death of hope

Chapter 791 "Wild Growth" The moonlight is so beautiful

Chapter 791 "Wild Growth" (207) The moonlight is so beautiful


So cruel? ! "

Long Jun's expression was stern: "What did Toru do to the Kondo family?"

"Um... well, it's a long story, but anyway it's a blood feud."

"I don't understand. With the capabilities of your Sanwang Society, both manpower and financial resources are not a problem. It should be easy to gather seven martial arts masters."

"In the heyday of the past, when the heroic boss was in power, there was definitely no problem, but now..."

Chen Hong shook her head bitterly:

"The current Sanwang Society is divided and deserted. Not everyone supports our young master."

As she spoke, she began to wipe away her tears.

Jinguji Takatoshi felt the deep despair of the little girl in front of him.

Although he was big, he was very thoughtful. In order to let the girl see him clearly, he pushed the door open:

"Look, Miss Chen,

I'm stupid, just a little bit bigger, and I learned a few moves from Che, and I earned a little money in the underground fighting arena to support my family.
At best, I am just a fighting enthusiast, a half-baked fighter.

If I were chosen to participate in the trial by combat, it would definitely harm Tetsuya."

Chen Hong wiped away her tears and looked at the other person carefully;

Ruddy complexion, abundant blood, broad bones, and strong muscles;

"I had the honor of watching Mr. Jinguji's underground boxing match.
In terms of skills and techniques, it is indeed a bit crude, and the random swings of the fists are a bit like a lottery.
But your physical talent, cardiopulmonary function, muscle strength, neural recruitment ability... I would call it the strongest! "

"I'm in good health... Indeed, I seldom get sick. Usually, if I have a minor cold or fever, I'll be fine in two or three days without taking any medicine."

Jinguji Takatoshi smiled bitterly, raised his arm, and looked at his huge palm that was as broad as a palm leaf fan:

“Healthy, strong, athletic…

This is the only thing my irresponsible biological parents gave me.

It’s a pity that Yuna didn’t get such a gift…”

Chen Hong had heard a lot from the young master about the miserable life stories of the Jinguji brothers and sisters.

New Sapporo is one of the most affluent colonies in the Terran Human Federation. The prices of goods in this city are high, and the housing prices are even higher.

There are almost no shelter measures for vulnerable groups such as orphans, the disabled, and the homeless. It is not easy for this pair of white orphan siblings to survive with dignity.

Jinguji Takashi went to school during the day, worked part-time in the evening, and occasionally had to go to underground boxing matches late at night.

With such efforts, we can barely maintain this warm little home.

At least, I can move out of the foster home and keep my sister away from the clutches of that devilish adoptive father.

Growing up in the prosperous and bustling Chen's Martial Arts School, drinking and eating meat every day, Chen Hong, who grew up in a clan environment, could hardly imagine being abandoned by the whole world, discriminated against, lonely and helpless, and relying on each other for survival.

As a result of what she saw and heard, her sympathy for the Jinguji siblings deepened.
Chen Hong knew that Long Jun would not leave his sister to take risks.

But she decided to try to ask the poor man for help.
For the sake of the young master, for the person she loves most, she must try everything;
"Mr. Jinguji, whether you admit it or not, you are one of the strongest fighters in this city,"

Chen Hong bowed again and shed tears again:
"Please, help our young master."

The black-haired girl's tears fell on the cement floor, which was very touching.

For a moment, Jinguji Takatoshi really wanted to agree.
But when he thought of his sister, he became resolute, pursed his lips, stood up straight and said:

"I'm sorry, Miss Chen, my sister can't live without me, and I won't abandon her to take risks.

Toru is indeed my good buddy, my master... he helped me to live a new life...

But... I have done my best to survive... I don't have the energy to help others anymore... I'm sorry...

I am so sorry...

I hope Toru can get through this difficult time too."

Jinguji Takashi decisively rejected the other party.

But facing this girl who was begging, bowing and crying to him, he really couldn't bring himself to close the door and leave her crying alone outside.

"Ms. Chen, you look haggard and tired. Would you like to come in and have a cup of hot tea?"


Chen Hong wiped her tears, turned around and prepared to leave in disappointment.

Suddenly, she thought of something and stopped:
"Excuse me, is Miss Yuna in the room?"

"Yeah, I'm taking a break."

"Can I...see her..."


"Um, actually I can't really explain why... I'm sorry, just pretend I never said anything..."

Chen Hong laughed at her own stupid idea. She raised her foot to leave, but heard Long Jun behind her say:

"I know Miss Chen's character. You can watch from a distance, but please don't disturb my sister's rest.
This is for your safety.

If she is awakened, Yuna's ability will go out of control. I don't know if Toru has mentioned this to you guys."

"I'll pay attention."

Chen Hong thanked Long Jun, tiptoed to the door of the room, turned the handle gently, and pushed the door open a crack;
A light and elegant fragrance wafts towards me.

The curtains were open, and the three 'moons' of New Sapporo were hanging in the sky.

Under the moonlight, Jinguji Yuna's golden hair reflected a metallic glow, and her fair skin seemed to be painted, not quite real.
She breathes lightly, has long eyelashes, and a high nose bridge...

"Too beautiful... No wonder the young master would..."

Chen Hong sighed softly.

All along, she pretended not to care about this matter, but in fact she was holding her breath.

Why did a blonde white girl suddenly appear and snatch away my childhood sweetheart?

It would be a lie to say that she wasn't jealous, but she just couldn't bear to hate such a beautiful and kind girl.

She said in the new Sapporo dialect:

"Tonight's moon is so bright..."

(The moonlight is so beautiful...)
At this moment, Chen Hong was completely relieved.
She smiled at the sleeping Yuna, praying for the girl's health and longevity, and whispered to herself:
"Jinguji Yuna, a beautiful, innocent, kind-hearted girl,

I accept defeat with all my heart..."

She closed the door gently, thanked Long Jun again, and left without looking back.

On the way, many couples snuggled on the benches, admiring the three bright natural satellites (three moons unique to the new Sapporo colony planet).

Chen Hong walked towards the car without even looking up.
She turned the car key to start the engine. In order not to disturb the residents, she drove out of the residential area quietly at a low speed. She stepped on the accelerator to accelerate when she got on the main road.
Chen Hong drove towards the upper city, in the direction of the office, where Chen Xing and others were waiting for her.

The taillights of the car dragged out a long rainbow.

Chen Hong held the steering wheel firmly, with no distractions in her mind.

Step on the accelerator and drive towards your own destiny...

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