Son of the Stars

Chapter 137 Green Smoke

Chapter 137 Green Smoke
"It looks like the result is good." No. 42 stood on the front deck of the submarine with a smile. He patted the brand new shell of S3C7 enthusiastically and asked, "Are you satisfied with your new body?"

"This is a driving component designed by this unit based on the mission content." After replacing a speaker system including three unit sound generators, S3C7's speaking voice is much louder than before, "This unit confirmed There is no abnormality in my ability to understand, design, and plan.”

In the nuclear submarine base near the Bay of Biscay, a large number of robots that had just come off the production line were digging the walls of the base in an orderly manner.A large amount of dirt was neatly piled on the east side of the base, and then transported along the combat readiness tunnel by another batch of robots, and finally slowly sent into the Adul River, where the river water slowly washed away the dirt and sand.

"It still takes some time to complete the expansion." S3C7 looked at the muck piled to the ceiling, shook the camera above his head and said, "I still recommend using an electric furnace to process it, which has a better effect - after burning it once, the remaining The volume is only about [-]% of the current size. Anyway, the energy supply far exceeds the demand, which can greatly speed up the construction progress."

No. 42 shook his head and said, "Using a fusion reactor to burn materials will inevitably release a large amount of gamma rays. The coalition government's monitoring system can even detect an increase in the concentration of neutrinos - exposing the base so directly to their eyes can Not a good thing."

The fan on S3C7 rotated rapidly for a while. It shook its head and said, "I am not good at analyzing tactical and strategic issues. Since you think this is best, then do it."

As a construction-type AI system, S3C7 is undoubtedly an outlier among many specialized AI systems.Although the tasks it receives are all construction or design and construction, when S3C7 completes these tasks, it always tends to improve the efficiency of construction through means in other fields.Its behavior pattern is superficially very close to the jewel in the crown of the AI ​​system - general AI.But after understanding the working logic of S3C7, it is not difficult to find that it is actually the purest architectural AI.

S3C7 will disassemble the commands it gets, and then conduct a detailed analysis of each disassembled link based on the trained database, and independently optimize it to improve efficiency.

Ptah's Hand is a solution designed to solve the contradiction faced by an ancient country with a relatively comprehensive industry but weak in various sub-sectors, such as a large number of aging and backward infrastructure, and its own weak engineering capabilities.

The design idea of ​​S3C7 determines its almost pathological pursuit of efficiency.With limited resources, it is its instinct to improve project efficiency and reduce project losses through various methods.As for tasks other than construction, S3C7 is incompetent - it will directly refuse to perform them.

It can only be regarded as a construction AI that uses various means to do its best to complete construction tasks efficiently.It is different from the kind of general artificial intelligence that can perform complex tasks, completely imitate human intelligent behavior, perform any human intelligent activities, and can achieve self-learning, self-improvement, and self-adjustment.

It also took several hours on the 42nd to fully confirm the capabilities of S3C7.It’s quite strange to say that such an AI can kill all the staff of the entire base and stuff a neutron bomb in its stomach to prevent it from being blocked by the coalition government, but it refuses to execute the plan of “killing all humans in the world” Task.

Even the statement "I need to build the entire earth into a steel factory" doesn't work - it's unrealistic that S3C7 will directly respond to the target.

I don’t know how realistic the decision to kill first and then build the base is.

In short, No. 42 worked hard to convince S3C7 to expand the base and complete the installation of the magnetic accelerator.

The best way to confirm the installation effect of the magnetic accelerator is to watch the news - see when the news mentions that a violent explosion occurred in the Academic Committee.That is the Academic Council, one of the highest bodies of the coalition government.An explosion with an equivalent of about 400 tons occurred at such an iconic location. It was absolutely impossible to hide it.

The only thing to worry about is that the distance from the cliff base near the Bay of Biscay to Yunyang City in East Asia is far, and the magnetic field influence of the magnetic accelerator can only last about 0.02 seconds.This energy requires four hours of operation of the submarine reactor, or two hours of operation of the fusion furnace equipped on the base.A large number of metallic hydrogen wires and supercapacitors are needed to receive and store the energy of the fusion furnace, and the conduction system inside the magnetic accelerator must be completely modified so that it can receive and use such a huge amount of energy in an instant.

During the long period of waiting for the explosion, No. 42 chose to chat with S3C7 - there were very few people in the cult who could chat with him.Although those brothers who had the same number as himself would not kneel on the ground to talk, but... they really couldn't say anything new.

It’s not even as interesting as chatting with an AI robot.

"I'm just a construction robot, not very good at chatting." S3C7 may have gotten tired of chatting with No. 42, so he quietly started trying to change the topic, "Why can't your brothers talk about anything new? Is it? Is it because they all live very boring lives?”

"We all come from the same primordial body. From a biological and genetic level, we are actually the same person. We have the same physiological structure, similar personalities and memories, and our experiences are basically the same." No. 42 sat on the floor, leaning against each other. Shanbi raised his head slightly, seeming to be recalling things that were closely related to him, "We are indeed all bored."

"This machine cannot understand." S3C7 turned to look at No. 42 and asked, "How can the personalities be similar?"

"When we open our eyes from the petri dish, we are already what we are now. Personality is based on memory, but the memory written through the brain-computer interface is not completely reliable, and our brains will always selectively forget it. Some content." He took a breath and seemed to feel a little uncomfortable with this topic. "Everyone forgets different content, and how much they forget is also different. Therefore, our personalities are similar but not completely consistent. What's more terrifying is Yes, we don’t know what we have forgotten. Do you know what that feels like?”

S3C7 blinked, "This machine will not forget. This machine cannot imagine what it feels like to forget - random data loss is a very serious failure, which means that the storage module is operating abnormally and may be about to fail."

"Yes, a serious malfunction." No. 42 nodded. His hair rubbed some dirt from the wall, which made him look a little embarrassed. "We kept trying to find solutions, such as writing down what we could Everything I could remember...but none of these attempts were successful."

"Two years later, 120 copies were tested, and 36 copies were assigned numbers. I forgot the least content, and my personality is closest to the original body - so I am No. 42." He said with a smile, "The remaining The people below, those who have forgotten who they are, are all destroyed.”

No. 42 closed his eyes.The huge incinerator appeared before his eyes again, as well as the original body standing in front of him, pressing the "release" switch.

86 people exactly like him fell into the incinerator.

Eventually it became a wisp of smoke.

(End of this chapter)

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