Son of the Stars

Chapter 59 Countermeasures

Chapter 59 Countermeasures
The atmosphere at the scene was very tense, but Lu Chen quickly came up with a countermeasure.

And while thinking of this countermeasure, Lu Chen also saw Yang Weimin's eyes.The master and apprentice quickly reached a consensus - first disarm and then talk.

"This is our request—follow the instructions above." The team leader handed over a note, then continued to point the gun at Mu Zhiran, and warned in a particularly vicious tone, "Don't do stupid things!"

Lu Chen took the note, and of course he couldn't understand a single word of the specific operation details on it.But Lu Chen also found what he needed from the note.

"No problem, I can operate it now." Lu Chen pretended to be very scared and said, "But the content of these operations is too complicated, and I can't handle it alone-can someone go in and control it with me?"

After getting the permission, Lu Chen turned around and wanted to grab Mu Zhiran's hand.As a result, the strong man with the gun directly pushed it back with the muzzle.

"No, no, she can't." The team leader sneered twice, "Change to another one."

Lu Chen acted in a full set, he glanced at the team leader anxiously and hatedly, then turned to look for Yang Weimin.

"This thing is different from the MRI in our hospital." After entering the operating room and closing the door, Yang Weimin's first sentence was this, "Even if it is the equipment in our hospital, I... I don't know how to use it."

"Just now, Zhiran and Giuseppe have been tossing for a long time—they said that the basic parameters are all set, and the first power-on test is short." Lu Chen searched for the power-on button among many devices.

Lu Chen and Yang Weimin have exactly the same idea - to reproduce the "magnet storm" in the MRI room.

The MRI equipment used in hospitals is essentially an oversized magnet.The hydrogen atoms in the human body are magnetized by magnetic resonance equipment, and then the change in the direction of the magnetic axis is measured, and the internal structure of the human body is "seeed" once.

Magnetic resonance equipment needs to maintain the superconductivity of the magnet during use, so that it can release a magnetic field strong enough to magnetize the hydrogen element in the human body during use.

Due to the lengthy and expensive superconducting excitation process, MRI machines are not "shut down" most of the time.This is why the sign "Magnetic materials forbidden to enter" is often posted outside the MRI examination room.

Make magnetic materials close to super magnets, and the result can only be "trapeze".For example, a patient in a wheelchair is suddenly sucked into the shell of the machine, or an oxygen cylinder turns into a torpedo, directly smashing the patient and the shell of the MRI machine into dumpling stuffing.

Or the iron ring of the underwear hooks out the lobes of the lungs, the earrings directly tear off the ears, and the rings are tightly attached to the MRI machine with the fingers.

The magnetic accelerator in the central laboratory has a completely different structure and principle.When it is not turned on, its magnetic properties are no different from a stone on the side of the road.

However, the entire central laboratory must follow the same "magnetic material prohibition" instruction as the MRI examination room-during the operation of the magnetic accelerator, the entire central laboratory will be penetrated by a magnetic field of 3 to 7T.

In the entire central laboratory, all equipment including tables, chairs and benches are made of materials that meet the specifications of the strong magnetic field laboratory.

In other words, all the metal-looking materials in this laboratory are basically titanium alloys.

Everyone in the central laboratory has adjusted their equipment on purpose.None of them was holding a mobile phone, nor were they wearing any metal accessories.

In contrast, the guns held by these strong men, the hooks of various combat vests on their bodies, and even the buckles of combat boots on their feet-these things are all excellent magnetic materials.

"As long as it can be turned on, the rest will be left to the magnetic field." After searching for several times, Lu Chen finally found the power-on button that was covered under a transparent acrylic cover. "Don't worry about 21, just press it!"

"Click".Lu Chen pressed the switch hard, but... nothing happened outside, and there was no change in the control room.

"Huh...?" Lu Chen looked at the button once, and after confirming that he was pressing "power on", he started to sweat, "The button is correct, the device is not turned on...check the power on!"

In desperation, Lu Chen read out all the jingles that the doctors in the hospital's information science department used to troubleshoot.

"An error was reported here." Yang Weimin helped his disciple look around the display screen, and finally saw a red triangle with a yellow exclamation mark warning sign on a palm-sized machine, "The magnetic field contains magnetic materials, please manually troubleshoot."

"If I can troubleshoot the problem, what kind of magnetic field is it?" Lu Chen expressed his disdain for the alarm, and then began to look for the mandatory jumper.Finally, under the control panel, Lu Chen found the tiny "skip inspection" lever - the milky white plastic lever seemed to be only one or two millimeters in size, and the position was ridiculously deep.If he hadn't grabbed a pencil from the side, Lu Chen wouldn't even be able to pick this lever.

"This should be enough..." He pressed the button, and before he finished speaking, he saw a dozen black shadows flying from all directions to the center of the laboratory like lightning.

This was a very wonderful process. Lu Chen first saw a black shadow flash past the end of his vision, and then saw a large burst of sparks shooting out.It wasn't someone firing, but the light emitted by the shattered metal residue after the metal guns collided at a very high speed.

Then these metal residues, bound by the magnetic field, turned around and flew towards the crowd in the center again.

Iron sand exploded from the crowd, then turned around and drilled back again.

Twelve strong men fell into the air by the metal pendants on their bodies, looking like a group of pigs being slaughtered on iron hooks.

After confirming that all the "Marines" were suspended in the air and unable to move, Lu Chen and Yang Weimin hurried out of the control room.At the same time, Mu Zhiran, Tang Qinglong, and Li Xiaohui, who were mentally prepared to watch the trapeze, also rushed out from behind the "bunker" and ran towards the door.

When Lu Chen ran out, he also dragged Giuseppe who was curled up on the ground and was still trembling.

The working mode of a magnetic field accelerator is not the same as that of magnetic resonance, it is a scientific instrument after all.From the beginning of the design, the magnetic field accelerator has paid more attention to the precise control of the magnetic field, the high intensity of the magnetic flux, and the convenience and rapidity of the experiment.It's not very good at full power, long hours.

According to the equipment description, this set of magnetic field accelerators can operate with a magnetic flux of 14T for 180 seconds, or 7T for 300 seconds.

Lu Chen didn't know what kind of procedure Mu Zhiran and Giuseppe made before.He didn't want to take risks in this kind of place either—it was important to run for their lives while these guys were unable to move.

Rushing all the way out of the central laboratory, Lu Chen stepped over Watanabe who was lying on the ground.Looking at his corpse and the old blood-soaked photo in the corpse's hand, I had mixed feelings for a while.

"Take Watanabe away." Compared with his own students, Yang Weimin didn't have any extra emotions at all.He simply called the AI ​​robot, and while asking them to call for help immediately, Yang Weimin also gave a moving order, "Move him to the medical experiment area on the second floor."

Looking at the student's confused expression, Yang Weimin simply explained, "Take it away—what if it can be saved?"

(End of this chapter)

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