of truth, an electronic voice that sounded a little distorted suddenly said, "The circuit board of this machine has not been treated with salt spray resistance. If it continues to be immersed in seawater, it may cause damage to this machine. Irreparable damage.”

No. 42 and No. 33 looked at each other with surprise and surprise in their eyes. No. 42 climbed onto the sailboat, then took out a plastic box from his arms and placed it on the deck, "How did you know we were soaked in seawater?"

"We are still alive." S3C7's voice contained no emotion at all. "According to my observation, the acrylic panel surrounding my working position is equipped with at least twelve different sensors. Once I leave my working position, , these twelve sensors will send out signals at the same time, warning the monitors."

S3C7 in the box replied, "They set up twelve different sensors around, of course not to come and clean up in time after learning that I left. Considering the relationship between this machine and the Argentario Mountain base operations team, Relationship, I have every reason to believe that they will choose to eliminate this unit as soon as possible after I leave, and kill you by the way."

It paused, and then said, "It has been 82 minutes since I triggered the sensor, and my processor is still operating normally. This means that the destruction of me was not successful. And at this time point, the liquid was transmitted From the sound, the only reasonable inference is that you have entered the Mediterranean Sea."

"Congratulations, you guessed it right." No. 33 stood on the deck, twisting the water in his clothes with both hands and said, "Then have you figured out how we should evacuate here?"

"The nearby port is a good choice. After all, this area was a very famous tourist area before the big collapse." S3C7 said, "But I think your evacuation plan will eventually fail, and I am ready to make my own suggestions."

Truth smiled, "Oh? What's your opinion?"

"According to this aircraft's estimation, all the stored fuel from Menton to the Port of Imperia should have expired. Traditional internal combustion engine power is not enough to drive ordinary ships out of the range of the SS's firepower at high speed." S3C7 Said, "Rather than evacuating by land and sea, this aircraft recommends that you head northeast first, bypass Genoa and then southeast. As long as you arrive at Piombino Port, you can head southwest past the Tuscan Islands, and then board the Corsica."

"I didn't know you had a travel planning function." No. 33 stood at the stern and said with a smile, "Then what? We circled the Ligurian Sea and finally landed on the island of Corsica where Napoleon was exiled. No. It will take us at least fifteen days to provide transportation and covert operations. If we sail, we can reach Port Calvi in ​​about ten hours."

"You are more likely to be sunk by Union Guard fighter planes in two hours." S3C7 said, "I am not very worried about this. After all, I am just a robot. But I feel that you do not have long-range capabilities." Backup and off-site disaster recovery and restart capabilities – it’s better to be careful.”

"Oh, come on." No. 33 retorted, "In the entire Hand of Putah project, you are the only finished robot. After you massacred all the workers in the entire base, the coalition government has collected all the information on Hand of Putah. Destroyed. It’s hard to say whether I have remote backups, but you definitely don’t.” “You don’t seem to be worried about your own safety.” S3C7 asked, “Can humans have off-site backups?”

"Ordinary humans don't have it, but we are not ordinary humans." No. 33 used an ax to cut the anchor chain directly, then started the hydrogen internal combustion engine on the sailboat and headed out of the port. "Don't worry, we will take you away."

As the sailboat sailed out of the port, Mount Argentario exploded violently again. In order to completely eliminate the invaders, the SS used more than one nuclear weapon.

But obviously, they did not expect that the intruders were actually equipped with fabric cloaks made of nano-mobile units.This expensive material, which is thirty times more expensive per gram than gold, is difficult to use even in research institutions under the Academic Committee.Weaving them into a cloak is an outrageous arrangement that is unheard of.

The Union Guard did not expect that the coalition government had determined that the main target of the intruders should be the magnetic accelerator, and the laboratory sensor of the magnetic accelerator also sent out an alarm signal.But the two intruders were just going for S3C7 from the beginning - the magnetic accelerator was just a cover.

The SS therefore determined that the intruders should still be in the Argentario Mountain base, and made arrangements to focus on attacking the interior of the base.

No. 33 and No. 42 were able to escape with S3C7, largely due to this unexpected event.

But unexpected things like this can only be effective if you are unprepared.When the SS began to expand the search area step by step, it was impossible for this ordinary sailing boat sailing on the Mediterranean Sea at a speed of 12 knots to escape detection.

The fact was as expected by S3C7. 35 minutes after leaving the port, a fighter jet roared past the sky and then began to circle above the sailboat.

The pilot of the fighter jet issued an instruction via VHF radio, requiring the sailboat to stop sailing immediately and undergo inspection.The truth very calmly stated through VHF that the anchor of the ship was missing and the ship could not stop where it was.But it can sail at low speed and wait for the SS ships to come over for inspection.

The SS aircraft agreed to this plan, and after about five and ten minutes, a frigate with a displacement of approximately 10 tons appeared on the skyline.

"Hmm... It's about the same as we estimated." No. 33 poked his head out from behind the helm of the ship and asked No. 42, who was lying on the deck hammock basking in the sun, "Are we going to execute it now?"

"Execute it." No. 42 pulled down his sunglasses and said, "End it early - so we can get home early."

No. 33 nodded and pressed a blue button next to the rudder.The vibrator installed on the stable rudder at the bottom of the sailboat started quickly, and based on the signal from the wire, it sent out the agreed signal at a vibration frequency of 20 Hz.

In the water 180 meters deep at the bottom of the sailboat, a large black fish with a displacement of 7900 tons and a total length of 115 meters quietly opened the torpedo launch tube on the bow of the ship.

The two torpedoes slid into the water through the track and swam towards the frigate at a speed of forty knots.

After the torpedoes were launched, the four vertical launch bays on the back of the submarine were loaded with submarine-launched anti-aircraft missiles. At the same time that the two torpedoes hit the target, the anti-aircraft missiles left the vertical launch tube, floated to the surface, and turned on the engine.Four anti-aircraft missiles dragged long tongues of flame, tearing the fighter jets hovering in the sky into pieces.

"This is our retreat route." No. 33 held the box and said with a smile as he looked at the submarine hull that had surfaced. "A beautiful nuclear-powered attack submarine!"

(End of this chapter)

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