Son of the Stars

Chapter 162 Lively

Chapter 162 Lively

"Okay, okay, no problem." Academician Tang Qinglong agreed repeatedly on the phone in his office, and then he asked, "Do you need me to notify the school and let them prepare in advance?"

The other end of the phone seemed to have made a very interesting suggestion. After a moment of surprise, Tang Qinglong laughed and accepted the proposal, "Okay, okay, I understand - let's do it!"

After hanging up the phone, Tang Qinglong, who still had a smile on his face, put the phone aside with a smile, and then glanced at the confidentiality bag hanging on his wall. Some time ago, this bag vibrated from time to time, but in the past week, the confidentiality has been kept secret. The bag was hanging on the wall like an ordinary shoulder bag, without any movement.

There was no movement, which was a little strange.

When this phone was captured, the AI ​​inside wanted to anger others at all costs so that it could be eliminated. It is very difficult for an AI system to kill itself - after all, various computing and storage operations in modern communication equipment require permissions. Even if it wants to erase its own existence from the storage device, it still needs corresponding permissions and authorizations. Just fine.

Without Tang Qinglong's permission, it would just be a prisoner on the phone.

Prisoners are actually in the safest state when they vent their dissatisfaction through foul language, loud shouting, etc. Taking such action meant that they had no other way to realistically cause trouble for the guards. Those harsh-sounding words are actually no different in nature from the howling of a caged wild dog.

Although he did not come from the prison punishment system, Tang Qinglong was a smart man and he was able to recognize and understand this meaning. As long as the secrecy bag still vibrates occasionally, there's nothing to worry about.

But there has been no vibration this week. Could it be that he finally succeeded?

If it was a dramatic entertainment work, Tang Qinglong should frown and open the secret bag a crack to see if Wu Hou inside was alive or dead. Then he was attacked by an unknown object hidden in the bag at an unknown time, and then for some reason he became an undercover agent of the enemy on the protagonist's side. He suddenly appeared before the villain was about to succeed, seemingly posing a difficult challenge to the protagonist's team. , in fact, it promotes the action logic that ensures that the protagonist team completely wins.

But Academician Tang Qinglong is a smart man.

"Hello, Sugimoto, this is Tang Qinglong." After introducing himself to an old acquaintance who must have his phone number, Tang Qinglong shouted into the phone, "This thing has been hanging in my office for a long time - it Stop moving."

"Have you used the equipment we sent to judge the temperature changes in the confidentiality package? Operations will inevitably produce waste heat. As long as there are temperature fluctuations that are different from the changes in the outside temperature, it can prove that the equipment is still operating normally..."

"I don't know how to use that thing!" Tang Qinglong replied confidently, "Can't you just come over and take the bag away?"

"According to regulations, we should make sure to stop operation first." Sugimoto was not fooled. He said to Tang Qinglong, "There are detailed instructions in the equipment transportation box. You can just refer to the instructions."

"What manual? There's nothing in the package - just a machine!" Tang Qinglong looked at the open shipping package at his feet, and used his foot to pull the manual directly into the trash can, "There's nothing!"

Although there was no sound, Tang Qinglong clearly felt an emotion called "I really want to curse, but there is an academician opposite me and I can't curse" through the phone.

"Then take a look at the measuring machine. There is a hatch on the side that can slide down..."

"There's nothing, just a piece of metal!" Tang Qinglong didn't even look at it, and responded quickly and without sincerity, "I've been studying it for a long time. There was a problem with this thing when you sent it over - send someone to come and clean it up. "

"..." There was a subtle "crunch" sound coming from the phone, which seemed to be the sound made by the skin on the palm of the hand squeezing with all its strength after squeezing the phone tightly.

"We made a mistake in our work and caused you trouble." Dongsang people have such a character in most cases. They swallow their teeth when their superiors knock out their teeth, or stand at attention and shout "Thank you" when they are slapped. Your guidance”... Anyway, this national characteristic is somewhat distorted. Even if he knew that Tang Qinglong was too lazy to do it himself, Sugimoto from the Comprehensive Investigation Bureau had to apologize first, then reflect, and finally lead a team to come to the door to get the things away.

Why bother doing it now? Tang Qinglong hung up the phone with a smile, turned around and left the office and headed for the cafeteria - those bureaucrats who only said sorry and sorry but couldn't solve any problems were frustrated. Tang Qinglong felt that his appetite had improved a lot. No matter what, I have to order two more meat dishes today to celebrate. As soon as he arrived at the Second Canteen, Tang Qinglong saw his "nephew", John Khan. Little John was holding a pile of messy documents and stood motionless at the door of the second cafeteria. Although he was covered by a thick down jacket, for some reason, little John, who had a direct degree in physics, looked... very cold, lonely, and helpless.

Tang Qinglong glanced at Little John, and then decided to take a detour to eat at San Canteen. This kid must have suffered another setback in his emotional life, so he stood alone at the door of the Second Canteen and pretended to be pitiful - the girl who taught him a solid lesson must also be in the Second Canteen most often.

Through the corresponding analysis of the relationship between the canteen and the dormitory, it is not difficult to draw conclusions. This girl is probably a student at the School of Economics and Management, but I don’t know which major she is in. After analyzing this, Academician Tang Qinglong couldn't help but feel a little absurdly sad for his "nephew", Little John, and a little bit of a sense of fate that "no wonder you are Old John's student."

