death of hope

Chapter 792: "Wild Growth" Trial by Combat

Chapter 792: "Wild Growth" (208) Trial by Combat

Footsteps approaching the basement, the sound of a lock being unlocked,

I was in a daze, in the darkness, and I didn't know how long I had been imprisoned.
Toru Yamakami was also dragged out of the cage, tied up, and stuffed, or thrown, into the trunk by a group of Kyokushin thugs, and the lid was closed with a bang.

The driver deliberately messed with him, not avoiding manhole covers and other potholes on the road, and drove over speed bumps at high speed, shaking him dizzy and finally arriving at a building.

After getting off the car, he walked a long distance under gunpoint. The air nearby was very humid and there was a musty smell.

"We're at the place, let this guy go." someone said.

The sack on his head was roughly pulled off, and the LED light made his eyes hurt.

Yamagami Toru also saw plastic non-slip mats, mosaic tiles, shower heads, hot and cold water faucets, and wash basins.

As a sports student, this scene is very familiar to me. This is the bathroom provided by a sports stadium for athletes.
A large logo of the 'Sapporo Neon Samurai Basketball Team' was spray-painted on the ceiling.

He was surrounded by several burly bald men.

These people had stern faces, all wearing white suits and blue ties.

They have a metal badge on their chests with the word "極" etched on it, indicating that they are all official members of the Japanese underworld "Kyokushin Group".

One of them glanced at his watch and said, "The boss doesn't like to wait. We have to hurry."

After that, he threw the sports backpack in his hand onto the mosaic floor tiles at Tetsuya's feet;
"A quarter of an hour. Wash, shave, and change clothes."

At this time, Yamagami Tetsuya's eyes had already adjusted to the light.
A strong desire to survive, hatred, and a sense of mission made him cheer up quickly.
He squatted down, unzipped his sports backpack, and pulled out a brush, sulfur soap, towel, safety razor,

There was also an Adidas cotton track suit wrapped in a plastic bag.

When he was in junior high school, he spent three days in the Juvenile Detention Center for gang fighting. He knew how to bathe and clean quickly. He had practiced winter swimming and didn't mind using cold water.

Use a brush and sulfur soap to quickly wash away the dirt on your body and hair.
When he looked in the mirror, he felt his own growth;
The stubble of my beard was getting thicker and thicker. I used a Gillette safety razor to shave it gently, but my hand shook and I accidentally cut it.

(Pain!) he thought;
(Good, this feeling lets me know that I am still alive.)
He raised his arm. The needle hole at the bend of his arm had healed so well that it was almost invisible. His stomach was churning and he felt nauseous. He was worried all the time that he had become a slut.

My father, the hero on the mountain, hated hallucinogens the most in his life, but he...

When he thought of what Musashi had done to him, he became furious.

He couldn't help but clench his fists. The blade cut his palms and blood kept flowing.

"What are you doing, kid? Are you hurting yourself?"

The Kyokushin group henchmen nearby taunted:

"That's not necessary. You won't survive the night."

"Is that Musashi the scene?" Tetsuya asked with a murderous look on his face.

"Don't talk nonsense, you will know it later."

"Bandage the wound with this,"

Someone handed over iodine and a bandage: "Otherwise, people will think it was us who did it, Cao!"

(Humiliation...Hold it...

Live, live...there is a chance...)
Yamagami Tetsuya gritted his teeth and tried hard to swallow his resentment.

He disinfected his hands with iodine, wrapped his hands with bandages, and dried his body with a towel.

Tear open the plastic bag and put on the Adidas sports suit.

The bald man looked at Tetsuya's big bare feet and laughed out loud:
"Hahaha, I almost forgot!"

He took out a pair of Converse canvas shoes and a pair of long cotton socks from the plastic bag and threw them over:
"By the way, this was picked for you by your illegitimate son from the Yamagami family. He said it suits your street thug style better."

The gang members burst into laughter.

"Musashi... you bastard..."

Yamagami Tetsuya frowned, trying hard to suppress his injured pride, but he finally put it on.

He couldn't fight barefoot or die barefoot, which would bring shame to the Yamagami family.

The bald man raised his hand to look at his watch again: "Let's go, take this guy to the 'execution ground'~"
After passing through a dark and narrow passage, we arrived at the bright and spacious basketball court.

