Son of the Stars

Chapter 147 Secret

Chapter 147 Secret
No. 42 subconsciously wanted to deny, but under the influence of alcohol, he was unable to say negative words immediately.His heart tightened, he quickly looked around, and then felt lighter.

There is no one else here, just him and S3C7.

This discovery made No. 42 feel relieved, but what followed was even more profound worry... and even anger.

It was the anger of someone discovering the secret hidden in the deepest part of his soul, and being exposed without concealment.On the one hand, he is angry that the other party has found out his secret; on the other hand, he is afraid that the secret will be made public.

He is the truth, the one closest to the Primarch.The reason why all the other brothers follow him unconditionally is because he has this identity.If this layer of identity is stripped away, there is actually no essential difference between No. 42 and any other clone.

No. 42 knew that he must do everything possible to get close to the original body.Whether it is words, deeds, or purpose - he must completely abandon the thoughts in his mind and move closer to the original body.Only in this way could he survive being surrounded by all his brothers, and then... survive.

The core member of the cult, the closest clone of Winger Cheklavsky, code-named Dr. Truth No. 42, has a little-known secret.

He doesn't want to die.

This idea cannot be considered "excessive" in any region.This is human instinct, the instinct of all living things.Those who don't have this idea are actually weird, just like these believers in the entire sect.

But in the religious sect, such an idea is enough to kill a hundred ordinary believers, and also kill their leader as a warning to others.

The cult attracts only one type of believer - poor people who have completely lost hope and confidence in life and only seek death to end their pain.

In order to maintain this tendency, the various "religious" behaviors and collective activities of the order serve the goal of "maintaining suffering."Except for a small number of senior priests who will be absorbed into the management to survive for a long time, the order's goal is to ensure that all members will die within five years of joining the order.

This time is based on data obtained after long-term exploration. After five years, almost [-]% of believers will lose their desire for death.Without the support of religious rituals, their natural maintenance time is even shorter—only a few months.

The core member of such a cult, the closest clone to Wenger Czekrawski, is a "coward" who doesn't want to die.Once such news is known to others, No. 42 himself will be executed by those brothers.

Not to mention those brothers, even No. 42 himself cannot accept the idea that he "doesn't want to die."

He has repeatedly taken the lead and fallen into the most heavily defended areas of the coalition government. This may not be due to the pain caused by this cognitive difference.Since he is afraid of death, it seems not bad to die at the hands of the coalition government.

However, his attempt failed.

After the attempt to commit suicide by taking advantage of the enemy failed, No. 42's pain reached its peak.But soon he found a new way out—actively triggering God’s gift.The cult has long understood the phenomena of God's gifts, but these understandings are limited to some very superficial phenomena.Such as high fever and the confusion caused by high fever, such as the unnatural fading of cloth and clothing around the body of the recipient of divine grace.

On the 42nd, I received explosion reports from two believers, and these reports mentioned in detail the signs of these "miracles".In order to appease people's hearts, No. 42 had to make up a large passage of scripture and stuff it into the original body's relics, creating the illusion that "the original body had known about this for a long time."

Divine grace was packaged as miracles, and the "discovery" of the scriptures in the relics allowed the Order to begin to grow rapidly, even exceeding the scale when the Primarch was still alive.In order to develop the sect and implement the "idea" of the original body, No. 42 took the initiative to split the sect into six.The six religious orders have different doctrines and ritual processes, but the core concept is still that "after a believer faithfully fulfills his/her obligations and responsibilities to the religious order, he/she can ascend to heaven after death and wait for the final day." Reunite with your relatives every day. Those who do not believe in religion will suffer the pain of burning fire forever under God’s disappointed eyes.”

Divine favor also became the "reason" why No. 42 had to announce the death of the original body.After all, this was a request that came directly from the Primarch - Winger Czekrawski demanded that No. 42 not reveal his death to anyone else, unless further concealment of his death would lead to a devastating blow to the Order.

The Primarch was a strange man, but he was intelligent.No, simply describing him as smart is a bit too dismissive of him.Wenger Czekrawski is a wise man.

A wise man with a bad temper.

Many of his decisions seemed a bit inexplicable or overreacted by No. 42.But these decisions have been proven time and again to be wise and correct choices.Of course, a large part of the reason for this is that within the coalition government, there are spies planted by the original body - or sympathizers.

Number 42, who had been studying with the Primarch, grew more and more admirable, while the Primarch became increasingly angry and irritable. Number 42 had heard the Primarch's drunken roar more than once, as if he was fighting something invisible and at a disadvantage.

The price of failure in the fight is the loss of the original body's independent will.The all-powerful Primarch was once so frightened that he asked the invisible and terrifying enemy to let him go - "Get out of my head."

No. 42 closed his eyes, as if frightened by the gunshot that still lingered in the depths of his mind.Then he opened his eyes suddenly again. The influence of alcohol still could not be eliminated. He looked at S3C7 and still couldn't make up his mind.

Should we let it self-destruct and blame it all on the cunning coalition government?
"I think it's good for you to do this." S3C7 found a white napkin stained with ketchup, dipped it in beer and wiped his face, "Anyway, you are sure that after the death of the last person in this world, everyone will Now that you can go back to heaven and be reunited, is it okay for you to slowly grow old and die after everyone else dies?"

Drunk No. 42's eyes froze, and he didn't know how he should react.

"It doesn't matter if you're afraid of death, as long as it doesn't delay things in the end." S3C7, which wiped the children's drawings on its face into abstract paintings, gave up its resistance and said to No. 42, "Anyway, people have nothing after death, but more time." There’s so much to use – so it shouldn’t be a big problem to make them wait for a few more decades.”

No. 42 shook his head, and then fell to the ground with a "gudong" sound.

S3C7 shook its head and came over. It directed other robots to move and murmured to itself, "In the end, I forgot to ask, when did they plan to die after having such a big battle tonight? Do you need to modify the plan for the mission of expanding the base? A dead person shouldn’t be able to use such a big base, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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