I'm devouring the stars and being the villain

Chapter 34 Rewards and Requirements

Chapter 34 Rewards and Requirements (for further reading)
As for the requirements to be met for rewards.

In three months, the amplitude of combat power reached 16, and in six months, won the first place in the black dragon list?

is it possible?
If this agreement was not drawn up by the museum owner "Hong" himself, inspector Wang must have thought it was a joke when he saw the agreement before.

It should be noted that Xtreme Martial Arts Elite Training Camp is the world's first talent training camp, and all the talents here are from all over the world.

Moreover, there are old people who have stayed in the training camp for four or five years. How is it possible for a newcomer who has just been here for more than half a year to get the first place?

Although, Xtreme Martial Arts Elite Training Camp stipulates that students must graduate and leave after breaking through the God of War.But after many old people reached the God of War level combat power, they were reluctant to part with the various resources cherished by the training camp, and would not hunt and kill lord level beasts to obtain the God of War level combat power assessment.

Therefore, each of the top [-] on the Black Dragon Ranking has the strength of a god of war, and in the case of extremely fierce competition, it is even more abnormal to be able to maintain the top five rankings for a long time, and each of them has the strength of a high-level god of war.

Brother Shi Jiang, who came from China like Luo Feng and lives in the "Jiangnan Pavilion" together, is ranked fifth in the black dragon list. Once he graduates, he can easily obtain the position of president of the Jiangnan base city's extreme martial arts gym. This is the Jiangnan base city. The first of the four giants in the martial arts school.

But the few in front of Shi Jiang are even more powerful, possessing all kinds of extraordinary means.

Luo Feng, within half a year, under the competition of these opponents, won the first place in the overall standings, is it definitely not a fantasy?
As for the amplitude of combat power, it is the level of one's own fist power multiplied by the level of the trial tower.

Luo Feng is currently in the third level of "Nine Layers of Thunder Saber", and the first level can add a layer of dark energy, increasing the force of seven layers, so Luo Feng's current fist power level is 2.8.The level of the trial tower is at the second level C level, which is 2.9.

Therefore, Luo Feng's current combat power amplitude is 8.12, which is far from the combat power amplitude of 16.

It should be noted that whether it is the level of one's own boxing power or the level of the trial tower, it is more and more difficult to improve the later.

Special Envoy Yang Hui, who led Luo Feng into the training camp, has advanced God of War strength, but the current trial tower level is only 3.2.

It can be said that sometimes in the five years of the entire training camp, none of the trainees can exceed the amplitude of 16 combat power!

In other words, if the general combat power amplitude is 14-15, you can break into the top five in the training camp.

And Luo Feng, to reach 16 within half a year, to reach the highest level of graduation for previous students?
"Are you a Psychiatrist?" Inspector Wang, who had his eyes closed, suddenly said.

Luo Feng's heart skipped a beat, knowing that Inspector Wang had guessed it.

It is completely impossible for a warrior to meet the first requirement within three months. Only a spiritual master has a chance.

However, the calculation method of the combat power amplitude of the extreme martial arts spiritual master and the combat power amplitude of the warrior is different.

Like the trial tower, it is just a mind space. Psychic masters can't use a sliver of mental power, and can only rely on their own warrior strength to break through. Psychic masters usually practice to control objects and improve their own mental power. The trial tower How can the level compare to a warrior!
And Psychiatrists are the favorites in various organizations, all kinds of resources are tilted towards them, and Xtreme Martial Art Museum is no exception.

Therefore, the calculation method of the amplitude of the combat power of the Psychiatrist is not only the level of his own fist power, but also the level of object control is calculated together.

For example, Luo Feng is currently able to control one throwing knife with all his strength, which explodes with the strongest impact force, while controlling two throwing knives, the power is scattered, and each throwing knife only has about [-]% of the impact force, while controlling three throwing knives , each throwing knife can only maintain [-]% of the impact force.

Therefore, Luo Feng's current highest level of power as a Psychiatrist is to control two throwing knives, each with 1.6% strength, which is a power level of [-].

Coupled with the 2.8 level of his own boxing power, and then multiplied by the level of the trial tower, the current amplitude of Luo Feng's combat power as a Psychiatrist is 12.76!

However, it is quite difficult to reach a combat power amplitude of 16 within three months.

"I'm a psychiatrist."

Luo Feng's mind raced quickly, and then he said calmly.

Ever since he was hunted down by Li Yao and rescued by Hong, there is actually no need to hide his identity as a spiritual teacher.I didn't reveal the identity of the spiritual master before because I just arrived at the training camp and I have been busy improving my warrior strength.

And since "Hong" arranged to send Luo Feng to the Xtreme Martial Arts Gym elite training camp last time, it seems that he has forgotten Luo Feng.Unexpectedly, it was actually "Hong" who made the agreement himself.

"The owner really thinks highly of me." Thinking of the harsh reward conditions, Luo Feng didn't know whether to be proud or smile wryly.

Inspector Wang nodded, sure enough, although he didn't know how the owner of the hall knew that Luo Feng was a spiritual teacher and paid so much attention to him, he still reminded him aloud: "Although the spiritual teacher is talented, every student has a spirit In the end, they can almost sweep the entire training camp."

"But that's only possible after three or four years in the elite training camp. You have to reach 16 in three months and sweep the entire training camp in half a year. It's hard!"

"However, the owner of the museum has his reasons for formulating the treaty in this way. I hope you will not disappoint the expectations of the owner of the museum."

"Yes, thank you King Inspector!"

Luo Feng thanked him aloud, and his fighting spirit was high.

The news that Li Yao was tried and fined 1000 billion Huaxia coins had spread like wildfire.

Even inside the Xtreme Martial Arts Gym, I don't know how many people envy him to be close to the rich wife Vinina of the Polinas family!

You must know that in addition to the "1000 billion" Huaxia coins that Li Yao and his wife offered as a reward, they also added the "1000 billion" Huaxia coins that were fined, making a total of 2000 billion Huaxia coins. This huge wealth is difficult for some congressmen to show.

Like some high-level gods of war, although they make money quickly, killing a medium-level lord-level beast will bring billions to their accounts, but if they want to earn 2000 billion, it will be a year of the monkey... let alone kill a lot of lord-level beasts, and they will face kings. The risk of being chased and killed by super fierce beasts.

Moreover, war god-level fighters earn a lot and spend a lot of money. A set of SS-level combat uniforms costs tens of billions, plus weapons...

Naturally, Luo Feng also got news from Li Yao in the elite training camp.

The enemy escaped, and Luo Feng naturally had to face the pressure of being hunted down by the vulture Li Yao.

"As long as I reach a combat power amplitude of 16 on May [-], I will be able to get the dragon blood reward. By then, relying on the dragon blood to greatly increase my physical strength, my combat power will have a qualitative leap, sweeping the entire training camp, no problem! "

"When the time comes, I will be able to fight the vulture Li Yao, instead of being ruthlessly hunted down and running for my life!"

Luo Feng was making plans in his heart, thinking of the embarrassing scene of being chased and killed by Li Yao before, he secretly held his breath!

I must work hard quietly, and when the time comes, I will surprise my enemy vulture Li Yao!
"I hope that the spiritual power in my mind can support me to improve to that point..."


(End of this chapter)

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