Son of the Stars

Chapter 175 Special circumstances

Chapter 175 Special circumstances
"Look, how can this kind of referral form just say 'transfer to a higher-level hospital for processing'?" In the office of the inpatient department, a gloomy-looking Lu Chen was furious at his junior sister, "We are a higher-level hospital! Since the demonstration After the hospital is bombed, do you know that we will be the last higher-level hospital? Do you send people to the higher-level hospital and then let the patients look at the ruins of the higher-level hospital in a daze? "

Although the junior sister was scolded, she... was not convinced at all: "Since the button can be pressed, why can't I press it? You and the teacher are not here. What else can I do if I don't transfer those patients to other hospitals?"

Before Lu Chen could reply, the junior sister continued to yell, "Don't tell me what to say to other teachers. The patient himself is not willing! They are here for Brother Yang and you, and the other teachers don't like them." !”

As soon as the junior sister said these words, Lu Chen subconsciously shrank his neck, and then looked around - fortunately, he and the junior sister were the only ones in the office, so there was no need to worry about this silly kid offending others with his nonsense.

"They knew you were coming today, so they all hid away." The junior sister seemed to have expected Lu Chen's "shrinking his neck and looking left and right" action. She showed a rare irritated look, then took a deep breath, suppressed the slightest bit of annoyance in her mind, and asked, "Senior brother, you guys...are you and Brother Yang suffering from quantum energy release syndrome?" Research?"

Lu Chen, who had never expected that his junior sister would discuss this topic, was shocked by this transformation. He was stunned for a moment, and then asked cautiously, "Why do you ask?"

"What else can we do?" The junior sister's nose almost tilted to her ears, "There are rumors everywhere that the quantum release syndrome caused by you is about to break out on a large scale - and we will all die!"

Lu Chen didn't know how to answer for a while, so he asked, "Do you believe it?"

"Hey, are you annoying?" Junior Sister's eyes widened, "I'm asking you!"

He stared at Lu Chen angrily but received no response. After a while, the junior sister's eyes suddenly became panicked.

"What should I do, senior brother... I'm only twenty-six years old." The little junior sister suddenly collapsed on her seat as if her bones had been taken away, "I... I haven't found a boyfriend yet!"

Is the point about being single? The corner of Lu Chen's mouth twitched, and then he showed a helpless smile. Quantum energy release syndrome is a highly confidential matter. Even if he is the name of this "disease", even if he and Mu Zhiran are busy studying this aspect every day - and the junior sister also knows - he is still Do not disclose research-related content at will.

There is no other reason, it's just that I don't know how to answer.

The experimental progress is indeed too slow compared to the junior sister's concerns. The pathogenic mechanism and principle he proposed have not yet been experimentally confirmed, let alone a solution to control the disease or even cure it. Due to confidentiality measures, it is difficult to carry out relevant research on a large scale. Basically, we can only rely on Lu Chen and others to continue to promote research.

To be honest, even if Lu Chen saw this situation himself, it was really hard to feel at ease. There are only seven or eight people working on this kind of thing that is closely related to the security of all mankind - how can we rest assured?

"We will do our best to promote and improve the experimental demonstration." Lu Chen could not directly tell the junior sister the tragic fact that "there are only a few working hard for the survival of mankind, and their progress is not as good as mine." But this kind of content is also classified, so he can only choose clichés that sound mild but have no actual content to fool the junior sister, "We will do our best to research..."

The junior sister raised her head to look at Lu Chen and asked word for word, "But senior brother, your graduation experiment has failed for three years in a row."

The lethality of these words was so great that even Lu Chen, who was as thick-skinned as a city wall and mentally tough, couldn't stand it. He coughed loudly several times in embarrassment, wanting to say something to offend the junior sister, but his face was so red that he couldn't think of anything to refute. All he could do was cough louder, sounding like a rooster with pneumonia crowing.

"Didi, didi." Thank God, before Lu Chen could suffocate himself to death, the patient's follow-up software was the first to stop watching it - a series of beeps provided Lu Chen with an excellent interface to change the topic, and at the same time distracted him. Get the little junior sister's attention.

Lu Chen looked at the screen with expectation and gratitude, and secretly swore in his heart that no matter what problem this patient had, he would "try his best" to review it.

Even if there is no problem, just look at the case for half an hour before talking.

When he clicked on the system notification details page, Lu Chen's eyes suddenly froze. A large National Aeronautics and Space Administration logo appeared on the details page, and the confidentiality level required for reading was also attached next to it.

A2 level confidential case.

