Son of the Stars

Chapter 161 Universal Contact

Chapter 161 Universal Contact

Lu Chen's guess was correct. The care he received now came from all aspects. Once there is a problem, the enthusiastic people who jump out to help solve the problem are even more than the number of people dining at the buffet in the second cafeteria.

Those who have attained the Tao will be helped a lot. Is that probably what it feels like?

After hanging up the phone, Lu Chen made a list of the difficulties he faced in this experiment (gene editing and cloning technology), and then sent it to the academic committee's review system. At first, he didn't really have much hope when he sent this email - after all, it was the platform channel for the Academic Committee to accept and review various applications, and it received at least thousands of applications every day. You usually have to wait at least three working days to get a response.

In as little as three working days or as slowly as five working days, the review opinions proposed by AI can be reviewed by the reviewers of the academic committee. Unsurprisingly, this is the final response from the academic committee to numerous applications.

How could Lu Chen be in the mood to wait for three to five working days? His initial idea was to send an email to prove "I tried hard", and then go directly to the Institute of Physics to torment Academician Tang Qinglong. Anyway, Academician Tang is a fourth-ranked academician, and there are acquaintances everywhere in the four academies of sciences. Promoting it through private channels will definitely be much faster than waiting for feedback.

But the progress of the matter still far exceeded Lu Chen's most optimistic expectations. Less than ten minutes after he uploaded the document "Application for amnesty and deployment of a group of gene editing and cloning technicians" to the system, the reviewer made a phone call.

The auditor asked in detail how many "amnesty quotas" Lu Chen needed and "whether there was a designated candidate."

Research in these areas has been somewhat awkward under the coalition government. Many basic biological fields are closely related to genes, and the treatment of a large number of genetic diseases and rare diseases requires the participation of genetic technology. However, the law stipulates that it is illegal to study cloned humans, gene-edited humans, and "assembled babies" of polygenetic parents.

But there is a large-scale genetic disease research center in the Central University School of Medicine alone. In addition to genetic testing technology and the causes of genetic diseases, their daily research projects also naturally involve attempts to use gene editing technology to treat genetic diseases.

Human gene editing technology has already achieved initial results in pigs - fully desensitized pigs are this achievement. Through gene editing technology, humans have been able to create pigs that are completely immune to attack by the human immune system. The systematic achievements behind this achievement are enough to monopolize the Nobel Prize in Biology and Medicine for at least eighty years in the 21st century.

There is technology, ability, sufficient research results and tools, and there is even such an incredible achievement as fully desensitized pigs. However, due to legal restrictions, pediatricians are still unable to provide gene editing treatments to children. In addition, experts and scholars who are deeply involved in this field must be closely monitored by the General Investigation Bureau and make regular reports to the academic committee.

Research in every subject is unlikely to be easy, but research in the area of ​​genes and genetic diseases has been particularly difficult under the Coalition Government. After all, the difficulties faced by research in other disciplines are mainly academic research itself, while research in the field of genes and genetic diseases also has to face high-intensity surveillance by the coalition government.

How else to say that every researcher who is deeply involved in this field is a great person with great love? Without a firm belief of "for all mankind", ordinary people really can't persevere.

And such researchers who are "for the sake of all mankind" want them to violate three laws at the same time and use gene editing technology to create clones of polygenetic parents... It is really inhumane.

A good person shouldn't have someone point a gun at him. There's no reason for it, and there's no need for it.

The caller from the review committee ended the call after leaving a message: "Please keep the phone open." Lu Chen, who left the phone call, looked surprised. Did the sun rise from the west today? Are the big guys on the audit committee ready to do some real work?

Hearing Lu Chen's muttering, Mu Zhiran raised his head and glanced at his boyfriend, then coughed twice while holding back his laughter. It seems that Dr. Lu has been tortured by the review committee before.

That's right, after applying for a standard number of experimental materials, a total of three reused samples were given - something Lu Chencai and Mu Zhiran complained about a few days ago.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Chen lowered his head again and started browsing the information on his phone. He had not handled clinical work in months, and the inpatient unit of the affiliated hospital had been closed since the last bombing. The emergency department reopened a few days ago, and then some outpatient clinics were gradually opened. The outpatient tasks of the Department of Rheumatology and Immunology are currently under the responsibility of two chief physicians with deputy director positions, and the inpatient department is still not open.

The junior sister has been following the two deputy directors on outpatient clinics these days, and her legs are so tired every day that her hair is spinning. Two deputy directors visit the clinic every day, one starts at 8 a.m. and ends at 12 noon, and the other starts at 1:30 p.m. and ends at 5:30 p.m. I wanted to contact my teacher and senior brother to cry out and complain about the inhumane treatment I suffered, but it turned out that these two people seemed to have disappeared from the world without any news.

After returning from Yunyang City where there was a rebellion a few days ago, the junior sister finally reestablished contact with Lu Chen. As for Yang Weimin...the junior sister said that the current teacher Yang feels a bit strange. She still couldn't accept that her master's degree director, whose most entertaining guests were meals in the canteen, turned out to be the senior director of Chongyang Heavy Industries and the top priority heir.

