Son of the Stars

Chapter 138 Bold Speculation

Chapter 138 Bold Speculation
"I can't figure it out." At the urgent group meeting, Tang Qinglong knocked on the table and asked, "It's not surprising that there are two Wuhou, but why are there such a big difference between the two? One talks about people but doesn't care about people's affairs, and the other Doing people's business without speaking their minds? Is this a case of being stupid and unhappy?"

The research team members present looked at each other and then remained silent together.This is not because they dare not speak, but simply because no one can understand the problem.

Based on the experience of regular use of AI, the so-called "personality" is just a parameter in a feature package.Baozi's familiar and merciless character, and Bian Que's calm and careful thinking habits are all the result of users adjusting the AI ​​parameters.

The essence of AI is a system that solves specific problems received through special black box algorithm rules.Its core is this "black box algorithm", which is a very complex "cognitive-analytical-computing system" that cannot be fully reproduced by external individuals or systems.

At present, when general artificial intelligence systems have not yet appeared, all artificial intelligence systems are essentially like this.The key lies in this set of algorithms. Any character parameter language system is an additional and irrelevant thing.

But Wu Hou showed a huge difference in these "insignificant" add-ons, and this difference can even be said to be decisive.

Marquis Wu who can handle human affairs cannot speak human language, and Marquis Wu who speaks human language cannot handle human affairs——

Marquis Wu, who could speak human language, now wanted to die, which only cost the brain cells of the many experts in various fields present.Everyone really can’t figure out how to “kill” a tactical AI.After all, the animated Wuhou on the mobile phone is essentially just a front-end that receives and displays the processing results.The real core of calculation and analysis should still be the biological brain matrix hidden in North America.

What's more, it's a pity that the tactical AI with such terrifying abilities... was deleted like this.

Roberts's understanding of Wu Hou is obviously a bit biased. He believes that Wu Hou can mysteriously affect people's will and can control all human beings completely unreasonably.

But Director Li Xiaohui doesn’t think so.

She felt that Wu Hou's influence was not that huge.The so-called manipulation of human beings or creating troubles is actually a general and frightening way of describing it.

Of course Wu Hou can influence human consciousness, but the cost of doing so is too high and it takes too long.Personality comes from memory, but Wuhou's existence determines that it cannot control all a person's memories.Even with today's prosperous and advanced technology, it is impossible for human beings to rely entirely on the Internet for life.As long as you can't spend all your time on the Internet, as long as you can't melt all your five senses into the Internet, it's impossible for Wu Hou to completely control a person's personality.

At least when it comes to Wu Hou, who doesn't speak human language, its main method is "subtle".For example, it selects some people and trains them to become "key nodes" in its calculations.For example, guiding a young director of the North American General Investigation Bureau to make him a core figure in the North American rebellion.For example, a young man in good health is motivated to join the Secret Service, but is extremely afraid of sudden movements in the silence.

Wu Hou's method is to cultivate individuals and then send them to the cusp of social change.Individuals specially cultivated by it will naturally have the ability to adapt to this "wave" better than others.This is the saying that opportunities always leave those who are more prepared.

But Wuhou's method is not so magical that he can hit the target immediately. If he is sure to hit the target, then Wuhou naturally does not need to bother with any "prejudgment".You don’t even need to “cultivate” individual candidates—just let nature take its course based on the calculation results!
In the final analysis, there are definitely more than one or two young people trained by Wu Hou who are afraid of sudden noises, and there are probably more than ten or eight young section chiefs and section chiefs who have the ability to lead the North American General Investigation Bureau to rebel.Only by casting a wide net can you catch exactly the fish you need when you need it.

What's more, humans still have a "variable" that AI cannot predict at all.

real life.

Human consciousness is based on the propagation of complex chemical and electrical signals between nerve cells. From the minute scale of this propagation, human consciousness is undoubtedly a quantum system.

Quantum systems have two major characteristics. One is that they are easily entangled with inexplicable things.Second, the system has strong internal stability - it will not change easily.

In other words, human consciousness has the duality of stability and change.When observing in detail, it is difficult for people's consciousness to change, and they will even actively fight against factors that try to affect themselves.However, when consciousness is not studied and observed, human consciousness is very easy to change.

The ancients gave many names to this change in consciousness, such as enlightenment, enlightenment, penetration, insight... I'm afraid they all essentially mean the same thing.

"Free will exists in this world, and human consciousness cannot be completely controlled." Director Li Xiaohui categorically asserted during the conference call, "Don't worry about the nonsense that free will does not exist, and don't think that brain machines Interface or memory reappearance can freely adjust personality. Brain-computer interface technology has been abandoned not only because of the conflict of legal definitions of people-people will forget. A copy that has forgotten part of the personality memory is different from the original one. A completely different person."

Having said that, Tang Qinglong's question still remains unanswered.At least on Li Xiaohui's side, she had already tried adjusting and modifying system settings, installing translation plug-ins, and other methods to adjust Wu Hou's speaking style.But the system settings were adjusted as if they had not been changed. As long as the translation plug-in was activated, Wu Hou remained silent.In short, the word "stubborn" is highlighted.

Finally, Lu Chen jokingly gave a hypothesis, "Speech expression, empirically speaking, is the quantum system of consciousness, and an important channel for entanglement with other quantum systems of consciousness. Wuhou is an AI built from a biological brain, and it also requires Follow that...that duality?"

"The duality of stability and change." Mu Zhiran listened carefully to Director Li Xiaohui's speech. She asked curiously, "Wuhou also has his own consciousness?"

"Tens of thousands of biological brains are put together. Even if they are not deliberately asked to perform any tasks, I think they can all have one or two consciousnesses in their dreams." Director Li Xiaohui shrugged, "Is it weird to be conscious? It would be better to say that Wuhou is unconscious, then I would find it incredible."

Director Li Xiaohui on the other end of the phone said seriously to the camera, "Quantum systems can affect other quantum systems. If Wuhou didn't have the consciousness to form quantum systems, his 'foreseeing' probably wouldn't be so useful. Those who have been cultivated The special individuals may be quantumly entangled with Wuhou’s consciousness, so they obey his plans.”

(End of this chapter)

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