Son of the Stars

Chapter 160 Dilemma

Chapter 160 Dilemma

Academic research in this world is generally difficult in two aspects.

It is difficult to start a question and difficult to conclude it.

The difficulty in opening the topic lies in three specific points - what do I want to do, how do I do it, and how do I tell the foundation what I want to do. If you are unclear about the research direction, among the many research fields that are as vast as sand on the seashore, if you rashly choose content that has little research value and little research space, at least three to five years will be wasted, and at worst, your life will be wasted. If you don't know what to do, you will either make the research impossible or simply draw wrong data and inferences.

After understanding these key nodes, researchers must find ways to summarize these methods into tender documents that review experts and accountants can understand. Then go to the foundation with the bid document and apply to the foundation and academic committee for a "hamster wheel" that you can stand on and run wildly. In order to make their application more likely to be approved, sometimes applicants have to submit a little more papers - compared to other researchers, I have a better background and more experience; the experimental time I promise is shorter and I can publish papers. Also more.

After getting the hamster wheel, the most difficult thing is to solve the problem. Unlike the proposal, once the proposal is completed, it is difficult to change the method - the funding from the fund, the experimental materials that have been purchased, and the eyeing auditors will not allow the researchers to change the experimental methods and directions at will.

Time is tight and tasks are heavy, and scientific research is always full of troubles and troubles of one kind or another. Amidst these troubles and perplexities, scientific researchers have to put together a lot of seemingly unrelated experimental data and results for statistical analysis under great pressure and various obstacles.

Even if the academic committee has occupied a very high position in the entire coalition government system, even if the focus of the entire coalition government has been shifted to scientific research and development... This kind of "project proposal-bidding" has tortured countless scientific researchers. —Bid-winning-experimentation” process remains unchanged.

According to the members of the academic committee, "They are all foxes of thousands of years, so don't talk nonsense. There are no bid documents and time limits, and all the money in the fund can be used up in one day."

Lu Chen and his "experiment" are currently in a unique position. Dr. Lu is experiencing an unprecedented happiness and distress.

He has no hard requirements to publish articles, nor is he urged by his mentor who is holding a whip and wants to hold group meetings three times a day. There is no need to worry about opening the topic in the wrong direction, and there is no need to worry about whether the bid document can maximize your advantages and obtain sufficient research funds.

Tang Qinglong has given Lu Chen a "guarantee" and there is no upper limit on the experimental budget given to him by the academic committee. Central University and the Institute of Physics will provide all necessary support for Lu Shen's experiments, from equipment to samples. As long as Lu Shen needs it, any request can be met as soon as possible.

The trouble that Lu Chen faces now is that he has money, a subject, and equipment (which can be requisitioned from anywhere), but he does not have enough manpower to conduct experiments. Quantum energy release syndrome is still a highly confidential disease that cannot be disclosed to the outside world, and genetic engineering to create humans is a serious illegal act. Even if Lu Chen's experiments were specially pardoned by the coalition government and academic committee, he still could not entrust those extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive basic experimental projects to graduate students.

For a doctor of clinical medicine who is engaged in scientific research, if there is no free graduate labor force, the progress of scientific research will be slowed down by at least 80%. Of course, the content of some laboratories is too sophisticated, and hastily introducing a master's degree in the workforce may have the opposite effect.

Lu Chen himself was a little unsure whether the process of "selecting chromosomes from multiple cell sources and piecing together stem cells that can divide" was difficult or simple, but one thing he was sure of was that Lu Chen had never done this job himself. His doctoral topic is immune response, which has nothing to do with "taboo subjects" such as gene editing technology and cloning.

"You know this...the content in this direction cannot be studied openly before, right?" When a disciple is in trouble, it is a fine tradition of the Institute of Immunology that the teacher takes care of it. After receiving a call from Lu Chen and being given the task of "helping me find five masters and doctors who are good at cloning and gene editing technology", Yang Weimin's first reaction was to distance himself, "I will go to the people who can't even be found by the Comprehensive Investigation Bureau." Where to find it?"

"Brother, Brother Yang, you can't be so nervous." Lu Chen on the other end of the phone comforted him repeatedly, "I reported all the contents of the experiment, and Teacher Tang patted his chest and said there was no problem. What time is it now, special things should be done chant."

"Oh..." Yang Weimin drawled, and then said quickly, "I don't know you either."

"As long as you answer a little more calmly, I will believe this lie." Lu Chen rolled his eyes. Unfortunately, Yang Weimin is currently in the representative office of Chongyang Heavy Industry. If he dares to show up at Central University, Lu Chen can rush to the door and go to the scene for torture. To force a confession, "I don't ask much, just give me ten!"

"I really don't know you." Yang Weimin turned passive into active, "Didn't Teacher Tang say it's no problem? Just ask him to find someone for you - can't you just sneak a few out of the prison of the Comprehensive Investigation Bureau?"

Lu Chen blinked, something was wrong, when did Brother Yang become so assertive?