A2 level? Why would such a high level of confidentiality be sent directly to the hospital? Lu Chen was confused for a moment, then suddenly realized. Probably in the entire medical system, except for those academicians of clinical medicine and members of the academic committee, it is basically impossible for anyone to have such a high level of confidentiality. Because they want to study quantum energy release syndrome, Lu Chen and Tang Qinglong and others are all the highest level A1. As a clinical doctor, Lu Chen has the highest level of confidentiality. At the same time, as a clinical doctor, his professional title is the lowest.

The process of seeing patients first by lower-level doctors and then referring them to higher-level doctors is doomed. It is estimated that the AI ​​referral sifted through the entire medical system before finding Lu Chen, who had an intermediate professional title but the highest level of confidentiality, and then directly stuffed the case over.

Wait a minute, is this a follow-up visit?
Lu Chen's rigorous reasoning fell apart in an instant. He flipped down the page in a panic, only to find that due to the restriction of the A2 security level, the younger junior sister could not see the specific content at all.

The ultra-high-density case sent by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration was sent to the National Central University Hospital for follow-up, so it could only be Zheng Yan - it couldn't be Zheng Yan who exploded, right? !

"You go out first, I'll take a look at the case." Lu Chen felt his blood run cold when he thought of this. He coaxed and coaxed the junior sister out of the office, and then he clicked on the details with shaking fingers - No, Don’t let Dawn 7 explode too.

Clicking on the content and browsing through it quickly, Lu Chen felt a little relieved. There was indeed something wrong with Zheng Yan, and it looked scary.

But she was alive and had no fever.

Very good, very good... Lu Chen leaned back and took a deep breath. If Shuguang 7 also explodes, the coalition government, which has maintained a staggering silence, will have to explain the situation no matter what. When the quantum release syndrome is announced in advance, social panic will break out - the damage will be much greater than a few people turning into bombs.

Starting to read the report again, Lu Chen quickly discovered the problem - Zheng Yan had been actively reducing the intake of immunosuppressants. The Shuguang 7 synthesis machine records show that Zheng Yan took the initiative to stop taking the drug for at least two months, and there were eight months of tapering records before that.

This situation is actually... quite common in the Department of Rheumatology and Immunology. You gave the patient numerous instructions and asked her to take three inhibitors every day, but in the end she only took one, and also reduced the dosage of the drug to half of the required dose.

Such patients abound in the Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, and they generally think they are reasonable - I take so many medicines and my immunity is so low, isn't it easy for me to get sick?
What's even worse is that most patients in the rheumatology and immunology department are a bit... difficult to deal with. Although there is no specific data and rigorous analysis to confirm it, based on Lu Chen's experience, most patients in the rheumatology and immunology department have relatively "mean" personalities. They seem to have a distrust of doctors and always feel that they are right.

If a patient doesn't take the medicine as prescribed, it's easier to deal with other patients. But it's a bit outrageous when it comes to Zheng Yan. After all, they are the crew members selected by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to land on Mars. How come they don’t even have this bit of compliance?

Lu Chen frowned and thought about it again and again. In the end, he could only attribute this to a slight cognitive error caused by long-term space navigation. Then he gave his medical opinion on the current situation.

Zheng Yan's symptoms are actually very dangerous. From the analysis of her cognitive errors, confusion, and emotional disorders, it is very likely that she is now under the influence of autoimmune encephalitis. This effect can be large or small - perhaps a single hormone shock treatment can completely eliminate the effect, or repeated treatments cannot improve it, and the person may even die.

Autoimmune diseases are troublesome, and they are even more troublesome once they spread to the brain.

"It is recommended to give high-dose hormone shock therapy, mannitol 125ml, QD." Lu Chen gave the treatment plan according to the normal process, and then closed the page.

"Brother Lu, are you done?" After hearing Lu Chen's call, the junior sister carefully poked her head out from behind the door. She closed her eyes tightly and asked, "Can I open my eyes now?"

"Okay, okay." Lu Chen greeted his junior sister into the room, and then said solemnly, "You also know that Brother Yang and I participated in the experiment. I can't reveal other contents to you, but I can assure you - we They will do their best to work. Don’t worry too much, just work hard and live a good life.”

"Oh." The little junior sister nodded with a frustrated look. She looked at Lu Chen and asked, "Senior brother, do you have any high-quality resources that you can recommend to me? It's so sad that a mother is single until she dies. At least let me first Feel the handsome guy!"

Lu Chen's expression was equally sad, "Among the people I know who are definitely single now, there is only a young man from North America - he always speaks with racial discrimination. Do you want such a person?"

The junior sister looked as if she had seen a cockroach and refused fiercely: "Forget it... I'm fine with this!"

(End of this chapter)

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