Son of the Stars

Chapter 173 Despair

Chapter 173 Despair
There is a kind of despair called "I think this is useless but I have to bite the bullet and keep going."

Lu Chen is currently in such despair.

The researchers at the Institute of Physics, whose brains seemed to be firmly locked in orbit by super-strong magnetic fields, didn’t think so. Mu Zhiran was a little shaken at first, but soon she was infected by the mind-numbing atmosphere of physics.

Anyway, everyone at the Institute of Physics had one thought, "You don't care whether the clones can be charged or not, you can do it first."

Tang Qinglong understood clearly the attitude of the Institute of Physics. After finally passing the review, we were able to establish a human cloning experimental production line at Central University. Now even pre-production has not been realized, so we are shouting, "Oh, this may be useless, so let's not do it yet." This kind of thing is as hateful as having finally made an appointment with a friend to eat at a restaurant that you really want to eat but only two people can eat it. You have been looking forward to it for a month and received a call from your friend at the door of the restaurant. He suddenly wants to attend the wedding of someone with whom you don't have a good relationship, so he lets you go.

"If it weren't for the fact that you were protected by Little Mu, you would have been punished by the angry black sticks of my Institute of Physics." Tang Qinglong introduced the "legendary weapons" of the Institute of Physics to Lu Chen in a serious manner, "When I was still studying for a Ph.D. I heard that a philosophy professor who often came to our physics institute to find trouble was put in a sack and then beaten. "

Lu Chen had every reason to suspect that Tang Qinglong was the one who made the original move, or at least one of them. Otherwise, where did Old Tang know that the hooded sack was a large leaf cleaning bag from the property company, and how could he have known that the stick used to beat the philosophy professor was a powerful guy from an elm car?
Of course, there are some things in this world that you should not say even if you guessed them - otherwise it would be impolite.

Of course, Lu Chen also had his own ideas. After predicting that the experimental sample may not meet the needs, only a fool will do nothing and wait until the problem does appear in front of him before dealing with it.

The problem was that he didn't dare to say this to Mu Zhiran, let alone Tang Qinglong.

A good man can't resist a sneak attack. This kind of treatment is best left to professors in the philosophy department - Lu Chen really doesn't want to experience it. People from the Institute of Physics use physical methods to argue with others. Who can stand this?

But as a clinician, who doesn’t have to think twice before taking every step? Medication needs to be considered, treatment effects need to be considered, the patient's ability to pay must be considered, and even whether the patient's family is easy to deal with must also be considered.

"So I have to leave this matter to you, Brother Yang." Lu Chen showed a bright smile towards Yang Weimin, as if he was a young apprentice who had no other thoughts and just wanted to cheat some candy out of his master's pocket, "Can you Chongyang is the only country that has completed basic background radiation surveys on a global scale and ensured accurate survey data.”

"Okay, then you go apply for scientific research funds, and then sign a commissioned test contract with Chongyang." Yang Weimin sneered on the other end of the phone, "I can introduce you to the person in charge, we don't have middlemen to make the difference - give it to you directly 30% off.”

"Brother Yang, you are being unreasonable." Lu Chen was not angry because his prostitution attempt was exposed. "If I had free scientific research funds, why not just place the order directly."

Of course, Lu Chen doesn't have any scientific research funds on hand. The joint government and academic committee are now responsive to requests. As long as a report is submitted, equipment and personnel can be quickly provided.

With this kind of cooperation, Lu Chen never made a formal report to apply for funds—the transportation expenses to and from the Immunization Center and the Physics Institute were all paid out of his own pocket.

Now Lu Chen wants money or his life.

"Brothers have settled accounts. I don't own such a big company." Yang Weimin didn't care about his declining seniority. He said bluntly, "I don't know how many people are staring at me now. I just want to From my actions, there is some news that the coalition government is panicking. We, Lao Yang, are paying the bills and becoming a criminal. Am I a bitch?"

Lu Chen thought for a while and said sincerely, "It's really cheap."

On both ends of the phone, the master and apprentice fell into an awkward silence. "Anyway, you type up the report first." Yang Weimin was taken advantage of by Lu Chen. He still had nowhere to attack, and his mood became worse. "Also, don't just spend all day and night in the laboratory with Xiao Mu. You have to do your job too!”

Before Lu Chen tried to explain that he was not lazy about picking up girls, but saving the world, Yang Weimin blocked his words, "Of course we have to do the work of saving the world, but we can't leave behind the work of treating diseases and saving people - you can save less of the world." "If you kill a few patients who could have been cured, the world you saved means nothing to them."

Of course, Lu Chen also heard that Brother Yang was just making up nonsense in a hurry. Apart from himself, Old Yang only had one graduate student, his junior sister. This year, not even a single graduate student sent me an email for consultation. I and my junior sister were just two seedlings in a thousand hectares of land. If it were an old professor with a lot of talents all over the world, if Lu Chen dared to prick like this, he would have been pushed to the ground and rubbed back and forth by other senior brothers and sisters.

In the business war, 18,935 Lu Chens tied together would not cause any trouble to Yang Weimin. In the medical field, this number is probably in the early 9,700s.

In the education sector... anyway, Lu Chen felt that one junior sister was enough to completely ruin Yang Weimin's reputation.

Brother Yang is not so unreasonable, he has not planned to give up the second half of his life and career.

Although he felt like a mirror in his heart, in the hospital, under the worried gaze of his junior sister, Lu Chen still had an obvious "I'm unhappy" mood when typing on the keyboard. This time, the junior sister was very sure that her senior brother's unhappiness had nothing to do with her - she had been attending Corey's training sessions these days and didn't have a single patient on hand.

I don’t care about the bed anymore, so senior brother can’t tell that I’m wrong in my doctor’s orders, right?
Lu Chen was typing on the keyboard in front of the computer, and he had already scolded his junior sister ten thousand and one times in his heart. She really doesn't care about the patients now, and is busy participating in various literary conferences on behalf of the entire department every day. Quality control meetings, management system meetings, case study meetings, logistics needs alignment meetings... any meeting that requires manpower and takes a long time and no one wants to go to, the junior sister will be asked to take part.

Arrange a junior sister to liberate dozens of people in the whole department. Of course Lu Chen would not have any objection to using this level of personnel arrangement.

But the problem is that the junior sister forgot to regularly check the AI ​​feedback of patients who have been taking medicine for a long time, including the patient's medication records and subjective response records after daily use of medicines.

In most cases, you only need to take a quick look at this content. If you find the AI-marked red prompt content, you need to click in and take a closer look. If the patient is taking medication normally but develops problems such as cough, ecchymosis, hair loss, and rash, the patient should be arranged to come to the outpatient clinic for re-examination as soon as possible, and adjustments to the immunization plan should be considered.

As a result, the junior sister did not do any work in this area, and the backlog of AI prompts was thirty-seven pages long, with more than twenty items marked in red.

Lu Chen, who was calm and angry, scolded himself in his heart for forgetting to explain this matter to his junior sister. He also scolded Yang Weimin for forgetting about this matter. Then, in the midst of scolding Yang Weimin, his junior sister and himself, he clicked on a red reminder.

Zheng Yan developed a severe rash and did not take the prescribed dosage of medication.

It's very troublesome... Lu Chen typed on the keyboard with a gloomy face. He really didn't know how he should arrange this follow-up consultation. Zheng Yan is in space tens of millions of kilometers away from the hospital, and is continuing to move away from the earth at a speed lower than the speed of the second universe.

We can't let people turn around now, park the Dawn landing module in the parking lot in front of the hospital, and then register for medical treatment, right?

In short, despair.

(End of this chapter)

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