Son of the Stars

Chapter 116 1 sample

Chapter 116 Same

"What news did our friends deliver?" Inside the submarine, No. 42 asked sitting on the ground next to the captain's seat.He straightened his legs, leaned back, and stretched his muscles with all his strength.

"There is no news." The captain who looked exactly like him standing behind No. 42 said, "Our radio has not received any meaningful signals in the past 24 hours, and even regular communications have stopped."

No. 42's eyes widened, "Is there a problem with the coalition government?"

"What we can determine is that there was a very fierce conflict between the coalition government and the Academic Committee." The captain replied, "But the media has no news reports, and our believers cannot get close to the inside... The review hall of the Academic Committee is completely blocked, We don’t know what happened inside.”

It seems that he expected that No. 42 would be curious about the current situation. After ordering the ship to dive to a depth of 350 meters and move southwest at a speed of two knots, the captain took out a square from under his seat. A square box.

"This is a news briefing printed on paper." The captain explained to No. 42 apologetically, "The briefing was dropped by a merchant ship in Palma - the timeliness is not very good."

The submarine is a very concealed "vehicle", but it also has its own shortcomings.

The disadvantage is that the signal transmission is unstable.

Water has a strong shielding effect on electromagnetic waves. The shorter the wavelength, the better the shielding effect.If you want a submarine to receive electromagnetic signals in deep water, you can only use extremely low-frequency electromagnetic waves in ultra-long waves for communication.

However, the construction of extremely low-frequency transmitting stations is extremely difficult, the energy efficiency is extremely low, and the signaling efficiency is also extremely low. These characteristics make it impossible for the cult to utilize electromagnetic waves in this frequency band.

They are a cult, a cult that operates secretly and hopes that all humans in the world will perish.It is not a nuclear-armed country that can build huge transmission towers and at the same time firmly prevent the SS from discovering and destroying the towers.

Therefore, in order to ensure that the submarine can maintain a certain degree of information acquisition capabilities from the outside world, the order has tried its best to place many believers on merchant ships on the main routes of the Mediterranean.After spotting a merchant ship, the submarine would surface to periscope depth and send out a brief photoelectric signal.

If a believer on a merchant ship receives a photoelectric signal and he has a message to convey, he will throw a special box off the ship.After the merchant ship leaves, the submarine will surface and retrieve the box.

Such positions are actually easier to arrange than imagined. After all, the radiation in the Mediterranean area exceeds the standard.The work of seafarers is already boring and stressful, and sailing in sea areas with excessive radiation is even more risky.This has also caused merchant ships throughout the Mediterranean to basically face serious manpower shortages.

This gave the Order a channel to maintain submarine intelligence delivery in the Mediterranean.

Of course, this kind of delivery channel cannot guarantee the effectiveness of intelligence, but fortunately, some intelligence can be inferred without too high timeliness.

For example, this is the front-page article published in the Strait of Hormuz newspaper.

"How long will the academic committee protect the cult organization?" 》

When he saw this title, No. 42's pupils shrank instantly.He quickly read on to the back.

As he read, No. 42's pupils began to relax slowly, and the wrinkled skin between his eyebrows gradually relaxed.He raised his head, smiled at the captain and No. 33, and said, "After so many years, they finally found No. [-]."

The second clone is Tong Xinge, a senior adviser to the coalition government and currently serving on the academic committee.

"Of course the coalition government will not be so stupid as to forget that No. 33 is a traitor on our side." No. [-] said, "The identity of No. [-] was suddenly thrown out... is it because they are in civil strife?"

Truth nodded, "No matter how dedicated they are to serving the coalition government, the genes from the original body are their original sin. This original sin makes them an excellent tool to frame the blame. They don't even need to have any other crimes. , as long as you have a relationship with them."

No. 33 thought for a while and said, "Then this is a good thing for us. The civil strife of the coalition government will only weaken their own strength. This is conducive to the implementation of our plan."

Truth doesn't answer directly.He frowned and thought for a while, then said to the captain beside him, "If we have to rush back to East Asia, how can we go the fastest?"

"The safest way is of course to take our ship." The captain quickly replied after gesturing a few times on the chart, "But the Suez Canal is under the control of the coalition government. For safety reasons, we can only enter the Atlantic Ocean through the Strait of Gibraltar. Then go north to the Arctic Ocean, pass through the Bering Strait and then go south. This distance is about 25 nautical miles. Under long-distance sailing, the maximum speed that the ship can maintain is 12 knots, and it will take us about [-] days to arrive."

No. 33 frowned and asked, "Why do you want to go to East Asia suddenly? The coalition government there is too powerful, and it is too risky to go rashly."

"The contradiction between the coalition government and the Academic Committee cannot be made public." Zhen Zhi frowned. "There are people within the coalition government who want to get rid of the shackles of the Academic Committee. This process will be painful, and it will also make it difficult for the coalition government to take care of us. . But... the power of the coalition government is too strong, and they will eventually complete the suppression of the academic committee. By that time, the coalition government without restraint will become a more urgent threat to us."

"Then I suggest you land near Beirut." The captain suggested, "We have a camp in Beirut, and they should have enough capacity to send you to East Asia as soon as possible."

No. 33 frowned and asked, "I still don't understand... Even if their civil strife does not benefit us, then how can we prevent the enemy's civil strife from happening?"

S3C7, who was lying on the captain's desk, made a voice, "This machine believes that the situations of the coalition government and the religious group are very similar. Through this, the religious group can effectively guide the behavior model of the coalition government and promote the realization of the coalition government and the academic committee. reconciliation."

No. 33 was confused when he heard this. He picked up the box containing the S3C7 and shook it up and down. "Isn't this box very waterproof? Why is there still water in it?"

"This is my fault." S3C7 admitted his mistake very sincerely and quickly. "As a high-level AI platform, this machine should explain it in a more direct way. What I mean is that the coalition government has no Questions have their own sources within the Order, just as the Order has its own sources within the coalition government. By passing correct information through these sources, the actions of the coalition government can be influenced."

"Is there a traitor among us?" No. 33 was startled. He suddenly seemed to realize something, and turned to look at Zheng Zhi, who had a calm face, and the submarine captain No. 40 beside Zhen Zhi, "You have known this for a long time? "

"Everyone knows who he is." Truth smiled and patted No. 33 on the shoulder, "It's just that this kind of news should not be publicized - a traitor whose whereabouts are known is more important than a dead person, so we put it He stayed."

S3C7 promptly added, "As for the 'right message' that's easier. They need a bigger, more tangible threat."

Truth clicked his finger on the table, and he said to the captain, "Set up a floating signal transmitter. Just release the electromagnetic wave after ten hours, and broadcast it to the sect, saying that the Narassa Project has been completed. In preparation, we will conduct experiments in East Asia."

(End of this chapter)

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