Chapter 117
In the academic committee's review hall, nineteen people were sitting in a corner of the hall.The thirteen academician committee members looked uneasily and angrily at the "staff" who were removing the seats in the review hall in the distance.

The situation now is clear, simple and clear.What is happening is a coup - the third since the formation of the coalition government.

In the past few decades, the coalition government has suffered less frequent coups than the smaller countries in the African region before the Great Collapse, but there have been two noteworthy attempted coups.

The leaders of the monumental first coup were evacuated governments from the Mediterranean region.This six-nation alliance, composed of the remnants of national institutions in the Northern Mediterranean region, played a role in maintaining order in refugee camps during the later stages of the Great Collapse.

Subsequently, they announced their recognition of the coalition government as the only legitimate representative of all mankind.I implore the newly formed coalition government to assist in the evacuation of residents in the Mediterranean radiation zone.

The nascent and weak coalition government consumed a lot of resources and even cost many lives.In the end, the coalition government spent six years relocating 600 million people from the Mediterranean region.

These refugees were resettled in the Near East, or moved south along the Red Sea to places such as Djibouti or Ethiopia.

At a meeting to celebrate the seventh anniversary of the establishment of the coalition government, the evacuation government suddenly launched an attack, claiming that residents from the Mediterranean region had been subjected to planned and systematic racial discrimination by the coalition government.The disbanded evacuation government issued a statement demanding that the coalition government be dissolved immediately and the independence of each country be restored based on the territories before the collapse.

The Coalition Government's response has been exemplary.Within half an hour of the evacuation government's announcement, the General Investigation Bureau released an investigation report on key members of the evacuation government.The report disclosed in detail the entire process of core members accepting bribes from some companies and selling basic social services in the country for profit.The core purpose of their coup is to bring the evacuated people back to the nuclear wasteland.Then buy the social public services provided by those companies that pay bribes.

Such as expensive water and electricity, public transportation and fuel, food and even entertainment products.

While releasing the investigation report, the General Investigation Bureau launched a multi-pronged attack.In addition to arresting the heads of bribery companies, hundreds of "media outlets" were also eliminated that advocated that the coalition government had completed its historical mission and should be dissolved and the division of countries before the Great Collapse restored.

In the end, with highly targeted crackdowns, the first coup was quelled with little effort.

The second coup was more serious in nature, and a coalition of the SS troops stationed in the North Island of New Zealand declared independence.

From the perspective of actual impact, it is not a big problem for New Zealand's northern and southern islands to break away from the coalition government.After all, New Zealand's location is not very important to the entire world - there are no major waterways, no important and rare resources, and even a small population.

But it is of such a serious nature that the coalition government is left with only one way to deal with it.

The United Guards Pacific Fleet was dispatched, and under the attack of six marine divisions, the North Island rebels were completely wiped out.The so-called leaders elected by the rebels and all "government officials" in high positions were executed.Only three prominent locals who had been forced into office were spared because they secretly informed the coalition government about the rebels.

Coups are not uncommon for coalition governments, and they have considerable experience in dealing with them.

However, there seems to be something different about this coup.

Academician Sun Lin, who was sitting on the far left, turned to look at the people in gray coats, and then said to Yuan Siping, "Teacher Yuan, why do these people look familiar to me?"

"It looks familiar." Academician Yuan Siping said in a low voice without changing his expression, "The one taking the lead is the deputy director of the Special Service Division. When there were public events in the past, it was he and another deputy director who came to talk to us. Communicate security details.”

"Why are the Secret Service so confused and want to come to attack us?" Sun Lin was puzzled. "If you want to carry out a coup, it should also be carried out against the coalition government, right? After all the hard work, just a few of us have been detained. What’s the use?”

This question silenced Yuan Siping.The old man thought about it for a while, and then he said hesitantly and uncertainly, "Because...we are on duty?"

The level of the academic committee is the same as the joint meeting of core members of the coalition government, which is the highest level.This means that the Secret Service must have paid a huge price in the entire process of controlling the Academic Committee.

When the academicians were brought from their residences to the review hall, they saw the devastation along the way, as well as the obviously lifeless armed men lying on the ground.

I just couldn't see clearly which side those people who fell on the ground belonged to.

The organization that launched the coup paid a huge price, but only managed to control [-] academicians and six staff members of the academic committee.This status quo is unreasonable.Yuan Siping has worked in scientific research all his life, and he knows very well that all efforts in this world are waiting for a response.

