I'm devouring the stars and being the villain

Chapter 35 The House of HR Alliance

Chapter 35 The House of HR Alliance (for further reading)
In the evening, a blue fighter plane returned to the Shanshui community in Jiangnan of China under automatic cruise.

The fighter plane shook slightly after hovering over the manor, but no one appeared.

Ten minutes later, Li Yao appeared at the cabin opening holding the ragged Venina in his arms, and then lightly jumped off the fighter plane.

Vinina leaned against Li Yao's chest with a flushed face, revealing a large area of ​​spring.


Beauty incense, hero grave.

The evening breeze was blowing, Li Yao sat cross-legged on the attic, sighing secretly that he had fallen, and he could no longer indulge in this in the future.

After serious introspection, Li Yao immediately calmed down and began to sort out his own abilities.

First of all, Li Yao is currently at the peak warrior level of a high-level god of war, but his physical strength has surpassed the level of a warrior who just entered the planetary level, and he is heading towards 5 times the strength of a high-level wargod.The ability of the Psychiatrist is at the level of a high-level god of war, and he can control 6 throwing knives at the same time.

In addition, the sword technique "Phantom Sword Jue" mastered is currently at the seventh level, which can be increased to 4 times the amplitude of its own force, which is similar to the level mastered by ordinary councilors.

The realm of sword art is currently in the artistic conception stage, and the next stage is the domain, but the domain is too difficult, and only "Hong" has entered this realm in the entire earth.

And the next step is for warriors to break through to the planetary level as soon as possible, as well as sword skills. Li Yao feels that "Phantom Sword Art" has not been very suitable for him. .

Especially after he learned "Star Body Refining Art", Li Yao's physical strength has greatly improved. Simple sharp knife skills and saber techniques can no longer fully exert Li Yao's physical strength. He feels that he should practice a technique that tends to explode Knife.

As for the rewards of the system, Li Yao now has a reward for "adding points" and a reward for enlightenment.Adding some rewards, Li Yao is going to wait until the third level of "Sun God" in "Star Body Training Art" to take a look...

As for the "Enlightenment" reward, although the system is reluctant to say it clearly, Li Yao guesses that it is a means to instantly improve "savvy" according to the name of the reward.

Li Yao has read so many novels in his previous life, but he has never eaten pork, so has he never seen a pig running? "Enlightenment" is generally a peerless genius, the state of opportunity pursued by Da Neng. In this state, one can practice at a rapid pace.

Li Yao felt that the system's rewards were probably the same, and they couldn't be as outrageous as the "additional points" rewards used last time, right?

I should make good use of this "enlightenment" reward to improve my strength.

Li Yao thought to himself, besides, the Capers family's defeat this time, probably won't let it go, they may make a comeback at any time, premeditate the next attack, let alone have any slack, must continue to strengthen themselves.

As Li Yao fell into meditation, the bright moonlight particles were slowly drawn into Li Yao's body, and Li Yao's surroundings seemed to be shrouded in a hazy silver-white light.


After training, Li Yao planned to create a suitable sword technique by himself.

But in order to create sword techniques, one must first have sufficient foundation.

Li Yao entered the study, turned on the computer at home, and logged into the HR Alliance Home.

This website can only be accessed by members of the HR alliance. The website has many functions, divided into many sections, there are sales areas, there are tasks for receiving and posting tasks, there is a separate chat function for meeting customers, there is a training section, and there is a donation system, which can be purchased inside. Various items, providing services for various needs.

Li Yao clicked to log in, and the beautiful music sounded like gurgling water flowing in the audio-visual room. At the same time, a personal page appeared on the huge screen. On it was a photo of Li Yao when he was young. Li Yao had a cold temperament in the past. Up close, he doesn't look like a good person at first glance.

After Li Yao came here through time travel, his personality was different from his original body after all, not as withdrawn as his original body.

Up to now, when Li Yao usually looks in the mirror, he feels that his temperament is much gentler. Even though his appearance is still thin and stern, the smoldering anger on his brows has dissipated, and it is no longer as before.

Below the photo are some of Li Yao's information records registered in the Alliance House.

Name: Li Yao
Sex: Male
Age: 43
Address: Huaxia Kingdom Jiangnan Base City

Warrior ID number: 426123205608010001
Level: High God of War
Contribution value: 12310000 points (level [-])
The contribution value is the calculation method of the contribution to the alliance set by the HR alliance. Thousands, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million... correspond to the contribution value levels from one to five respectively.And each level of contribution value has a discount in the alliance mall, like Li Yao's fifth level of contribution value, he only needs to pay [-]% of the total price.

Like Xtreme Martial Arts, Thunder Martial Arts has a similar method of calculating contribution points.

Contribution points can be obtained in three ways: One is to hunt and kill beast materials and sell them to the alliance to get money and contribution point rewards.

The second is by donating to the alliance, but there is a limit on the amount of donations, and you can only reach the third level of contribution points at most.

The third is to accept the task issued by the alliance and complete it, and you will be rewarded with a lot of contribution value.Like the mission of the "Holy Hammer Squad" to escort the scientific research team into the Australian mainland, Li Yao's rescue mission and so on.

Li Yao clicked on the shopping mall, and clicked on the sword attack cheats again. Immediately, numerous sword attack cheats appeared on the video screen.

The top one is of course Thor's "Nine Layers of Thunder Knife", rated as the ultimate, and the price is 1000 billion Huaxia coins (full price).Immediately after that is Li Yao's previous practice of "Phantom Knife Jue", which is rated as SSS level and sold for 500 billion Chinese coins (full price).

After that:
"Breaking the Army", Category: Sword Technique.Rating: SSS.Price: 400 billion Huaxia coins (full price).

"Fog Knife", category: knife technique.Rating: SS.Price: 100 billion Huaxia coins (full price)

"Blaster Sword Technique", category: knife technique.Evaluation: A.Price: 10 billion Huaxia coins (full price)

"Millennium Kill", category: knife technique.Rating: C.Price: 5000 million Huaxia coins (full price)

From top to bottom, Li Yao has a collection of more than 3000 sword art cheats in the Union Mall. The most expensive "Nine Layers of Thunder Sword" has a full price of 1000 billion Huaxia coins, while the price behind it is much worse, and the cheapest The selling price of one of the books can only be 1000 Huaxia coins, but these exercise cheats can be included by the HR alliance, so there are certain merits.

Li Yao calculated that with the half-price discount of his five-level contribution value, it would take more than 3000 billion Huaxia coins to buy all these sword art cheats.

More than 3000 billion Huaxia coins, the price of only one spirit of grass and trees, Li Yao was so angry that he waved his hand and bought them all directly.

"Ding! The cheat book of "Nine Layers of Thunder Saber" has been successfully purchased, please pay attention to check it."

"Ding! The cheat book of "Breaking the Army" has been successfully purchased, please pay attention to check it."


"Ding! The cheat book of "Fog Knife" has been successfully purchased, please pay attention to check it."


(End of this chapter)

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