Son of the Stars

Chapter 172 A busy day in vain

Chapter 172 Busy work in vain

The coalition government has maintained an embarrassing and uncomfortable silence.

It is not that there are no journalists trying to interview the coalition government, trying to find out what the core management team of the entire human civilization is about "quantum energy release syndrome".

However, every formal interview request is like a stone thrown into the abyss - watching the application fall into the sea of ​​clouds, and then being swallowed up by the clouds that cannot be described in words, as if it has been erased from the world. No trace.

Formal requests went unanswered, and private inquiries went unanswered. Most reporters have their own "acquaintances" or "unnamed sources" within the coalition government, and they are just as confused as the reporters who came to ask about the situation. Sources can confirm that continuous large-yield explosions have indeed occurred in South America, and a large number of legends about "quantum energy release syndrome" have indeed appeared on the Internet. But they don’t know what the nature of the explosion in South America is, and they can’t comment on the “quantum energy release syndrome”.

The General Investigation Bureau sent a very polite and courteous email to every reporter who requested an interview. The main content was to point out that the General Investigation Bureau, under the guidance of the coalition government, has important responsibilities for the stable operation of the entire society. . The General Investigation Bureau fully understands the bounden duty and responsibility of journalists to pursue press freedom and provide sufficient information to society. However, reporters are particularly reminded that when publishing news, they must be based on facts and authoritative information. Anyone who publishes false news intentionally or unintentionally and causes social panic will be directly arrested by the General Investigation Bureau - the reason for arrest is the intention to disrupt social order and security and threaten unspecified groups of people with false information. The serious criminal offense carries a maximum penalty of life in prison, according to the Justice Ministry memo. And because it involves social security, once found guilty, the suspect cannot have his sentence reduced or released on bail.

A confusing silence continues to be maintained under the threat of the professionalism of many journalists and the "details" of the General Investigation Bureau.

In a place where they didn't pay much attention to these news, Lu Chen and Mu Zhiran, who were studying frozen brain tissue in a simple ivory tower, looked at each other with a bit of surprise and disbelief in their expressions.

The weight of the large crash samples that were ground to homogeneity increased steadily, with the largest one already reaching fifty-five kilograms. These samples were placed in a shielded room deep underground, while Lu Chen and others waited in a safe place for the ultra-sensitive photon probe to receive ultraviolet light with a wavelength of 121.6nm.

According to Lu Chen's guess and estimate, these samples that have lost the support of natural electron bombardment will start to release photons, and then hit other hydrogen atoms. The process of "hit - potential energy - hit again" will gradually cause the entire sample to release more and more energy. The release of energy will cause the temperature of the sample to rise, and after the rising temperature remains within a specific threshold for a period of time, the violent overall potential energy will turn a person into a large bomb.

However, such a phenomenon did not occur even once during the entire experiment. There are more than two hundred probes installed in the underground shielded room, but photons seem to be completely abandoned by the world - electromagnetic fields appear everywhere, but it seems to be missing in the shielded room.

As of today, the experiment has lasted for a week. Lu Chen's experiments did not make any progress. Those small-weight models deteriorated due to temperature. Finally, it was sent to the magnetic confinement high-temperature furnace installed next to the Institute of Physics for incineration.

Lu Chen and Mu Zhiran were both at a loss. After all, Lu Chen's hypothesis seemed so convincing that even Tang Qinglong and other members of the academic committee were full of confidence in his hypothesis. As a result, in the actual experiment, not only was no phenomenon conducive to confirming the hypothesis observed, but there was even a big question mark as to whether the hypothesis itself was reliable. Of course, Lu Chen and Mu Zhiran would be a little nervous, even a little overwhelmed.

Both of them have experienced problems in experiments, but they have never seen a situation where the experimental process is almost completely contrary to the theory.

A large number of precious large crash samples were ground into a homogeneous pulp bit by bit, and then left to rot and stink in the basement. This kind of thing was already full of psychological burden. Now, Lu Chen couldn't help but doubt whether his hypothesis was correct.

This feeling is really uncomfortable. "Anyway, we have to make some changes." Lu Chen, who was accustomed to clinical failures, was the first to recover from the shock of poor experimental progress. He asked Mu Zhiran, "Is it still a problem with charging at the beginning? After being stored in a frozen state for so many years, the outer electrons of the hydrogen atoms inside are not easy to maintain in the excited state..."

"I installed an electron gun in the transport box." Mu Zhiran frowned and said, "Even if the samples in the refrigerator have completed releasing their energy, if the electron gun is fired with such high power, there must be some reaction, right?"

The term electron gun sounds novel, but in fact its application products are not novel at all. A revolutionary product of the information explosion throughout the twentieth century is one of the main application scenarios of electron guns - televisions.

The electron gun that Mu Zhiran installed in the transfer box was slightly cruder than a real CRT TV picture tube. After all, this electron gun does not require a deflection magnetic field, a target screen, or an adjustment mechanism. Just complete the functions of focusing and accelerating hot electrons.

To put it simply, two big-ass CRT TVs were stuffed into the transfer box. After pressing the power button, the metal plates in the transfer box would glow under the bombardment of electrons - it would probably look a bit like an aurora.

Although it is difficult to draw a conclusion that such electron bombardment is completely sufficient, Lu Chen and Mu Zhiran really have no better "charging" method to choose from. Placing an electron gun with a vacuum chamber in the transfer box will certainly transfer the weight of the equipment, but it is at least a safe solution.

Is it better to put a radiation source in the transfer box and then rely on an artificial radiation source that cannot control the radiation direction to accurately complete the excited state energization work?

"Speaking of which... how much electron radiation is produced naturally? Can this data be measured?" Lu Chen frowned and asked, "Is it because the electron gun is not powerful enough?"

"The power of the electron gun has reached the limit that the sample can withstand. If you increase the power again, the hot electrons will directly bake the sample." Mu Zhiran shook his head and said, "Maybe what we need is a longer irradiation time. He was also exposed to the radiation field of the Crab Nebula for a long time..."

Speaking of this, Mu Zhiran suddenly raised his head and looked at Lu Chen.

She saw her boyfriend who also became nervous because of these words.

If electron irradiation takes a long time to complete the electronic excited state charging of the human body...then the attempt to create clones for experiments is completely in vain. After all, clones are produced much faster than normal humans. It is very likely that they have not obtained enough charging energy, and the external electrons of the hydrogen atoms in the body are not yet fully in the excited state.

 The stitches can be removed tomorrow!
  The knotted sutures have worn the side walls of the mouth in my mouth, it really hurts...

(End of this chapter)

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