Son of the Stars

Chapter 131 "The Truth"

Chapter 131 "The Truth"

"The second test is completed." In Dongyang Special City, where Central University is located, the School of Energy's remote numerical control power supply center is heavily guarded.Dongyang Special City's remote CNC power supply center, as an early experimental control unit, has high-frequency control capabilities that far exceed those of current CNCs. It can quickly adjust the line load in a specific area in 5 milliseconds to maintain or improve the operating status of a specific line.

Currently, only the system in the School of Energy in the world can achieve full-power, full-domain, 5-millisecond control—the fastest operating speed of the existing system is 20 milliseconds, and there is no way to achieve full control.The power supply department initially had high hopes for this set of operating equipment, hoping that it could complete the takeover and monitoring of the global power supply system, thereby allocating grid resources to the greatest extent possible and supporting the rapidly rising demand for electricity after the collapse.

As it turns out, there shouldn’t be enough electricity, but there just isn’t.The best solution for the lack of energy support is to continue to build power grids and power stations, rather than trying to use the control system to replace the east wall to make up for the west wall.Therefore, this set of equipment has become completely redundant.But the money invested in manufacturing it cannot be recovered. Such advanced equipment is scrapped. Not only is it a huge waste of resources, but it will also have a very bad impact on the many experts who have studied and approved the project.

Eventually, this entire set of equipment, together with the operations building, became the teaching and practice site for the newly established School of Energy.Then it became the capital for the students of the School of Energy to show off to their friends from other schools - did you know that the CNC power supply center in our school can easily double the load capacity of the circuit system in a small village in the Caucasus Mountains!
"The third test begins." In the final analysis, adjusting the load of the power supply system at the shortest interval of 5 milliseconds across hundreds or thousands of kilometers may sound powerful, but the upper limit of the capacity of the line itself is here.Adjusting the load cannot reduce the power demand on the line. It can only supply more power as much as possible to ensure the stability of user voltage and power on the line.Therefore, the effect of adjusting the load is far less than that of building a large number of energy storage equipment, and the effect of peak and valley adjustment through the virtual power plant system is better.

But today, the system was suddenly taken under control by the General Investigation Bureau and a group of coalition forces. All the teachers and students in the School of Energy were transferred to the Central University for temporary residence.

The reason given by the General Investigation Bureau was that they found a time capsule in the Energy Academy, so they had to seal off and decontaminate the surrounding area.

A group of experimenters in white coats are conducting intense testing work in the operation center - although this set of equipment is advanced and advanced, it has been handed over to a group of students as a practical teaching aid for more than 20 years.The number of various small problems within the system is countless. Even the operation room has a lot of damaged peripheral equipment with worrying health conditions.For example, a mouse that defaults to two clicks when pressed, a stereo that usually doesn't make any sound but occasionally convulses to the point of being so loud that it can't stop, crooked seats with missing arms and legs, and a lot of boogers and chewing gum stuck under the table... This caused the experimenters to give up the idea of ​​​​"start operating immediately" and instead conduct step-by-step tests based on the worst assumptions.

These white coats come from the General Investigation Bureau and the Electrical Protection Brigade of the SS.Each of them is a technical elite who is best at operating the power system in the entire unit. They are also talents who have been determined to be credible after detailed investigations by the General Investigation Bureau.

Their job task is to complete system operations within a fixed time period after being ordered by the on-site commander.The electrical systems that these people need to operate are located in the academic committee's office areas on the third to fifth floors.

As for why this operation was done and what the consequences would be... they had no idea, and at the same time they were not curious.

"The test passed." In short, after spending several hours testing, replacing a large number of equipment, and skipping four servers, these engineers from the General Investigation Bureau and the United Guards Power Security Brigade reported to the on-site commander The result was announced, "The remote CNC power supply system is ready, please give instructions."

"Execute the plan as scheduled." The commander-in-chief on the scene replied without changing his expression. The dark blue suit jacket on his body was shaking slightly in the wind. "Report after execution."

"Execute the scheduled plan according to the scheduled content, and report after completion." After the engineer who came to report correctly repeated the instructions, he pulled down the physical connection gate next to him.A string of weak special radio waves quickly flew out along the wires, flying towards the distant Yunyang City.

"The command has been executed." After seeing the confirmation signal from the electrical distributor in the academic committee's office area returned on the screen, the hairless engineer said to the commander-in-chief, "The relay action will end in 15 seconds."

After finishing speaking, the engineer stood still and did not move.It is not difficult to perform such a task in a remote CNC power supply system. What is difficult is how to confirm that the relay action has met the superior requirements... This is simply impossible at least from an engineer's perspective.

They don't even know what the specific meaning of such a move is.Why do we need to remotely control the relays of the Academic Committee? Why are the specific remote control actions encapsulated in a program that they have no access to the core data? Why is the scope of influence of the remote control strictly limited to rooms on the third floor and above? These questions are among the engineers. There are no answers.This is the characteristic of engineers - they are responsible for performing specific tasks under safe conditions. As for the specific consequences of this task and who can be affected... they don't care at all.

The hairless engineer stood there, waiting for the on-site commander's judgment - if the operation effect was not satisfactory, they could perform another remote control operation.

The on-site commander looked down at the data in his hand. After confirming that the ultraviolet intensity in the academic committee office area began to rise rapidly, he nodded with satisfaction and said, "Mission accomplished, lead the team to retreat - restore the equipment as much as possible As is.”
"There are more and more people with fever." In the Academic Committee Building, Anton got worse and worse news.Chongyang Heavy Industries did not slow down its offensive pace just because they released the academician.Control of several positions outside the Academic Committee has changed hands, and the small number of anti-armor weapons prepared by the North American General Survey are basically used.

At least two armored battalions of the Chongyang Heavy Industry Guards have not shown up.

Wu Hou proposed many combat improvement plans, and his suggestions did make the position more stable.But tactical success could not replace strategic emptiness - Wu Hou still insisted that he should stay where he was and not break out.But everyone, including Anton, didn't understand how they could defeat Chongyang Heavy Industries' escort team if they insisted on staying where they were.

Now, eight people in the entire academic committee building have started to develop high fever.

Anton took a deep breath. He knew the specific research projects being conducted in the North American Research Institute.Although the specific details of quantum energy release syndrome cannot be determined, the content of "explosion after heating" is not difficult to know.

He stood up and pressed the red button on the table.

Four North American General Investigation Service agents walked in with cameras, tape recorders, teleprompters and monitors.

Anton was silent for a while, then nodded to the operators.

The red light on the camera lit up, Anton introduced himself to the camera, and then said, "I have a very important message that must be announced to everyone - mankind is encountering a quantum infection that is more dangerous than the Great Collapse. Disease attacks. The coalition government and academic committees concealed this truth out of narrow self-interest."

"Every human being, every human being living on the planet, is at risk of exploding after sudden and irrepressible heat. Explosions occur all over the world, but they are all decorated to look like accidents."

"One of the Mars manned landing spacecraft has exploded. Explosions will continue to occur, and the frequency will become higher and higher." Anton looked serious, "We have no choice but to mobilize armed forces to correct it. The coalition government's mistake. Now, our attempt is about to fail, but you have a right to know the truth."

(End of this chapter)

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