"I don't know who is in the prison of the Comprehensive Investigation Bureau. Brother Yang, can you give me an idea? Who should be fished out?" Lu Chen dug a hole for Yang Weimin with familiarity. He always felt that something was wrong with Yang Weimin's reaction - did Brother Yang have an acquaintance who got in because of this, and was waiting to take this opportunity to fish them out?

"I don't know either." Yang Weimin didn't step into the pit, which made Lu Chen a little disappointed.

"But I have to remind you that although research in this area is not difficult, it is a subsystem for verifying quantum energy release syndrome, and it is a very important preliminary work." Yang Weimin and Lu Chen spoke in an official tone. He was very insincere and angry. Rendi hummed, "Actually, the best way is to first find people who can safely access quantum potential energy synthesis, and then train them to do cloning and gene editing..." Lu Chen became anxious, "Brother, how can we have so much time? Now? When talents are cultivated from scratch, the earth will be out of the radiation zone!"

"Then I have no choice." Yang Weimin said helplessly, "This matter is originally an unsolvable dilemma. Researching gene editing and cloning technology is illegal, and those who cannot pass the review cannot participate in the quantum release syndrome. In terms of research, as long as anyone has experience in gene editing and cloning technology, they are illegal personnel - there is absolutely no chance of passing the review."

This is a sad story of an "infinite cycle". If you want to get rid of the cycle directly, you can only re-train master's students and doctoral students in related fields according to Yang Weimin's suggestions.

But there's really not enough time.

"This is an occupational disease in our industry. Before we do anything, we must first consider compliance issues - is there an expert consensus, is there a standardized treatment process, and can the patient's insurance reimburse us for the drugs we are going to use..." Lu Chen sighed. But his tone didn't sound like someone who just sighed - his tone even sounded a little eager to try.

"But the situation is different now. We have to save humanity and the world!" Lu Chen laughed, "Compared to before, we are different now - I don't even need to apply for funding for this experiment, the academic committee directly issued the document, Enough!"

Yang Weimin on the other end of the phone was shocked, "Really?"

They have lived a hard life for so long that they have lost the ability to "enjoy". These are the motherless children at the Immunization Center. Since the research and development of immune-mediated tumors, the Institute of Immunology and even the entire clinical department have never fought such a prosperous battle - Yang Weimin used to be like a paper framer, sewing and patching everywhere just to survive. . If his wife's family was not really rich and her life was not too tight, Yang Weimin might have resigned from his teaching position and devoted himself to becoming a doctor.

In scientific research, money is very important, but what is more important than money is actually all kinds of "support". The Academic Committee’s commitment to have no budget cap represents the position of the entire human civilization—this experimental content is very important and we will support it at all costs.

"In short, we are rich!" Lu Chen smiled and danced into the phone, "Don't worry about laws and regulations, and don't worry about administrative matters. Just let professionals take care of our headaches - the committee has no upper limit. To support, there must be something affordable, right? Just give me a list, and the rest will be a headache for those academicians!"

After ending the call, Lu Chen hurriedly re-entered the Institute of Physics. After ringing the doorbell, the door to the electromagnetic darkroom slowly opened.

Inside stood Mu Zhiran with a happy face.

"How's it going?" Lu Chen stood outside the electromagnetic darkroom and poked his neck inside curiously, "Looking at your expression, do you think you're interested?"

"At least in principle there is no problem - there is nothing special about the electron jet itself. The entire space is filled with a large number of electrons. As long as there is a strong enough magnetic field and electricity support, similar radiation can always be produced in theory "." At this point, the smile on Mu Zhiran's face faded slightly, and she continued, "There is no difficulty in principle, but the practical application is difficult to say. After all... the energy intensity released by the crab pulsar is too high, It is impossible for human creations to even achieve one ten millionth of its performance. It is difficult to say that such a large-scale difference will have any practical impact."

"Take it one step at a time. If artificial radiation can replace the radiation of the Crab Nebula, it will at least be a way to survive." Lu Chen nodded and said to Mu Zhiran, "This is considered a good thing."

"If not, then we have to look further ahead." Mu Zhiran was a little worried, "Is there any other way to alleviate the intensity of quantum potential energy syndrome?"

"Suppressing the phagocytosis of white blood cells may be effective, but it is hard to evaluate how effective it will be." Lu Chen also frowned along with Mu Zhiran, "Our goal should be to maintain the excited state of electrons, or slow down the electrons from falling into energy levels The range or intensity. It is relatively difficult to maintain, and it may be easier to mitigate the fall... After all, we are powerless to interfere with the trajectory of the solar system, and humans will always have to leave the radiation zone of the Crab Nebula."

The two people stood at the door and began to frown and think together. Tang Qinglong, who happened to be passing by the door of the electromagnetic darkroom, was shocked when he saw these two people - are they specifically guarding me, and are they going to perform a trick to kill me in front of me again?

I have been married for more than ten years!

(End of this chapter)

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