Son of the Stars

Chapter 124 Marquis Wu

Chapter 124 Marquis Wu

When Lu Chen heard this, he felt that his bones began to gradually tremble and become astringent, and cold air squeezed out from the gaps between his bones.

This is not a cross-generational tactical AI. This is obviously the Laplace demon hiding behind the Internet and manipulating people's destiny at will.

From the story just now, Lu Chen has roughly found a dozen places where Wu Hou may have modified or interfered.

The good relationship between Anton and Luo Lin is undoubtedly the most direct result of Wu Hou's operation.If Wu Hou had not been involved, the outstanding landscape architect would not have had the sudden idea to use all his property to build a "monument to commemorate the golden age."He would not go bankrupt and end up with a tragic end such as a broken family and a dead family.

The lives of three people were sacrificed just to create a place for an "accidental encounter" for the good relationship between Anton and Luo Lin.Based on this alone, Wu Hou deserves a storage location at the Argentario Mountain Base.

But now that the situation was special, they had to at least keep Wu Hou and find a way to get Yang Weimin back with "all his beards and all his tail".

Lu Chen and Mu Zhiran started to count the control points of Wu Hou in detail with their fingers - if you don't count them, you don't know, but just counting them can really scare people.

Anton's wife, the poor woman who died inexplicably in the explosion, was probably also a poor person whose life was played by Wu Hou.Ever since she fell in love with the agent-type protagonist since she was a child, the shadow of Wu Hou has been firmly fixed in her life.The mistake in the high school lottery was undoubtedly the handiwork of Wu Hou.Otherwise, given the behavioral tendencies of the coalition government, even if serious mistakes were made during the lottery process, it would be impossible for Mrs. Belford and Luo Lin to be assigned to the same high school.High school admission is a very important key educational node. If you make a mistake, you will have to retake the exam, or simply retake the exam.In short, it is absolutely impossible to just let a high school student enter a key high school that is far away from his school district and whose score is 35 points higher.

Also problematic is the acquaintance between the two.Even the act of Luo Lin's wife introducing her best friend to Anton was undoubtedly influenced by Marquis Wu.

The only thing that made Lu Chen hesitate was that this plan seemed too long-term.And there are really many uncontrollable links in the middle.He couldn't understand why Wu Hou was sure that Mrs. Luo Lin and Mrs. Belford could become the closest friends in high school.I don’t know why in order for Anton and Luo Lin to establish a good relationship, there must first be a garden "monument to the golden age" as the foundation.

If this is a clever and detailed conspiracy, the fewer links in between, the better.If Luo Lin and Anton can become good friends directly, then there should not be factors such as gardens, best friends, and high school lottery.Just let Anton's wife be killed in a terrorist attack later and make her a suspect - it would humiliate Anton and make him hate the General Investigation Bureau, while also reducing the risk of the plan going wrong.

"Using the sky and the earth as a board, the chess game is treacherous and cannot be exhausted by human power." Faced with Lu Chen's question, Wu Hou answered honestly and without any concealment, "Mountain people are good at counting. Among trillions of variables, this plan is the killer. ."

Marquis Wu's meaning is obvious. It is not impossible to set up a strategy based on the simplest principles.But according to his calculations, the success rate of this strategy is almost zero.At least it is far inferior to the longer and more complicated strategy - but the principle behind it is not clear to Marquis Wu himself.

"It's like two quanta. To keep them in an entangled state, the best way is to prepare the entangled state through complex laser irradiation and photon transmission." Tang Qinglong explained his views to Lu Chen, "Theoretically, As long as three electrons are placed in orbits outside the lithium atom, we will naturally get a pair of electrons with completely opposite spin directions, and an independent electron that will not affect the entangled state of the pair."

Lu Chen suddenly realized, "But if a special situation like a big collapse occurs, this simple method may fail. Therefore, simple methods may not necessarily have good stability under complex conditions, but complex preparation techniques are more stable?" Lu Chen's The enlightenment attracted everyone's approval and encouragement. Even Wu Hou agreed repeatedly, "Good!"

In the final analysis, the trained AI model is a black box system. It does not know how the input data was processed into the current result.Because of his own particularity, Marquis Wu could also use words such as "intuition" to describe this process.If it were another AI, it would most likely have apologized repeatedly for being unable to explain it, and then would have crashed while trying to use a black box to explain the black box.

Lu Chen and others on the other end of the phone temporarily turned off the communication sound, and then began to communicate quickly.Including the few Secret Service guards who were still faithfully performing their duties, no one present said they could trust Wu Hou.

What's even more frightening is that everyone has a kind of hesitation or worry - they can't believe Wuhou's thinking tendency now. Could it be that Wuhou has slowly implanted it into everyone through various means in the past ten or twenty years? In your head?
Judging from the direct hard connection results between Watanabe and No. 14, there is a high probability that personality is a collection of responses formed based on memory.In more literary terms, this is "whoever controls the past controls the present and the future."

If two individuals have identical memories, it is entirely possible for them to become the same "person."Now both Watanabe and NO.14 believe that they are the real Watanabe, which shows that the personality of middle-aged men is polluting-the kind of pain and sourness that cannot be endured in life is not a copy of the world. People can survive if they can withstand it.

Lu Chen blinked, and a lot of tears suddenly appeared in his sore eyeballs to relieve the discomfort. He looked at Wu Hou pacing back and forth on the screen holding a feather fan, and a question suddenly appeared in his heart.

Did Watanabe's sad experience and the tragedy of his life come from the conflict of ideas between him and his wife...or was it the mastermind behind Wu Hou?

With this thought, Lu Chen felt a "bang" in his head.When he opened his eyes again and looked at his companions around him, a creepy question gradually filled Lu Chen's mind.

Including ourselves, from childhood to adulthood, every choice we make, every choice that can determine our own life path... is it really made by ourselves?
If personality is made up of memories, can the people who have been disturbed by Wuhou’s push algorithm still be considered “themselves”?

What exactly counts as a human being, what counts as “oneself”?
 Dear readers, Happy National Day!

  Luo has successfully arrived at Chenzhou, the first stop of his journey today.After checking into the hotel at five o'clock in the afternoon, I took my wife to take a look at the middle school where I studied in junior high school, and also took a look at my "former residence".

  Unexpectedly, the dilapidated alley next to the "former residence" and the vegetable market with dirty water everywhere were demolished and rebuilt, and now it has become a beautiful antique tourist pedestrian street similar to Ciqikou.Looking at the huge crowds of people, I couldn’t help but feel filled with emotion.

  I'm leaving for Yueyang tomorrow, I don't know if I can get another chapter together.Just let it happen...

(End of this chapter)

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