death of hope

Chapter 190 "Enterprise Warrior" New Mission

Chapter 190 "Enterprise Warrior" (106) New Mission
Hangovers cause headaches and lethargy,

the next day,
Everyone didn't get up early.

Gathered again in the company cafeteria at lunch time, it's time to talk about business.

Johnny Blazer mentioned the reason for his visit.

Nowadays, everyone knows that the governance and management system of the Human Terra Federation is already rotten.

The problem is obviously not with one person, but with the whole. As the saying goes, when the melons are ripe, the meat will be rotten.
Some high-ranking federal politicians are morally corrupt and cronyistic, resulting in the general incompetence of colonial local officials.

The low-level management personnel have no sense of responsibility, desertion, and the phenomenon of empty pay has been repeatedly prohibited. For a time, the competition for civil service examinations was fierce, and even the gas fee collectors became fat jobs.

Some remote and savage planets have become lawless places where guns are frequently drawn, and corpses and graves are everywhere.

Old professions such as private detectives, cowboys, and bounty hunters, which have long since disappeared, are revived.

There are many warlords, gangs are rampant, and the people are in dire straits...

The hard-working pioneers have been working hard for a year and have not been rewarded. They refuse to pay taxes for the corrupt and incompetent federal government.

The decline in the ability to collect taxes has also caused the lack of executive power and credibility of the Federal Parliament, and capital forces have taken advantage of the gap to intervene more in policies.

With the acquiescence of federal lawmakers, some large-scale enterprises across the galaxy began to participate in the governance and management of problematic colonies,
The routine is quite simple and crude,
Inject capital, assist in management, develop the planet, gain a monopoly position, and then get a huge return, squeeze out the remaining value, slap the ass and leave, and then repeat the old tricks. .

The McMillan Group that Lynch works for is a long-established and powerful business empire, so it is natural to participate in this wave of rising capital.

In order to promote the legalization of the company's armed forces, it is necessary to take corresponding responsibilities, give back to the society more, and assist the security work of the colony.

After talking about a lot of complicated and boring ins and outs, everyone started to yawn.

Johnny Blazer started to get to the point, spread out a map on the table,
Announced the destination of this mission——

new vegas.

This is a newly developed colonial planet that has not yet been cultivated and the land is relatively barren.
This place is sparsely populated, and most immigrants are engaged in waste recycling business. At first glance, it looks like a huge garbage dump, a poor colony that even dogs hate.

But in recent exploration, New Vegas was found to be an untapped treasure,

The surface layer of the earth's crust is rich in resource reserves, and the transportation location is also relatively important. It is suitable for the establishment of large-scale star ports and logistics transfer stations. If the garbage recycling business is managed properly, it can also generate value. It is indeed a planet with extraordinary development potential.

But the problem is, the governor of New Vegas, Olivier III, is a piece of shit,

This guy is a son of the old nobles of Terra. He has a fat head and big ears. He is a fat man who weighs more than 300 pounds and suffers from gout. .

The local residents gave him a resounding nickname, called "Governor Fat Pig".

This person is a distant relative of a federal congressman, and he has made a fortune in officialdom by virtue of his personal relationship and flattery.

In the ten years since he took office as governor, the incompetence of Olivier III has made the governorship of New Vegas have no prestige at all.

The entire planet has a harsh environment, stagnant development, and chaotic law and order.

The FBI federal agents slowly withdrew after repeated interventions to no avail, and the situation became worse and worse.

Letters of complaints from residents flew like snowflakes to the report mailbox of the Terran home planet parliament building. Once they were taken seriously,
Even his powerful umbrella in the parliament had to give up his pawns and kick this useless relative away who couldn't support him.

In order to keep the crumbling black hat, Olivier III tried his best, but his brain was not working well, and his subordinates came up with some bad ideas. He spent a lot of money, but the statistics of the colony went from bad to worse.

There is no way, the only solution is to give up part of the power and introduce the power of capital.

If you want to get the help of mercenaries and corporate fighters, the price you pay will naturally not be cheap. The planet's defense contracting business, real estate, infrastructure, transportation, power generation, mineral mining, tree felling, animal hunting and other exclusive development rights are all available. hand it over.

Good investment projects never lack attention. A week after Governor Fat Pig released the news on the dark web, the opportunity for cooperation came.

Blackwater is a powerful military contractor, with a complete weapons industry production line, and also a powerful mercenary organization, including many experienced veterans like Johnny Blazer.

The corporate fighters of the McMillan Group are also industry leaders. The two companies decided to jointly take over this shady secret contract and send their elites to carry out the preliminary tasks.

The contract stipulates that the order in New Vegas should be completely rectified by relatively "moderate" means.

To help the Governor's Mansion restore its credibility, the ultimate goal is to restore the planet's taxation work. After that, the resources of New Vegas will be divided between the two companies.

After all, New Vegas is not a war zone, and the basic order must be followed.
Certain actions that wandered on the fringes of federal law obviously cannot be carried out with great fanfare. To minimize the media's attention, this requires a small number of well-trained personnel.

In this way, Lynch's tactical team of alpha corporate fighters and Johnny's team of honey badger mercenaries were entrusted with a secret mission,
Fat Pig Governor Olivier III hoped that they could defeat the three local gangs in New Vegas——

The Scarlet Bats, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and, most intractable, the Gypsy Bums.

These new immigrant gangs despise the authority of the Governor's Office, sell illegal drugs, smuggle, resell people, rob banks...

It can be said that it is lawless and does all kinds of evil,

In order to express their contempt for the fat pig governor, the gang bosses detonated a truck carrying pigs at the gate of the Governor's Palace on the day of Olivier III's birthday party, making the governor disgraced in front of the guests.

Is tolerable, what is unbearable,

Although Olivier III is fatuous and incompetent, he still has connections and financial resources, and vowed to let these gangsters have a good taste.

In the assessment of the professional ability of corporate fighters, the goal-breaker Sigurd Lifa got a high score, was considered to have fully recovered, and was approved to participate in the mission.

After two weeks of intensive training and training, the Alpha Tactical Squad and the Honey Badger Mercenary Squad headed for New Vegas on a low-key junk barge in civilian clothes and light weapons.

After the successful landing, everyone found that the local conditions were worse than the mission description,
The sky is gray, the ground is dry and cracked yellow land, the sand is constantly blowing, and a few grains of sand can always be poured in with one mouth

The edge of the star port landing area is full of empty oil barrels. Looking into the distance, the industrial waste transported from various colonial star areas is piled together to form a spectacular garbage mountain.

Scavengers in tattered trench coats and gas masks scrambled through mountains of garbage looking for valuables to disassemble.

The sheriffs who came to meet them were two short, thin men with rusty Colt Navy revolvers in their belts:

"Let's go when everyone is ready." One of them said.

"Dude, you look like cowboys in western movies, so handsome." Shaft asked, "What specialties do you have here?"

"Stimulants, murderers, girls."

The sheriff spat on the ground and added, "Oh, yes, and Governor Pig, you'll see him soon."

Another sheriff shook hands with Lynch, took off his cowboy hat and said:
"You're big, corporate warrior, and welcome to New Vegas."

(End of this chapter)

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