Chapter 132
"Okay, save this video." The operator holding the monitor said to the other members, "Save the content into the detection chip..." He turned to look at Anton and asked, "Director, use Is your heart rate monitor a trigger?"

"Those people from the General Administration will probably try hard to arrest me. They won't shoot me first unless they have to." Anton shook his head and said, "Randomly select three operators from the team and use their heart rates as triggers - —If more than one person’s heart rate stops, the video will be sent.”

The other operators left the room carrying their things, preparing to go to the area where the equipment was installed for editing and post-processing.The operator holding the monitor stopped.

He looked at Anton and asked hesitantly and worriedly, "Director, is the explosive disease you just mentioned true?"

Anton put down the water glass he just picked up, looked at the middle-aged operator in front of him, and then suddenly realized, "Yes, your daughter participated in the Mars manned landing mission."

"Is there really a manned spacecraft...exploded?" The operator's worry was palpable. He stared at Anton's face with some rudeness, as if he wanted to find the answer from the director's expression.

"The current explosion is the No. [-] ship, and the members on it are from the Ocean Region and South Asia." Anton comforted, "Your daughter should still be safe."

This kind of comfort obviously did not have the desired effect. After all, when he just recorded "Death Book", Anton said that "the incidence of quantum energy release syndrome is higher in environments other than the earth."

"There is no way for her to return to Earth immediately." Anton pondered for a moment and said, "We can only hope that the manned spacecraft she is on is safe and returns to Earth as soon as possible. To do this, we have to First make sure we survive as an independent regime - the coalition won't care about the opinions of a group of North Americans. But they will take seriously the views of a United States of America."

After sending away the father who was worried about his daughter's safety, Anton picked up the phone again, "Wuhou, do you think we can win?"

"Of the three goals you set at the beginning, the probability of success for the goal of freeing yourself from punishment is about 25%. The probability of establishing an independent United States of America is about 32%." Wu Hou's answer was a little slow, and it was obvious that it was Calculating the probability of achieving these goals separately, "the probability of a coalition government respecting the rights and autonomy of Americans is - 98 percent."

"At least one of them can be successful." Anton breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked, "Why do you suggest releasing those academicians? Keep them in our hands, at least the defensive pressure will not be so great now."

"If we detain or harm those academicians, we will completely lose the sympathy of other ordinary people. The coalition government will also face greater pressure. They will simply give up trying to arrest you and use heavy weapons to attack us more actively. "Wu Hou's analysis is very simple and direct, "The probability of achieving these three goals at the same time is extremely low, but if you give up one or two of them, the success rate can increase a lot."

Wu Hou paused and said, "I don't think you want to use those innocent people as shields. Forcing them to stay will only make the allies of the Secret Service and more operators lose their will to fight. If you want to let North America For your voice to be taken seriously, what you need is not a victory in the coup, but a group of martyrs who sacrifice themselves."

The lights around him flickered, and the speakers attached to the walls made a shrill sound.Anton's hand touched his waist, but after confirming that it was just an unstable power supply, he slowly let go.

The power supply system of the Academic Committee itself is an independent system with a very high level of protection.Although the power supply is usually sent from external power plants, in the event of an emergency, the academic committee's own micro molten salt reactor and two isotope thermal difference generator sets can ensure absolutely stable power supply for the entire committee.

Even if it's the end of the world outside, the power supply within the Academic Council will remain stable for five years - without any fluctuations.

"Check the power supply system as soon as possible, especially to see if someone has penetrated into the rear through the power supply room." After conveying his instructions to other operators, Anton sat on the sofa and slowly rubbed his hands. head.

He has also had the experience of overusing his brain, which resulted in severe headaches.For ordinary people, although such problems are annoying, they can at least be tolerated.But for the director of the North American Bureau of the General Investigation Bureau, this kind of problem is simply a fatal blow to his career.

Eventually, Anton underwent a craniotomy and successfully thickened his main cerebral artery.Later, although headaches occasionally occurred, at least the frequency was acceptable.

He shook his head, and an inexplicable palpitating feeling suddenly filled his heart.The headache was not relieved by his massage. On the contrary, Anton began to feel pain and stiffness in his lower back.

No, there must be something wrong with this feeling.

Anton wanted to get up, go find the military doctor, and issue a warning to his men.There must be something wrong in the Academic Council building, maybe some kind of bacteria, or a nerve agent or something like that.

But he found that he couldn't move.It's not the "weak" feeling of being unable to move, but the strange feeling of knowing clearly that you should stand up now, but just not wanting to move.

He is not a man who lacks self-control.A person who lacks self-control cannot risk his own life and the lives of all his subordinates who believe in him in exchange for a future in which "the coalition government respects North Americans more."

But he just didn't want to move.

Reason told him that you should immediately find a way to sound the alarm.But Anton's brain is like a stubborn fat man who is determined not to move his butt until he has finished the ten portions of the family bucket in front of him.

not moving at all.

"Your Majesty?" Wu Hou seemed to notice something was wrong. He asked Anton, "Are you okay?"

Anton said nothing.

"Your Majesty, are you feeling unwell?" Wu Hou suddenly raised his voice, "Come here, Director Anton has been poisoned!"

However...nothing happened.

Wu Hou stood up suddenly, then waved the feather fan in his hand lightly, turning on the surrounding surveillance video.

In the entire academic committee office building, from the 2nd floor to the 5th floor, even the operator who just left with the monitor in his hand stayed where he was.

Time passed minute by minute, and one minute and 35 seconds after everyone seemed to freeze, they regained their ability to move at the same instant.

"Envoy? What happened to you just now?" Wu Hou asked quickly, but received no answer.

What it heard was a burst of gunfire.

After everyone froze for a minute and 35 seconds, everyone who regained their mobility at the same time pulled out their guns and opened fire on themselves.

Anton fell in a pool of blood, his entire face almost torn to pieces by bullets.

Only the corners of his mouth were still rising.

 After Yuan Tong posted the chapter, one of the book friends who came to watch the fun said, "Those who have been sucked by big eyeballs will become weapons even if they don't die."

  I was thinking about the meaning of this sentence, and I was suddenly surprised to find out that my work was shortlisted for the Galaxy Award for Best Online Literature.Most of all, it is just a finalist. Although the awards will be given on the night of the 19th, there is a high probability that you will not win... But, this is the Galaxy Award!
  I was so excited that I was shaking all over.

  Thank you all readers for your love, and I also want to thank Teacher Yuantong and other great gods for their blessings.

(End of this chapter)

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