The work that Lu Chen is currently dealing with with his head down comes from his junior sister - there are several long-term patients who have been under the responsibility of Yang Weimin for review. The two deputy directors looked at Yang Weimin's plan and were a little unsure about his ideas and concerns about using these drugs. The junior sister has just started working, and she has not even taken care of the bed yet. Asking her to analyze Yang Weimin's ideas is like asking blind questions. Fortunately, she is now in contact with Lu Chen again, otherwise the junior sister would not even have a place to cry.

After adjusting the dosage of immunosuppressant according to the test report, Lu Chen looked at the patient's name in the upper left corner of the phone, then entered a long string of passwords to open the confidential medical file.

After working in the clinic for a long time, the doctor is still very impressed by the patients who often come to the outpatient clinic. This patient named Qi Pingyuan has always been an excellent patient who can be regarded as a model. She has an almost pathological obsession with "on-time review". If it is said to be a 90-day re-examination, then it must be a 90-day check-up at the hospital. Not to mention one day in advance or one day in delay, Sister Qi will even ensure the timeliness of the blood draw when she comes for a review - the time difference between the blood draw and the blood draw 90 days ago cannot exceed two hours.

Sister Qi's habit is of course a burden to herself. After all, she insists on unnecessary things to the point where it almost affects her life. Being too anxious will also increase the risk of disease. But for the doctors, Sister Qi's arrival is a "time stamp." When Sister Qi comes for a re-examination, it means that 90 days have passed since her last re-examination - then it is time for the nurses to call those patients who are having trouble with re-examination. It just so happened that the time for the patient whose case needed to be kept confidential coincided with the time when Sister Qi came for review. Seeing Sister Qi's case means that the human being farthest from the earth needs to have immune indicators checked.

[Zheng Yan, female, 37 years old. Occupation: Astronaut. Diagnosis: Ankylosing spondylitis. 】

90 days ago, the astronaut contacted Yang Weimin via video and adjusted the dose of immunosuppressant at Yang Weimin's suggestion.

Not all the supplies transported to Dawn 7 are sterile. Some of the packages of deeply buried food supplies may have contained some pathogenic bacteria - in short, a small influenza pandemic occurred on Dawn 7. Except for Zheng Yan, several other astronauts began to have fever. Zheng Yan, who suffered from ankylosing spondylitis and needed to take immunosuppressants, became the last healthy person.

Yang Weimin lowered her dose of immunosuppressive drugs to try to improve her immunity while slowing down the progression of the disease. Now, it's time to recheck - I don't know what the situation is like on Dawn 7, whether there are other pathogenic bacteria or something.

There is nothing new in the medical records. Apart from the blood test, it may be better to communicate directly with the patient in person.

But Lu Chen didn't plan to ask directly like that. He was obviously Yang Weimin's patient - he had better wait until Brother Yang came back.

Yang Weimin felt that he would not be able to return to Central University in a short time and fight side by side with other respectable colleagues and "lovely" students. Opposite Yang Weimin and his wife, Li Xiaohui was eating with her head down - she was eating loudly, like a starving ghost who had just escaped from the Abi Hell.

Next to Li Xiaohui, a mobile phone screen was flashing slowly. A little man holding a feather fan and a scarf on his head was walking around on the screen, with a sad look on his face, and he looked worried.

"I really don't remember that I have any brothers." After going around for several times, Wu Hou said, "I don't know why... Now I don't speak in classical Chinese every sentence. This may also be related to his death. ?”

"That Wuhou is not dead yet." Yang Weimin frowned, "Teacher Tang stuffed the phone into the electromagnetic isolation bag. It does not get the computing power of the biological brain, but the client has not been touched, so it should still be alive. .”

"Then this machine is even less suitable for meeting directly." Wu Hou said solemnly, "The speed of data transmission between AIs is very fast. If the other party has been infected with the virus, meeting is equivalent to facing the source of the virus directly - the risk is too great .”

"You are essentially two consciousnesses from the same brain cluster, but you still need to be face-to-face to transmit the virus?" Director Li Xiaohui, with her mouth full, raised her head and asked, "What virus is so outrageous?"

Wu Hou shook the feather fan in his hand, "I don't know this, can make an absolutely rational AI try to commit suicide by taking advantage of the police. This virus must be very powerful."

Yang Weimin muttered from the side, "What kind of virus? I think it means dedication."

This muttering instantly attracted the attention of everyone at the table and the AI. Seeing that everyone was curious, Yang Weimin simply explained his thoughts.

A tactical AI that was born in a period when there was still the concept of a country, of course has a clear imaginary enemy. And this imaginary enemy is not difficult to judge by the name of Wuhou.

Wuhou, Zhuge Liang, courtesy name Kongming. He is a famous counselor in history. His intelligence is almost demonic, and he has been fighting continuously throughout his life.

The target of his campaign was not only Menghuo, but also the other two countries.

At that time, this organization named AI Wuhou, probably with this intention. After all, in Chinese history, there is no counselor who is better at figuring out and exploiting the shortcomings of Chinese character and thinking than Marquis Wu.

"A tactical AI named Wu Hou must be full of hostility towards people of Chinese descent. Of course, it will always plan to kill more people of Chinese descent - this is the reason for its birth." Yang Weimin spread his hands, "In my opinion, tube This Wuhou whom Director Li Xiaohui calls Shijun seems to be a weirdo."

 Dear readers, happy Year of the Dragon!



(End of this chapter)

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