Son of the Stars

Chapter 123 Marquis Wu

Chapter 123 Marquis Wu

Wuhou is a very special tactical AI.This specialness can be gleaned from his name and the location of the biological brain matrix.

In history, Marquis Wu was full of clever strategies, and most of his strategies were based on attacking the mind, with little thought of fighting for power and gain.Naming AI after such a historical figure from the main competitive target country makes its goals and imaginary enemies self-evident.

But unlike Zhuge Liang in the novel's interpretation, the AI ​​Marquis Wu did not have the ability to observe the sky and know the world's affairs, let alone set up a seven-star lantern at the origin of the five feet to borrow life from the sky.But Wu Hou did have a very powerful ability, so powerful that people in the past would regard him as a monster or a god.

Unlike other AIs, Wuhou's ability to predict society and individuals is extremely powerful and reliable.Wuhou's ability to speculate does not rely on explicit numerical calculations or large amounts of information data.Its "speculation" is actually an active ability.

The development of the world and the process of social history are created by people, and this creation process will be affected by many factors.For example, changes in the socio-economic structure, changes in productivity and the contradiction between supply and demand, or guided by a certain doctrine, a certain thought, or even by the literary and artistic works created by writers.

The development of society is an uncertain event between chaos and exquisite numerical calculations. We can clearly know that changes in some indicators can affect the development of this system.But we can never exhaust all indicators and draw a clear connection between these indicators and the system.

This is the natural law of society, and even Marquis Wu cannot resist it.

But it is still possible to make biased predictions. For example, Wu Hou made a judgment that without intervention, human society will inevitably collapse completely.So he responded and gave birth to a coalition government.The coalition government successfully reversed the future of human society's destruction, and under the guidance of Wuhou, began to invest heavily in science and technology.

This success made Wu Hou realize that instead of worrying about the illusory future and setting up various defensive methods, there would be no good results in the end.It is better to simply let your worries become a reality and prepare in advance to deal with this reality.

This sounds awkward, but in practice it is surprisingly simple and easy.

On the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the coalition government, Wu Hou judged that the development of the coalition government had serious flaws.Ad hoc and crude systems were unable to match the immense power they brought.The coalition government will inevitably face a serious crisis in the future, but we don’t know when or where it will happen.

But for Wu Hou, he only needs to cultivate a group of people who are easy to control or manipulate, and then let these people become the source of the storm to complete the risk management.

"Training specific people to become the source of risks?" Lu Chen frowned and asked, "It means...the people who launched the rebellion now were actually trained by Marquis Wu?"

Lu Chen's question was answered in the affirmative.

However, Wuhou also did some "self-defense." At least in its mouth, it only achieved an impact on individuals through a specific information push algorithm.For example, these people will have a great reaction to the sudden sound of the theme song of a classic science fiction movie. They will subconsciously twist their body to see if it is their lover. They will hesitate for a moment before firing, unsure whether to pull the trigger.

It is not difficult to predict. What is difficult is how to follow up on your prediction at any time and judge whether to detonate in advance to control the risk.

For example, the leader who planned the entire mutiny this time - Anton Andrebov Belford, Director of the North American Branch of the General Investigation Bureau.The relationship between the two and Secret Service Director James Rowley is one of the fruits of Wuhou's work.

It selected a fairly wealthy garden designer and exerted a "subtle influence" on him.Soon, the designer began to believe that in this era when the pain of the Great Collapse had not yet completely passed, a garden was needed to become a landmark for mankind to pay homage to the past golden age.Because the cost of constructing this garden was extremely high, the designer declared bankruptcy after the garden was completed, packed up his belongings, and went to East Asia.

Subsequently, an entertainment company established less than two years ago took over the garden.And the garden was transformed into a high-end private club.

Later, Wu Hou used an algorithm to strongly recommend this club to Anton, which was slightly away from the investigation bureau. He also used a loophole in the system to adjust Anton's consumption discount ratio - from the original 92% direct discount to 35%.After using this small favor to trap Anton, Wuhou once again used the push algorithm to find Raleigh.Raleigh's wife likes to travel, but compared to the wilderness, she prefers to be in a garden with exquisite scenery, the kind of place where countless AI robots and real attendants can serve you with a tap of your hands.

And such a garden is right at the door of Anton's club lounge.

Anton, who was still the deputy director, became good friends with the Rowleys, who were already deputy directors of the Secret Service.The enthusiastic Mrs. Rowley introduced her best friend to Anton, who later became Mrs. Belford.

Mrs. Belford has loved watching various spy dramas, movies and related novels since she was a child.Those extremely charming agents are simply her best companions.Remaining loyal in the face of danger and saving the day with grace—what little girl could say no?

Mrs. Belford has always been grateful for her fate. There have been so many magical blessings in her life.For example, there was a problem with the lottery system, allowing me to be admitted to a high school far away, and becoming classmates with India.For example, when you and your first boyfriend booked a flight together for a vacation, you were the only one who had to change the flight because the flight was overbooked.As a result, the plane in the sky had an accident, and none of the passengers survived.And she later learned that her first boyfriend was engaged to someone else a long time ago and was still having ambiguous relationships with several girls at the same time.

Her life is full of good luck, and these gifts from fate will be rewarded on the same day.

Twenty-two years after the Crash, and five years after her marriage, Mrs. Belford was involved in a cultist attack.Dozens of cultists are hunting down a mysterious figure codenamed "Number Two," and the hunt stretches from the Mediterranean to North America.

In order to kill this mysterious figure, these cultists drove trucks directly to the hotel where he was said to be hiding.Six trucks loaded with a total of 36 tons of high explosives were detonated simultaneously downstairs of the hotel - the seventeen-story hotel was blown to pieces.Also killed along with hundreds of hotel guests was Mrs. Belford, who had just arrived at the hotel five minutes before the explosion.

According to the later findings of the General Investigation Bureau, apart from the attackers, Mrs. Belford was the only one in the hotel who had no reasonable reason to be there.

Investigators from the General Bureau of East Asia were determined to include Mrs. Belford in the scope of the investigation.They completely ignored the pleas of Anton, the deputy director of the North American General Investigation Bureau and a recently widowed widower.His residence was regarded as a hideout for criminal suspects, and the house was in a mess as if it had been robbed. Since Mrs. Belford was usually in charge of housework at home, Anton did not even know how many things in the house had been seized by the General Administration. gone.

But among the few, not a single photo of the two of them with paper seals was left, but all of them disappeared.

The General Bureau investigators were so persistent because they received very strong information-Mrs. Belford was a sympathizer of extremist religious elements. She and the four attackers in this attack had all had very violent interactions online. Deep conversations.

 Dear readers, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day!I don’t know what your plans are during the long vacation?

  Luo and his wife are going on a self-driving trip to Suizhou, Hubei Province, and they plan to make two stops along the way.Although I brought a laptop, considering the high probability of traffic jams during National Day, updates are somewhat difficult to guarantee.

  I can only tell you for sure that there will be at least three updates before 7:0 on the [-]th.I will try my best to write, but I really can't guarantee to update it every day. I'm really sorry.

  Updates will still be posted at 7 o'clock every morning. If you don't see it in the morning, it's a pigeon - I will try my best to make up for the missed parts after the National Day.

  I haven't gone out to play in several years, so I'll let Luo be a little more willful. I'm sorry, everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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