Son of the Stars

Chapter 136 Influence on Will

Chapter 136 Influence on Will
Each academician has a shoulder bag, which is a special piece of equipment specially distributed by the Academic Committee.The weight and shape of this satchel are no different from ordinary men's satchels, but this satchel, which is mandated by the academic committee, has extremely strong electromagnetic isolation capabilities.It is said to be to ensure that the sensitive information of academicians will not be leaked.

But most of the academicians thought that this was probably because the core committee member's family opened a luggage factory. The remaining academicians thought that it was because there was a lack of orders for new electromagnetic shielding materials, so they took the blame on themselves.

Although the motivation for purchasing is elusive, the academicians like to use this bag very much - it is not big in size, light and strong, and the style is quite good.Best of all, the material this bag is made from really works well.

In addition to being good at isolating electromagnetic signals, it is also very good at isolating sound.

After putting his cell phone into his bag and forcing Wu Hou to shut up, Mu Zhiran dialed Li Xiaohui's number very "smoothly" - even if she was not good at solving the psychological problem of AI wanting to commit suicide, she was trying to comfort her now. Mad Roberts always works.

Roberts' state is best described as "mad".

The middle-aged professional soldier was pinned to the ground by his own soldiers and frantically wanted to rush over to grab the phone and then smash it.

That is not an angry move to stop an AI from continuing to make noise, but more like a measure that should be taken to destroy an evil enemy who has no bottom line.Roberts didn't care that the long-healed wound on his neck was bleeding again, just as he didn't care that he killed the father of the two little girls.

The main culprits who caused the two children to fall into that inhumane tragedy were their father, the cult that bewitched their father, and those scumbags who could still feel happy watching an eight-year-old girl harm herself. .

Roberts insists that there is nothing wrong or blameworthy in his actions.But that doesn't mean he can regain his composure.

The AI ​​called Wuhou must be destroyed.This is for the safety of all mankind.

When the video was just shown, Wu Hou was still on the right side of the screen, showing the specific process and method of influencing everyone in the video.

For example, for decades, they continued to push pornographic content containing specific elements to abusers, such as instilling in a father who lost his wife that "you can't successfully raise two daughters by yourself, so you might as well take them to reunite with your wife." idea.

As an adult, as a father of three girls, and as a family member of the victims of the Great Crash, it only took Roberts a moment to figure out Wuhou's role here.Although the perpetrators of the crime are humans, and although the victims are also humans, the real culprit, the one who induced or caused this series of evil disasters and pain, is the AI ​​named Wuhou.

He had to be killed, as Roberts had been taught since childhood - evil had to be eradicated and the conspirators had to be dealt with.Only in this way can we protect more ordinary people and prevent such tragedies from happening again.Must kill Wu Hou! ——
"Is this enough?" In the noisy classroom, Mu Zhiran, holding the phone, was shocked by Director Li Xiaohui's suggestion.Li Xiaohui said dissatisfied, "I am now half-deep in the mud. In order to answer your call, I have sunk more than ten centimeters - you still want to question my suggestion first?"

Dr. Mu was at a loss for words. He didn't know whether to stabilize Li Xiaohui, who was half buried in the ground, or to calm down Roberts according to the method she taught.

"If there's nothing wrong, I'll hang up first - remember, do as I say!" Li Xiaohui on the other end of the phone hung up the phone unceremoniously.Mu Zhiran was left hesitating at the scene.She looked at her surroundings and then at Roberts, who was struggling on the ground as if he was ill.Then he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, holding his cell phone and walking towards Roberts.

"Pa!" A clear and loud slap completely overwhelmed the noise in the classroom. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the direction of the sound with blank faces.

They saw Mu Zhiran retract his right hand that was raised in the air, then stared at Roberts with a stern expression (actually his expression was stiff due to excessive nervousness), and then spat in his face.

The saliva wiped the tip of Roberts' nose and fell to the ground, while Mu Zhiran squeezed out a sentence from his throat, "You lie on the ground and roll around for a trivial thing. You are even worse than those evil people who want to die." Cultists - at least they tidy up their clothes before they die!"

Looking at the woman in front of him who just clenched her fists (actually she was nervous), her whole body was shaking slightly with anger (still nervous), and her teeth were making a squeaking sound (she was actually nervous), all over Roberts' body was... The tense muscles slowly relaxed little by little.He lowered his head and took a deep, long breath.Then he slowly withdrew his hand from the arms of the two soldiers.

"I'm sorry." Roberts, who breathed out with his lips and unable to vibrate vocal cords, frowned slightly. He walked to the electronic throat that he had dropped, and then picked up the silver pickup. "Thank you for letting me calm down again." Stand down - I was so rude just now."

Mu Zhiran looked at Roberts, and then at his right hand where he had just slapped someone.

As expected of Director Li, the calming method of slapping is so effective!
When Mu Zhiran was shocked that his slap had such a magical effect, Roberts sat back in his seat.After telling the two frightened soldiers next to him that he was fine, he said to the wary-looking Lu Chen, Tang Qinglong and Yang Weimin, "I'm fine - that AI can't be destroyed right now, but it can never be destroyed again." People come into contact. Let it come into contact with other people and it will cause big trouble!"

However, Roberts' sincere pleas received no response.On the contrary, everyone present seemed a little excited when they saw him, so they became alert again.Estella stood in front of Lu Chen, and Giuseppe next to him whispered, "Don't be afraid of him, barbarian!"Even Mu Zhiran raised his arm again, seemingly planning to slap him again to calm him down if the situation changed slightly.

"... Let's keep it like this for now. Academician Tang, please don't open that satchel of yours." Taking into account his personal career, social evaluation and physical health issues, Roberts took two more deep breaths, and then changed his persuasion ideas. "This can influence people's will!"

 I'm really sorry for the slow writing.
(End of this chapter)

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