Son of the Stars

Chapter 171 Hiccups

Chapter 171 Hiccups
When an academician is harassed to the point of collapse by a reporter's interview questions, his temper may be a little more explosive than that of an ordinary person.

After all, under the coalition government, although everyone is equal, scientific researchers are always more equal than employees in other professions. The total number of academicians of the four academies is more than 600 - these 600 people can be called the "pinnacle of equality." In the entire society, academicians are the most respected people and have the most "preferential treatment".

Tang Qinglong is a bit more special than academicians of other colleges. He is an academician of four colleges at the same time. It's certainly too much to ask others to treat him with four times the respect, but you have to at least have the same attitude as when you face other academicians, right?
Just because we, Old Tang, are so capable, you can't stop treating us as solid food, right?

Tang Qinglong hung up the phone twice angrily, and then became more and more angry as he thought about it. He deliberately released the surveillance video of the explosion before, in order to put pressure on the insurance company and let this group of people pay compensation to Thomas's wife. Unexpectedly, Thomas's wife, who was a member of the cult, died of another quantum release syndrome explosion shortly after Thomas' death.

Throughout the whole process, Tang Qinglong not only failed to achieve his goal, but also got himself into trouble, which was a typical case of "losing both the wife and the army". It was already a sore spot, and now that group of "reporters" like vultures called him over and over again, Old Tang was furious and felt confused.

It's been so long since this happened, so why are the reporters calling now when they smell it? This doesn't seem like their normal style.

There is no fool who can become an academician. Tang Qinglong quickly discerned a hint of weirdness. Combined with the continuous energy release explosions in South America and the "tangle" that the coalition government has not yet clearly explained, Tang Qinglong probably guessed what this group of reporters really wanted to ask.

Then Tang Qinglong became even more angry.

You have the ability to directly torture the members of the control team! Do you think our old Tang is a soft persimmon or something?
Tang Qinglong, who was bullied by the phone, quickly decided to divert his attention. He threw the phone into the drawer and walked out the door with his hands behind his back - we won't serve anyone who wants to answer the phone!

After working in scientific research for half his life, Tang Qinglong, who went out with his hands behind his back, found somewhat sadly that he didn't know where to go to relax. In other words, he has forgotten how to walk and where to go to "relax". On vacation, he would just lie down on the cruise ship and swipe his credit card with his eyes closed. But relaxing between vacation and work...Old Tang didn't have this experience.

If you don't have experience, don't force yourself. Tang Qinglong turned around and went into the laboratory. Completely ignoring the nervous expressions of students and graduate students.

No matter how many years of academic experience you have, if you encounter an academician standing next to you and stare at him without saying a word for half an hour, you will suddenly have to explain the purpose and design of your experiment all over again half an hour later. Faced with the frowning and silent academician's uncertain expression, he had to think over and over again in just a few dozen seconds whether he had made any major mistakes in his past life.

Compared with this feeling of living like a year, hell is a resort with pleasant scenery.

Like these "scientists" who were suddenly promoted, Tang Qinglong was also in a bad mood. The main culprit who made him feel bad today was not only the unlucky reporters who had just disturbed him, but also the group of thieves in front of him who were stealing and wasting the joint government's scientific research funds.

Use research methods from other fields to repeatedly verify knowledge that has been recognized as a theorem by the scientific community. They shamelessly call this scientific research!
Tang Qinglong was very angry, but when he saw the frightened expressions of this group of people, he sighed and smoothed over the anger a little.

Not everyone in this world has the talent for scientific research. After working in the field of scientific research for a long time, it is easy for people to forget this fact - almost every scientific researcher who can interact with Tang Qinglong in the field of scientific research is an amazing and smart person who has achieved something.

Even Lu Chen is a cross-border star who has speculated on the cause of quantum energy release syndrome. Although this child is not very smart, he is not stupid.

But after working in the education field for a long time, Tang Qinglong had to admit that there really is a kind of ignorant person in this world. They have clearly passed the twelve-year compulsory education training and passed the college entrance examination screening. You can even get admitted to the Institute of Physics of Central University to study for graduate school or Ph.D.... But among such a group of smart people, a few ignorant fools emerge every year.

To say they are stupid is not because they really lack IQ. Anyone who can pass so many screenings to enter the Institute of Physics is certainly not mentally retarded. But sometimes, Tang Qinglong would rather believe that they indeed have IQ problems. They have no interest in studying knowledge in unknown areas, nor are they interested in any data or phenomena that exceed their expectations, and they also want to optimize them directly from data statistics. At the forefront of physics research in the entire human society, these unenlightened guys will still find ways to write papers, such as using high-voltage electron beam irradiation to try to prepare non-Abelian anyons. After concluding that "this method will not work", use other things, such as laser irradiation under a strong magnetic field to prepare Abelian anyons.

The act itself is like someone trying to carve a pure transparent glass vase using a piece of marble and a chisel—the materials are wrong, the tools are wrong, and even the basic principles are wrong. More importantly, in a society where everyone has easy access to clear glass drinking glasses and can afford clear glass vases, this research is meaningless.

Old Tang was furious when he saw it in the laboratory, and wanted to stop the experiment several times, but considering that these experiments might be the graduation hope of a graduate or doctoral student... Tang Qinglong was a little reluctant to do so.

If they stop this experiment, they will definitely have to postpone the completion. If the fool can't escape, won't we, Old Tang, have to face more fools by then?

I can't stop scolding, but I can't stop. Tang Qinglong groaned angrily and walked quickly with his hands behind his back. He just wanted to stay away from the place where the concentration of this idiot was too high. Taking two steps outside, he saw his proud disciple Mu Zhiran walking side by side with the "little accomplished" Lu Chen - in front of the two of them was an automatic wheelbarrow moving slowly with a load on it, and on the wheel was a huge black metal box.

"What are you doing?" Tang Qinglong was in a bad mood, so his tone of voice was not gentle, "Now is not a good time for a date."

"Let's do an experiment." Mu Zhiran replied naturally, "The samples in the box will be sent to the Lushan shielding cabin, and we will go together - this is a safety requirement."

"Safety requirements?" Tang Qinglong didn't react for a moment, "What safety?"

"Safety regulations for the use of large collapse samples, Article 100, Paragraph ." Lu Chen probably regarded this question as a test for Tang Qinglong, "Collapse samples exceeding grams should avoid passing through densely populated areas when transferring. If they need to pass through densely populated areas, Dense areas need to be accompanied by two dedicated personnel - one of whom should have experience and qualifications in dealing with large-scale crashes.”

Mu Zhiran pointed at Lu Chen, "He is the one with experience and qualifications."

Lu Chen stretched out his hand toward Mu Zhiran, "She's the one who made up the numbers."

Tang Qinglong looked at his proud disciple and her wishful husband. After half a day, I burped.

Then he waved his hands, signaling the two of them to go back quickly.

 I recently had a tooth extracted because of toothache - it took two hours, and the dentist sister and the nurse who pulled my tooth were sweating.

  Luo's face is now as swollen as a pig's head and his mind is dizzy. I am really not satisfied with the writing, please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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