Son of the Stars

Chapter 174 Replacement

Chapter 174 Replacement
"Sister Zheng, this won't work!" On Shuguang 7, a "coup" against Commander Zheng Yan was rapidly taking place. All members stopped complying with Zheng Yan's orders and forcibly stripped the commander of her command - but failed to control her actions.

Finally, Zheng Yan locked the door in the command module alone and roared at her crew members through the intercom, "Don't do this to me!"

"You have to take medicine, sister." Valentina and Ruan Hongying were elected as the main negotiators to communicate with Zheng Yan - mainly because they were the only three female crew members on Shuguang 7.

Generally speaking, everyone feels that it is better to ask women to communicate now. At least it wouldn't make Zheng Yan feel that she was being threatened.

No one wants to feel threatened by a commander who has locked himself in the command module, especially when the commander has obvious mental and cognitive abnormalities.

The crew of Shuguang 7 have clearly noticed abnormalities in Zheng Yan in the past two days. The most important abnormality is concentrated in the direction of consciousness and behavior.

Zheng Yan is the commander and the oldest woman on Shuguang-7. Although current politics and public opinion do not encourage such talk, Zheng Yan's role on Dawn 7 is indeed like that of a mother who manages a large family. And for such a character who is bound to make people full of respect and love, there have been some obvious abnormalities recently.

She would cover her leg joints and lower back, saying that she was in severe pain, and burst into tears as she spoke. Her movements became increasingly stiff, and she could no longer even perform somersaults and turns well. She developed diarrhea and severe nausea and vomiting.

These symptoms are typical manifestations of ankylosing spondylitis, and now they suddenly appear and worsen. Even an ordinary person with little clinical experience can tell that there is something wrong with Zheng Yan's body.

Zheng Yan's need to continue taking medication is not a secret on Shuguang 4, nor is it something that needs to be kept secret within the National Space Administration. The vast majority of astronauts are as healthy as "a living dragon" - someone who is so weak that he can't even catch a goose is unlikely to survive the G overload environment that lasts for several minutes during the launch phase.

Astronauts have healthy and even strong bodies, which can also help them better adapt to the gravity-free environment in space. The more muscle mass you have, the more muscle mass you will have left after more than a year of weight loss.

But the selection of astronauts is not easy, especially for the two "job categories" of commander and payload expert.

Payload experts require astronauts to have a level of professional knowledge that is sufficient for "carrying out scientific research on a strange planet", a strong heart that can maintain mental health and sanity during a long space journey, and a willingness to risk their own lives for this flight. Awareness of interpersonal relationships on earth and concern for all relatives and friends.

The selection criteria for commanders are even more stringent than those for payload experts. As the "captain" of a spaceship that carries eight lives and costs tens of billions, the commander must have extensive space piloting experience, be good at leading and uniting members, be able to quickly assess and handle situations, and have the ability to operate in extreme situations. The ability to deal with problems rationally and efficiently under high-pressure conditions and a big heart.

If we follow the routines of film and television works before the Great Collapse, only the Top Gun ace pilot Lone Ranger, who is fifty-five years old and has a body of twenty-five, can do it.

Or a top fighter pilot who has won five gold helmets before the age of thirty-five and then transferred to the aerospace brigade and then completed ten orbital flights can be qualified.

The manned space flight out of the Earth-Moon system is an unprecedented and huge challenge in itself, and those involved are absolute elite talents who have passed strict and repeated reviews by the coalition government, academic committees and the National Space Administration.

This shows what level of talent Zheng Yan herself should be - she suffers from ankylosing spondylitis, an autoimmune disease that can be alleviated by regular medication, but cannot be completely cured. The movement of her spine will become increasingly limited until she has almost no mobility.

Despite such a huge disadvantage, Zheng Yan still defeated twelve other professional astronauts and successfully became the commander of Dawn 7. In addition to her own rich experience, personal quality is also a very important condition - the National Aeronautics and Space Administration conducted a detailed analysis of the candidate astronauts through more than 40 different sets of measurement and testing systems, and Zheng Yan received the order with an overwhelming advantage long positions.

After calculation, the human resources system believes that with Zheng Yan's participation, the mission success rate of Dawn 12 can be increased by percentage points.

Now, this humanoid Xiangrui, who can increase the mission success rate by 12% out of thin air, is locking himself in the command module and shouting - it sounds like crazy. "That's not okay." Ruan Hongying turned to look at Deputy Commander Field, "Field, Commander, it's not like he can communicate normally in this state."

Field was floating in the air with a frown on his face. According to the regulations, when the commander lost his ability to command, he would automatically be promoted to commander. Now the entire Dawn 7 was in his charge - this sudden pressure made him a little uncomfortable.

"Continue to communicate with her. Even if the immune disease affects her cognition, she won't have any time to wake up, right?" Field thought for a while and said, "In addition, call the General Administration and ask them to consult medical experts to see if Let’s see if there’s any good way.”

Field's overall score was sixth among command-long sequences. The main reason for his sixth ranking is "weak decision-making".

"Hey, hey!" Valentina looked at the screen and shouted into the microphone, "Sister Zheng, Zheng Yan! Put down what you are holding!"

This shout quickly attracted the attention of others. The seven astronauts were surprised to find that Zheng Yan was holding the throttle valve in her hand and studying it back and forth. She was pulling the throttle handle and floating it around. It seemed that this was a very interesting thing. toys.

The trigger-type safety lock on the throttle valve was loosening as Zheng Yan pulled back and forth - her finger happened to be squeezed on the unlocking trigger of the safety lock, and with a little more force, it could be completely unlocked.

"Magellan, emergency start. Reduce the oxygen content in the command module - to 5%." Field hesitated for a moment, then gave the order, "Jin Yuzhe, you and Valentina put on the respirators in the cabin and wait for me Order to open the hatch. You have thirty seconds to bring Zheng Yan out."

"The oxygen content in the command cabin is low. Life support is difficult." Magellan announced in the cabin that his mission had been completed in a very mechanical voice. "At this oxygen content, the personnel in the cabin will lose consciousness within 35 seconds." ”

5% air content is the same as the oxygen content at 45 meters altitude. The human body cannot adapt to such low oxygen levels. When exposed to this environment, a normal person will lose consciousness in about seconds.

Zheng Yan's physical fitness is indeed good. It took her two minutes to fall asleep. Zheng Yan let go of her hand and flew out sideways, then hit the hatch directly.

This resulted in slow progress in Jin Yuzhe and Valentina's rescue operation, and it took them several minutes to bring Zheng Yan back to the living cabin - the movement was so slow that Zheng Yan even woke up again.

"You are no longer in a condition to continue to serve as commander. I and other team members have lost confidence in your command ability." Field said solemnly, "Ms. Zheng Yan, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Code of Conduct for Astronauts of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, I This decision will be reported to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration at the same time. If you have other opinions, you can directly submit them to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration."

Zheng Yan looked at Field with some confusion, then looked at her hands. She asked slowly and erratically, "Did I mess up?"

No one can answer this question.

Zheng Yan nodded, "I'm a little tired, let's go take a rest first... Please continue your work." After that, she slowly moved towards the rest area.

"Check the attitude and speed of the spacecraft, contact Dawn 6, and report the situation." Field quickly issued the order, "The landing mission will continue, and other life and work will continue as usual - let the General Administration communicate with the medical experts as soon as possible to see if there is anything wrong good idea."

(End of this chapter)

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