Just like himself, the sweat of hybrid crops is for the hope of increasing yields, and the hard work of breeding and transplanting is for the dream of enjoying the cool weather without worries.He has worked in agriculture all his life and is always praised as the "most selfless" academician.But Yuan Siping knew in his heart that he was always the greediest one.The output is a thousand catties, but I am greedy for two thousand catties.It’s been two seasons a year, and I’m going to be greedy for three seasons.He is never satisfied, always giving more and expecting something in return.

Even now.
"The loss is too great." On the top floor of the Academic Committee, a thick layer of temporarily arrived sandbags was built into the wall.The two people were arguing with each other, their expressions twisted, as if they wanted to eat each other alive.

"The Secret Service is the only armed force we have at our disposal, but you stupidly let our only armed force attack a group of teachers!" Secret Service Director James Rowley looked pale, clenched his thin right hand into a fist, and then fiercely He hit the table hard, his empty left sleeve swinging back and forth beside his body, "You are going to throw us directly into hell!"

"Wuhou has calculated that this is our plan with the highest success rate." Anton Andrebov Belford, director of the North American Regional Investigation Bureau of the Comprehensive Investigation Bureau, stood behind the window, calmly lowering his head towards the darkness outside the window. Looking at it, "If we attack the core members of the coalition government directly, our success rate is only 0.14%. But if we take down the academic committee first, the success rate can increase to 45%."

"Fuck your success rate, open your eyes and look outside!" Rowley roared, "In order to take over this building, at least more than 200 of us died! There is no way the SS is on our side. Neither will the people from the General Investigation Bureau - we don’t have any reinforcements..."

Raleigh gasped and asked, "You said seven of the nine core committee members are in this building - where are they?!"

"Marquis Wu has calculated that they will indeed come." Anton looked down at the handheld device, "I just asked, the three core committee members came last night - there is no problem with Marquis Wu's calculations, it's just that the time is off." He looked up at Raleigh and asked calmly, "I would like to know why your people didn't accurately communicate the time of their arrival?"

"They are bodyguards, not spies." Raleigh retorted, "Since none of your spies are left, then stop using the standard of spies to ask others."

The two looked at each other for a while, and the tense atmosphere gradually calmed down.

"We must cooperate, Mr. Rowley." Anton said solemnly, "The North American Bureau was almost completely destroyed, and the Secret Service's protection missions failed one after another... We have become abandoned. If we don't resist, what awaits us The only destiny is death."

"It's just a life. They can take it if they can." Raleigh sat down on the stool and asked, "But there are some things I have to figure out. Since the 'Wuhou' you have been talking about just now, ', what on earth is it?"

Anton turned to look at Raleigh. After a few seconds, he spoke at a slightly slower pace, "Wuhou is a super AI. It was born before the Great Collapse and operates through [-] brains. It is The entire North America... no, the most powerful tactical AI in the world."

In order to emphasize the power of Marquis Wu, Anton specifically gave an example, "The action to evacuate the government was led by Marquis Wu. After agreeing to the request to evacuate the government, Marquis Wu judged that the probability of their rebellion was 97.1%, and the reasons for rebellion were 85% are due to corporate bribery.”

"Under the command of Marquis Wu, the Comprehensive Investigation Bureau conducted a large-scale surveillance investigation of the evacuated government in advance, and then obtained the key evidence. And these tasks had already begun seven years before their rebellion."

After hearing this, Luo Li frowned and asked, "Then...has Wuhou already judged our actions?"

"Three years ago, I stopped Wu Hou's routine monitoring of the world." Anton lowered his head and said, "You can rest assured that no one knows Wu Hou's judgment."

In the ruins of Itasca State Park in Memphis, a huge stone suddenly rose slowly from the ground, revealing the internal stairs and then moved to the flat ground aside.

Li Xiaohui walked out slowly from the stairs. She sat by the stone, looked at the slowly flowing yellow Mississippi River water, and gently wiped the sweat from her head.

On her personal handheld device, a two-headed cartoon figure with a feather fan and a turban was walking around shaking his head.After walking around the map icon twice, the villain suddenly spoke.

"Everything is difficult to overcome. Everything is difficult to reverse." The villain raised his head and stared at Li Xiaohui and said, "Why don't you push the boat with the current and use the reverse as bait to catch the fishermen?"

Li Xiaohui listened carefully to the villain's words, and after thinking for a moment, she showed a sad expression.

"Why didn't I study classical Chinese when I was in high school..."

 I thought over and over again that this plot should be written as quickly as possible while keeping it as complete as possible.It will be finished in about a week, and then I will slowly write science fiction.

(End of this chapter)

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