In the past, this was the home court of the Shin Sapporo 'Neon Samurai' basketball team, and it was bustling with people.
Due to the economic crisis, the team was disbanded and the stadium became abandoned.
It was auctioned off at a low price and became a training ground for the underworld Kyokushin Group to practice Kyokushin karate and kendo.

The basketball hoop was not removed, but the wooden floor in the middle court was replaced with a wear-resistant, non-slip and easy-to-clean polymer floor glue.

There were about a hundred vicious gangsters sitting sparsely in the audience, representing various gangs in the city.

At regular intervals, there stood a Kyokushin member wearing a white suit and equipped with a gun, responsible for maintaining order.

The most expensive VIP seats in the basketball stadium have been upgraded, and the folding soft seats have been replaced with more comfortable large sofas.

The initiator of this "trial by combat", the most powerful senator, old lady Yano Tsunesaki, naturally sat in the middle, like an uncrowned queen;

On either side of her are the leaders of the two major gangs in New Sapporo.

On the left is Kondo Isao, the leader of the Kyokushin Group, and on the right is Yamagami Musashi, the illegitimate son of the Yamagami family.

Yamagami Toru saw this scene and clenched his fist in anger. The wound that had just been bandaged began to bleed again, staining the bandage red.

When the Chen siblings saw him coming out of the player tunnel, they ran over to meet him:

"Young Master!" Chen Xing shouted excitedly.

Chen Hong was as brisk as a little swallow, and she threw herself into his arms, her clothes soaked with tears:
"Wuwuwu... Young Master... You have suffered..."

"I'm fine, Xiaohong..."

Yamagami Tetsuya patted Chen Hong on the back:
"Luantang, Axu, Abia and the others..."

Upon hearing this, Chen Hong cried even harder, while Chen Xing looked at her with a sharp gaze and said with his back straight:
"They fulfilled their promise and fought to protect the young master until their last breath."

"Ah..." Yamagami Tetsuya sighed and asked:

"Can anyone tell me why Musashi is sitting in the position of the moderator of the Sanwang Conference, and where is Uncle Deng?"

The Chen brothers and sisters looked at each other, and Chen Xing hesitantly said:

"Um, that... Daddy's condition isn't good, so it's inconvenient for him to attend, so Musashi took advantage of the situation..."

"Uncle Deng is injured?"

"Well, on the day you got into trouble, everyone rushed to support you, but we were ambushed along the way, resulting in heavy casualties..."

"Oh my god..."

Since his father Yamagami Hero passed away, Uncle Deng has become Toru's biggest spiritual support.

Uncle Deng's absence made Yamagami Toru feel a little helpless.

"Uncle Deng is should be my sister Huizi who should step forward. It is not the turn of that illegitimate child to represent the Yamagami family."

"I don't want this to happen, but I can't stop it from happening..." Chen Xing shook his head and said helplessly:
"That guy Musashi... apparently reached some kind of agreement with the Kyokushin Group. Now many leaders of the Sanno-kai have sided with him."

"Humph... a bunch of fence-sitters!" Yamagami Tetsuya said angrily:

"As long as I am still alive, I must kill this illegitimate child!"

The Chen siblings didn't know what Musashi had done to Tohru while he was imprisoned, and didn't understand how angry Tohru was at this time:
"Young Master, calm down. We have to get through this first, otherwise everything will be out of the question..."

Yamagami Tetsuya lost control of his emotions, pushed Chen Xing aside, walked towards the VIP viewing area, and shouted:
"Musashi! Fight me!"

Kondo Isao's face darkened and he ordered, "What are you standing there for? Don't let this kid mess around, maintain order!"

A dozen elite Kyokushin warriors formed a human wall to stop Tetsuya and pushed him back.

Musashi slumped on the sofa, crossed his legs, looked at the helpless and furious Tetsuya with a playful expression, and said with a smile:
"Look, Mr. Kondo, Mr. Senator,
This kid Tetsuya has gone mad. He killed his own brother Bunta, and now he wants to kill me. He is really a parricide."

Senator Mrs. Yano Tsunesaki just smiled faintly and said nothing.

The Kyokushin group leader Kondo Isao obviously looked down on Musashi's smug look, and he didn't treat him well. He frowned and said:

"No matter what that kid has done, Lord Martial God will judge him fairly."

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