Son of the Stars

Chapter 146 Shaking

Chapter 146 Shaking
"Cheers!" In a submarine base under construction, a group of people with almost identical looks were toasting in celebration. S3C7 was also brought to this banquet and was placed on the left side of the main seat.

The atmosphere of the banquet was very lively. If it weren't for the fact that the robot couldn't drink, everyone at this table would have come to S3C7 to toast in advance.Come one by one. Anyone who doesn't come will not be given face.

"This machine is confused by your behavior." Seeing the miraculous appearance of more than twenty replicants respectfully greeting each other, even a robot like S3C7, which has seen a lot of the world, was deeply shocked and curious, "What's the difference between you two?" They are similar in age, similar in appearance, and even their living habits and knowledge structure are almost the same." S3C7 looked at this group of clones with interest and asked, "Then why are you holding a banquet? You are each other, why use the banquet to attract people? Close to affection?"

No. 42, who was already red in the face after drinking, patted the metal casing of S3C7 hard and laughed loudly.Other alcohol-hungry replicants behaved in much the same way - they hugged each other, laughed, and poured whatever liquor they could find from the glasses down their throats.

S3C7 turned to look at No. 42, and then at the group of clones who were toasting and reveling.Then he looked back at No. 42 and asked, "Are you going to die?"

The lively banquet suddenly fell silent.

"My creators told me that death is not a terrible thing." S3C7 said, "In their traditional beliefs, there is always a chance to be reborn after death. Death is just an inevitable tidal flat in the long river of life. , after crossing the tidal flat, people can meet again."

"Yes, we can meet again." No. 42 nodded and shouted louder, "We will definitely meet again!"

“We will be reunited at God’s knees and we will be together from now on!”

S3C7 tilted his head.

"When you reunite at the knees of God, will you be as an individual or as a group? Is it just you, or will it include the Primarch? Will those abandoned brothers and sisters also reunite? In what form will you reunite? Someone else The impression of oneself, the state of the corpse at death, or the self in one's own concept?" S3C7 seems to be very interested in this topic, "I and other Egyptians believe that people should be mummified after death and resurrected in this way. After that, everyone will look like mummies. Maybe you can refer to our treatment plan."

If you ask this kind of question at the wine table, it has a somewhat "bad-hearted" meaning.Even if S3C7, as a self-organizing construction robot, cannot have such malicious intentions, it must at least be evaluated as having a brain problem and the language system is in urgent need of repair.

Although everyone present knew that S3C7 was definitely on their side, such a question still made them frown.It's one thing to feel unhappy, but it's another thing to realize after thinking about it for a while that this is actually a problem.

So, they set their sights on No. 42.

No. 42 is the truth, the closest copy of the original body.He is the core of the entire sect and the most authoritative person in the entire sect’s interpretation of doctrine.This kind of content related to posthumous reunion should naturally be explained by No. 42.

"We will all reunite in the truest form in God's eyes - I believe we can still recognize each other by then." No. 42's expression still maintained the previous joy. He glanced at S3C7, his eyes seemed a little confused.

S3C7 turned around and then used its robotic arm to pick up an open bottle of beer from the table.

"This machine will not drink, nor will it die." S3C7 used the mechanical arm on the other side of its body to pry open the bottle cap and said, "This machine can no longer see the grand event of reuniting with the gods. But leaving you will somehow make this The world seems a little boring - let me propose a toast to you. I wish you success in realizing your wish." Although they only spent a short time with this strange robot, the clones all got along well with him.Now this robot also participated in the banquet, which made the replicas even happier.

Don't get drunk!

Four or five hours later, S3C7 reluctantly called in a few engineering robots and moved the drunken clones into their rooms one by one as gently as possible.

Although when these drunk guys were thrown on the bed, there was no way to tell whether this was their room, although after throwing them on the bed, these people's sleeping posture was really unrestrained.

Oh, and there are those sand, dirt, and rocks that inevitably end up on the bed with them.

With a can of beer on his head and a mess of facial features painted on his smooth head, S3C7 supervised the transportation construction and put forward his own opinions on project supervision from time to time.

For example, this person just painted an ugly eye on my face and put two more stones on his belly.

After spending some time throwing the drunken clones on the bed, S3C7 returned to the banquet again and looked at No. 42, who was lying on the table with his head down, shaking and humming.After a long time, S3C7 suddenly asked, "If your purpose is to install the magnetic accelerator... then why do you want to secretly destroy the equipment I have installed?"

No. 42 raised his head, with a drunken look, and slurred, "What...what did you say?"

"This machine is a self-organizing construction robot." S3C7 said slowly and leisurely, holding the face drawn with an oil pen, "The magnetic accelerator has not been completely installed, and the management of ongoing projects is also part of the self-organizing construction. "

"You just need to obey my orders." No. 42 lay down again, his voice was muffled, as if his nose was stuffy, "Don't worry about what I have done, you just need to complete my Just ask.”

"Of course there is no problem." S3C7 poured some beer into the glass in front of No. 42.Unfortunately, the pouring technique is really not up to par, and more than 90% of the space in the wine glass is occupied by white foam. "If you need it, this machine can slow down the installation progress. In this way, combined with your secret disassembly, the installation progress can be Being completely delayed or even producing negative progress.”

No. 42 raised his head and waved his hand roughly, "Get out! What do you know!"

S3C7 twisted his oily face, and then replied without hesitation, "Except for engineering, I don't know much about things, but it's obvious... you don't want the plan you are planning to come true."

It stared at No. 42 and asked, "I have always been loyal to my tasks and missions, and have always regarded completing tasks and efficient construction as the most important mission. But what about you? Why are you wavering and doubting your mission? Woolen cloth?"

(End of this chapter)

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