Chapter 125
Yang Weimin sat alone on a soft chair, his eyes covered, looking like a doctor who had been deprived of his vision.

As an ordinary doctor, Yang Weimin's experience today has obviously exceeded the average experience of more than 95% of his peers.Although the work of clinicians is terrible, most of the time they are beaten by the family members of patients who have lost control of their emotions. In extremely rare cases, they may be stabbed twice.

But encounters like today's have probably never happened to other doctors.

When the light shone on his face at first, he really couldn't see anything.After he was "held hostage" and left the hotel, a black hood was placed directly on Yang Weimin's head, but he still couldn't see anyone.

But he knew very well who had "held" him hostage.

Yang Weimin's father-in-law is an entrepreneur, financier, or capitalist who claims to be a "slightly wealthy" family member.Unlike other colleagues, Yang Weimin's father-in-law has no interest in participating in social work.He has always maintained a certain distance from the coalition government, academic committees and other institutions.

At the same time, he also maintains a safe distance from the media tycoons who are keen to criticize and monitor the coalition government.In addition to running advertisements on time every year and providing free media subscription services to all department staff and customers, Yang Weimin's father-in-law has almost no dealings with media tycoons.

As the world's second largest steel manufacturer, the fourth largest petrochemical processor, and the second largest hydrogen energy storage group in annual processing output and first in sales, Chongyang Heavy Industry has always maintained an impressive relationship with the political and business circles. A safe distance.

Due to some historical issues left over from the Great Collapse, Chongyang Heavy Industry retained part of its armed forces to protect the factory.As the only armed force that is legally funded, recruited, and commanded by private enterprises, Chongyang Heavy Industries' defense subsidiary has also become an important source of "reassuring" feelings.After all, those media tycoons also know that weapons of criticism can never replace weapons of criticism.

The coalition government's attitude towards Chongyang Heavy Industry is much more ambiguous than that of the tycoons who guide their opinions in the media all day long - outstanding retired officers and non-commissioned officers of the United Guards will be given priority to be recommended for employment in Chongyang Heavy Industry, but due to establishment regulations, Chongyang Heavy Industry The size of the heavy industry guard is limited to 3980 people.Every time a new retired officer and non-commissioned officer enters Chongyang Heavy Industry, an equal number of members of the old guard must leave.

A "replacement" of 200 people is carried out almost every year. The outside world interprets this as the coalition government is using peaceful means to seize control of the Chongyang Heavy Industry Guards.

Thomas Stuart, the actual controller of Chongyang Heavy Industries, cannot control what others think, nor does he want to control it.He only solemnly introduced two people to Yang Weimin at his daughter's wedding.

"This is my guard captain, Colonel Roberts. This is Mr. Field, the chief financial officer of Chongyang Heavy Industry." Thomas introduced the two people around him with a champagne glass in his hand, and then spoke slowly and looked at Yang Weimin with a sad expression. Said, "I also know that Winnie doesn't like to live among layers of guards, but the status of Chongyang Heavy Industry is really too important, and there are too many prying eyes around us..."

Thomas said a lot of things that day, some from the bottom of his heart, some from the effects of alcohol.But in any case, Thomas introduced the two most critical people in the entire Chongyang Heavy Industry to Yang Weimin, and told him, "When you work and live at Central University in the future, you shouldn't have to deal with Mr. Roberts too much." Field The teacher will send you a letter every two months. The letter will explain the business development of Chongyang Heavy Industry in the past two months, the degree of realization of long-term development goals, as well as the people and developments within the group that require high attention - these information can Make sure you take over the stall as soon as possible after my death."

"Colonel Roberts... Colonel Roberts will not have any chance to have personal contact with you." Thomas, who had finished his sixth glass of champagne after the wedding banquet began, looked at Yang Weimin with blurred eyes, as if he was looking at his son, and as if he was looking at Yang Weimin. Look at the enemy.The hair-raising gaze made Yang Weimin feel uncomfortable all over his body. Half a minute later, Thomas leaned against Yang Weimin seemingly drunk.

Then, he muttered in a low voice that only he and Yang Weimin could hear, "If you and Roberts meet outside the headquarters, then don't hesitate - all actions will be at his discretion."
Although he is not sure whether being blinded by the spotlight from beginning to end can be regarded as a "meeting", Yang Weimin is very sure that the commander who is arranging others to "enter the predetermined position" is Colonel Roberts.

Coincidentally, if it were anyone else, Yang Weimin would never dare to confirm the identity of the other person just by listening to his voice - this behavior is really too risky.But Colonel Roberts' situation was unique.

Due to a serious injury during his military career, Colonel Roberts' vocal cords were damaged and he was completely unable to speak.The transplant operation in this place is too difficult, and there is no guarantee that the voice will be restored to the same level as before the damage.So Roberts has always spoken using an electronic pickup attached to the lower part of his pharynx.

Because electronic pickups are external devices, they are not restricted by the Cybertronics Act.The model of electronic pickup used by Roberts is particularly special - it is a product of pure electronic technology before the Great Collapse, and does not have a built-in AI system that can modify the sound.

Roberts's voice sounds like "Robot". The strong electronic synthesis style and the friction sound of the upper throat scar hitting the pickup head make his voice a unique and personal signature.

Yang Weimin was blindfolded, but he heard Mr. Roberts's voice.So, still remembering his father-in-law's advice, he decided to do nothing - just follow Roberts's arrangements.

After sitting there and waiting and waiting, when Yang Weimin finally began to lose patience and confidence, and began to wonder if he had hearing abnormalities due to pressure - maybe the person speaking was not Roberts at all, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

"Mr. Yang, long time no see." A voice that seemed to be powered on came over with mechanical stumbling sounds, "I never thought we would meet here."

"I think the current situation and environment may not be suitable for socializing and reminiscing." Yang Weimin, who sat there until his butt began to hurt, breathed a sigh of relief, "Should I continue to sit here, or should I do something?"

Roberts obviously did not expect Yang Weimin to be so straightforward. He was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile, "In this case, please read a statement."

After taking off the blindfold on his head, Yang Weimin took the printed statement in his hand and read it twice with a frown, then his expression changed drastically.

It said that Chongyang Heavy Industries was attacked by the Secret Service and the North American Branch of the General Investigation Bureau.The hydrogen fuel manufacturing system collapsed and the group suffered heavy losses.

The Chongyang Heavy Industry Guards will attack the attackers in accordance with the special rights granted by the coalition government.Chongyang Heavy Industry has learned that the attackers attacked the Academic Committee Building at the same time, so the five kilometers around the Academic Committee Building will be regarded as a legal war zone.

The statement requires civilians within this range to evacuate the war zone immediately, and also provides specific safe evacuation routes.In addition, the statement also scolded the coalition government and asked the core members of the coalition government to explain the rebellion of the two important armed departments of the coalition government.

And compensate Chongyang Heavy Industry for all losses suffered.

After reading Yang Weimin's statement, everyone was dumbfounded, "Are we just going to start scolding like this? Shouldn't military operations be about surprises, and shouldn't they sneak into villages and shoot?"

"This is not a military operation." Roberts gave an honest and slightly cunning answer to Yang Weimin's question, "We are just protecting other factory equipment from damage - severely punishing criminals can also deter other people with bad intentions. Bad people.”

(End of this chapter)

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