Son of the Stars

Chapter 58 Watanabe

Chapter 58 Watanabe
Listening to a group of scientists discussing things that they don't understand is actually a bit painful. Although Watanabe is quite familiar with them, but listening to this group of people speak different professional terms like sounds quite confusing anyway.

Although I know that what they are discussing is closely related to the entire human civilization and society as a whole... But it is really impossible not to understand this matter.

Watanabe is 42 years old this year, and asking him to learn quantum mechanics again is a bit too inhumane to extract a confession by torture.

Walking along the passage to the corridor, the milky white floor is slightly dazzling under the large area of ​​the ceiling.

Due to the need for safety design, the corridor deliberately did not use sound-absorbing materials, nor did it avoid echoes from the perspective of architectural design-in this corridor, the slightest sound of footsteps will be amplified many times.

Standing on this passage, Watanabe was silent for a while, and then took out a small box from his arms.

The small box has a traditional aesthetic to it – a deep red with gold flecks looks expensive.

Opening the box, there was a yellowed photo and a strand of hair inside.The woman in the photo is not pretty, but her smile is exceptionally bright.

Looking at the photos in the box, Watanabe first smiled subconsciously, then suddenly the corners of his mouth twitched, and his expression became lonely again.

When Lu Chen and the others were on the phone, Watanabe was also listening.He didn't agree with a single punctuation mark of what the restaurateur's daughter said.

A meltdown is a nasty disease, a disease that can turn a pure, good person who has been actively living her life into a monster, make her struggle in her bed trying to break free, make her beg her husband to kill her... that's a disease.

She was so kind, so gentle.Even if the face turns pale from the fear of the rats, the person who is unwilling to harm their lives suddenly turns into a Shura evil ghost crawling out of Abi Hell.

Watanabe closed his eyes in pain.He felt his arm ache again, as if Minako's teeth were still gnawing at his skin.

He will never forget his wife, whose mouth was full of blood, and who bit his arm hard, forcing him to shoot.That beast-like gaze, full of murderous intent and anger, even made Watanabe wary.

The moment the alert heart was born, a thick and indelible sadness and pain welled up in my heart.The strong emotions even made Watanabe a little out of breath.

Minako was quickly sent to a containment facility, and the staff in the containment facility gave Minako active treatment.

But the treatment didn't work—the doctor who came to consult with the National Mental Health Center believed that Minako was a rare patient with a stubborn collapse.

The prognosis of patients with refractory major collapse is extremely poor. Except for a very small number of patients who can recover with continuous treatment, most patients with recalcitrant patients will die within a few weeks.

Human beings have too many ways to kill themselves, such as the dry drowning that Minako finally adopted.After repeatedly trying to commit suicide under restraint, she began to hold her breath, trying to suffocate herself.

Such an attempt is extremely painful, and every time she loses consciousness due to lack of oxygen, her body will start breathing again under the reflex stimulation.

After trying repeatedly for more than a month, Minako finally suffered from laryngeal edema.He died after rescue efforts failed.

Watanabe didn't even know what to hate to ease the sadness and anger in his heart.He couldn't understand Minako's behavior, and he didn't know whether his wife who was biting his arm really hated him.

Watanabe never admits that the collapsed patient is dying with joy and relief, and he does not in any way relieve himself of his guilt.

He killed his own wife with a pinch of peanut flour, and that was pure crime.
Twelve heavily armed "marine warrior believers" sneaked into the passageway of the central laboratory.As the priest said, the believers wearing special masks successfully bypassed all the AI ​​security systems.

The AI ​​robots couldn't see them at all, as if they were acting, and all other security facilities were in vain.The invasion even went so smoothly that they themselves began to wonder "are we dreaming?"

Of course, this kind of smoothness is also closely related to the equipment on their bodies - even the shoes on their feet are specially designed silent combat boots with a lifespan of only three hours.It can be seen that the plan to invade the North American Research Institute has long been formed in the church, and it has also been mentioned to a very high position.Otherwise, it would be quite difficult for the logistics department to collect so many equipment specially used for infiltration operations.

The 12-member team passed through several corridors quickly and quietly, and at the last corner, the team leader in charge of the investigation in front was at the corner, using the endoscopic camera to observe Watanabe standing in place.

"The location of this person completely blocks our route. Unless he re-enters the laboratory, we will not be able to continue sneaking in." The branch leader quickly sent a message to the priest requesting instructions, "Should we stay where we are and observe, or should we kill him and enter the laboratory first?"

The chief priest quickly sent instructions, "There is no one else in the base, but pay attention to the action time - if you cannot complete the infiltration control within 10 minutes, shoot directly."

Ten minutes later, there was a sudden sound of metal knocking, and red blood spurted out quickly, spraying a tree of plum blossoms on the wall of the corridor.

Twelve strong men rushed to the closed door of the central laboratory, and kicked open the closed door.

Giuseppe was thrown backwards by the sudden opening of the door, nosebleeds pouring out like a faucet.

Standing by the door, Lu Chen saw Watanabe lying on the ground at a glance - the bullet entered from the back of the head and exited from the chin.All basic life support functions were completely destroyed in an instant, and Watanabe was hopeless.

"Everyone, don't move!" After entering the central laboratory, these strong men armed to the teeth quickly began to try to control the scene.Since the target is sophisticated experimental equipment, and none of them can identify and manipulate the experimental equipment, controlling the people in the laboratory has become the first priority.

"We don't intend to hurt you, as long as you obey the order honestly, you can all go home safely." In order to complete the task, lying is of course not a problem.The team leader quickly gave his "conditions" and threatened, "But if you can't think about it, you must resist..." He nodded his back with his thumb, "This person is your end."

Tang Qinglong and Lu Chen stood up, and blocked Mu Zhiran behind without hesitation. They looked at each other and quickly gave an affirmative answer, "No problem—we will definitely cooperate."

"Very good." The team leader squinted his eyes, but pointed the muzzle of the gun in his hand at Mu Zhiran who was behind the two of them, "I also hope that everything goes smoothly—no one wants to see a young lady die by shooting because of some stupid ideas, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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