Although they don't want to admit it, most people in the Institute of Physics are simple-minded, and they devote almost all their attention to the study of the basic substances of the universe and their interaction laws. This is a huge and difficult subject that may not be fully explored even after exhausting the life of the human species. The study and application of physical phenomena have been with us since the beginning of the human species. For millions of years, humans have been able to land on Mars, but they are still not sure what the smallest unit of matter is.

The problems they have to face on a daily basis are too big and vast, and the masters and PhDs in the Institute of Physics are too focused... Yes, they do have some shortcomings in their personal lives.

Academician Tang had some sympathy for Little John's experience. Among those masters and doctoral students from the School of Economics and Management, which one is a simple person? When he was young, Academician Tang's younger brother, John Endall, who is now the deputy director of the Institute of Physics, also desperately pursued a girl from the School of Economics and Management. At that time, Academician Tang was still Xiao Tang, and Central University had just taken over six teaching buildings on the bank of Dongyang Lake.

It’s hard to look back on the past, and the more we look at the meeting, the more unbearable it becomes. Anyway, the result of that pursuit was nothing. The emotions, energy, money, social evaluation, blood, tears, and all that Old John has given so far, as well as purchasing dangerous chemicals, being arrested and investigated by the police for arson, and being confirmed that he just wanted to set off fireworks but forgot to reduce the concentration of "chemicals"... The price is a thing of the past.

Tang Qinglong is angry now when he thinks of Old John's love history. Why did he waste his time helping this guy in the first place?

After recovering from his memories, Tang Qinglong was about to leave the scene and pretend that nothing happened. As a result, just after turning around and walking two steps, a little girl wearing a white windbreaker with beautiful makeup but slightly messy hair passed by Tang Qinglong. Smelling the scent of perfume in the air, Tang Qinglong suddenly felt that this was probably the real owner - there would be something to watch when he went back now!

It’s natural for everyone to gossip, and scientific studies have proven that gossip helps keep your mind active. Tang Qinglong quickly convinced himself with the conclusions of cutting-edge scientific research, then turned around and followed behind secretly.

The sky is a little gray, and the cold wind is picking up, making people feel chilly. Tang Qinglong wanted to watch the fun, but he didn't want his appearance to affect the progress of the plot - if the little girl didn't dare to say something directly because of the presence of the elders of Little John's sect, or didn't dare to slap someone in the face... then there would be more to this excitement. What seems necessary?

This is definitely not to take revenge on Old John for confessing himself and putting the fireworks on his head - absolutely not!

Tang Qinglong took two quick steps and then caught a glimpse of the green belt opposite the entrance of the Second Canteen. The Logistics Department of Central University is good at greening. The lawns are green and thick. One of the keys is that the green belts are arranged densely enough - carefully trimmed bushes directly create two thick green strips on both sides of the road. "Reject the horse". Not to mention people, not even fat dogs can get in.

But there is a gap in the green belt under the bulletin board on the side of the second canteen. This gap should be the only gap in the green belt in front of the entire second cafeteria - after all, logistics and property management also need to enter the lawn area for cleaning. We can't requisition teaching aids from the engineering department every time and let forklifts or hook machines send people in, right? ?

Tang Qinglong saw the opening and ducked in through the gap under the bulletin board. Look, our old Tang sword never grows old!

Then he looked up and saw a dozen young people squatting behind the green belt. It can be seen that they all had their faces directly buried in the green belt before. Otherwise, there is really no way to explain how the dirt on their faces and the leaves on their heads came from.

Among these dozen young people, many looked familiar. They were all from the Institute of Physics. Some of them looked unfamiliar and were well-dressed—they seemed to be students from the School of Management.

Seeing Tang Qinglong arrive, the first reaction of many people from the Institute of Physics was to stand up and say hello. Fortunately, Tang Qinglong reacted quickly. He jumped forward in three steps and kicked one of them down, then he raised his eyebrows and pressed his hands together, "Get down here and don't make any sound!"

Afterwards, Tang Qinglong squatted down under the horrified gazes of everyone. Academician Tang very experiencedly took down the scarf, stuffed it into his handbag and put it under his buttocks, and then asked, "What's the situation now?"

Before anyone else could answer, the girl in the white trench coat who hurried to the second cafeteria arrived at the door. Little John Khan, who was installing a wooden figure at the door of the canteen, seemed to hear the movement. He looked back behind him in disbelief. Dr. Huang Jieyi from the School of Economics and Management grabbed Little John's collar and kissed him on tiptoes.

Oh ho! Behind the green belt a cheer that was deliberately subdued quickly erupted.

Little John Khan, who was suddenly attacked, didn't know how to react for a moment. He took a half step back with a look of disbelief on his face, and then the expression on his face gradually turned into ecstasy. Finally, he simply used all his strength to throw the printed information in his arms into the sky, and hugged Dr. Huang Jieyi again. Kissed her in one bite.

The cold wind brought chills to people's backs, but the teachers and students of Central University who saw such a scene all showed warm smiles. Even Tang Qinglong, who was sitting on the ground preparing to watch the excitement, was no exception.

The wind carried several pieces of paper and fell behind the green belt. Tang Qinglong picked up one and looked at it. There was a patent application draft printed on it. The inventor has provided a conversion system to establish an efficient "gamma ray-electron flow". Judging from the content, it is probably a small component that can be used on handheld devices. I don't know what the usage scenarios are.

Tang Qinglong smiled slightly. Sure enough, the nephew's lineage has been a bit crooked since the generation of old John. If the trick of using patent applications to pick up girls can be effective, he, Tang Qinglong, will eat dog food as an afternoon tea snack every day from today on!

 I wish you all good luck in the Year of the Dragon, good health, all the best, and happiness to your family!



(End of this chapter)

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