I'm devouring the stars and being the villain

Chapter 36 Enlightenment Rewards

Chapter 36 Enlightenment Rewards (for further reading)
After purchasing a large number of secret books on sword techniques, Li Yao didn't leave his room for half a month, studying the general outlines, techniques, and artistic conceptions of all kinds of secret books on sword techniques.

I don't want to master every sword technique, but I just want to understand the application principle and creative highlights of each sword technique, and then inductively absorb it to understand the background of my own sword technique.

As a high-ranking God of War, Li Yao has a deep understanding of sword skills. Except that it took a long time to understand the few sword skills at the beginning, Li Yao can understand some of the later skills at a glance. The speed is greatly improved.

However, there are some innovative points in the secrets of sword techniques that occasionally catch Li Yao's eyes.Even if it is an ordinary sword technique cheat book, some strange ideas can inspire Li Yao greatly.

A person's wisdom and inspiration are one-sided and limited, but the charm of books lies in this, which is the essence of the creator's wisdom.

You can feel the creator's thinking at that time between the lines, and feel the flash of inspiration in the whimsy and whimsy.

After half a month, Li Yao began to read some ancient secret books, Taoist scriptures and Buddhist scriptures, and read the works of some ancient scholars.

The earth, transformed by the power of the other world, has gone through three eras, and after two explosions and fragments in the middle, it has reorganized into a planet.From the original mountain and sea world, to the source star, and then to the current earth.

No matter which era, the most precious part of the "earth" is undoubtedly the influence on the power of the mind, and the life on the earth is easy to achieve great achievements in the mind.

In the ancient times of the earth, extraordinary power was not obvious, and many scholars devoted their entire lives to writing books and biographies. These books are not only their cognition of the truth of the world, but also the culmination of ancient scholars' cultivation of mind. .

At first glance, these ancient theories seem to be incompatible with the power of warriors and the cheats of sword techniques.However, each sword art is created from the prototype to the complete creation, which actually brings together the founder's perception of the world and life, and it is precisely because of these perceptions that the will of the creator is condensed, such a sword art It is truly possessed of a soul.

While reading these saber technique secrets and ancient books, Li Yao gradually strengthened and broadened his knowledge, absorbed the essence of how ancient scholars behaved and understood the principles of the world, and turned it into the foundation of his own martial arts path.

A month later, Li Yao vaguely had a vague idea about the saber technique he wanted to create.

In the manor, on the spacious training ground, the leaves of tall camphor trees rustled.

Under the big tree, Li Yao practiced his saber skills one by one, fast and slow, and the alloy saber in his hand reflected dazzling brilliance in the sun.At first glance, the saber techniques in Li Yao's hands seem to be chaotic and disorderly, but after careful consideration, you can see the shadows of many saber techniques in his saber techniques. There is a feeling of contradiction and naturalness in Li Yao's saber techniques. reflected in.

"It's almost there." Li Yao muttered to himself as he stood up with his knife closed.

In his heart, he had a hazy feeling about the saber technique he wanted to create, and Li Yao felt that he was a little short of creating this saber technique.

Maybe it was a sudden realization at a certain moment, or it may take a long time for this slight distance.

"System, I want to use the enlightenment reward!" Li Yao said directly.

The enlightenment reward has been in his hands all the time, Li Yao wants to test its usage, and also hopes that the system's rewards can be quickly transformed into his own abilities.

"The host chooses to use the enlightenment reward, start to activate!"

Just as the system's voice sounded in his mind, "Whew!" Li Yao's consciousness instantly entered a familiar space.

The space was pitch black, only the place where Li Yao was was surrounded by a circle of light.

Li Yao's heart skipped a beat. With this damn sense of sight, he came to the "Enlightenment Space" again!
"System, I advise you to be kind!" Li Yao shouted in his heart.

At this time, the old voice in the enlightenment space sounded again: "Please pay attention, enlightenment begins now!"

As soon as the old voice finished speaking, Li Yao felt that his conscious body in the enlightenment space began to float uncontrollably, flying up lightly.

In the dark space, his body began to float up. Li Yao watched his hands and his body suspended in the dark space, and an inexplicable pulling force acted on him.

As the height increases, the bright area on the ground quickly turns into a small spot of light.The surroundings of the consciousness are immediately shrouded in darkness, and the body consciousness feels lighter and lighter, as if there is a feeling of being out of the cage, and a feeling of carefree and comfortable comes from the bottom of my heart.

Darkness is originally colorless, but in Li Yao's perception, the surrounding darkness is getting deeper and deeper, the original sense of comfort has disappeared, and the deep darkness began to bring a feeling of oppression to Li Yao, just like a A person who drowns in the deep sea struggles powerlessly, but is swallowed by the deeper and deeper sea water, and his heart is shrouded in a kind of blankness and powerlessness.

I don't know how high he has risen, Li Yao's perspective is getting higher and higher, the surrounding space begins to break away from the dark category, a feeling of nothingness arises in the bottom of his heart, Li Yao feels his consciousness is slowly drifting away, and various emotions begin to fade away. Going away from myself, but my memory is getting deeper and deeper, and my mind is running faster and faster.

At a certain moment, Li Yao felt that his consciousness was linked to a great existence of nothingness and vastness.

"Boom!" It sounded like an earth-shattering roar in Li Yao's mind!
Li Yao's thoughts began to spread at a very high speed, and continued to a very far distance like lightning and flint. This kind of spreading speed surpassed the concept of speed. In an instant, Li Yao felt his consciousness spread like tentacles to the dark corners of the entire Enlightenment Space.And as the space covered by his thinking became larger and larger, Li Yao felt that his emotions became more and more indifferent, and a kind of perspective from above, overlooking all living beings emerged spontaneously from the bottom of his heart.

In my mind, human nature is becoming more and more indifferent, but the memory of cultivation is becoming clearer and deeper, and the perception of various sword techniques from previous cultivation is constantly circulating in my heart.

"Nine Layers Thunder Saber", "Phantom Saber Jue"... "Mist Saber"... The lines of the secret texts rolled in Li Yao's consciousness. Uncomprehended angles are constantly being interpreted, and countless inspirations suddenly appear in my mind.

In Li Yao's eyes, lines of golden writing began to appear in the indifferent pupils, and countless golden words danced, lingered, and flowed rapidly in Li Yao's consciousness!Stimulated by countless inspirations, Li Yao's own thinking was running faster and faster!

At a certain moment, "Boom!" All the words disappeared, leaving a golden text in my mind.

Li Yao's mind and consciousness also began to drop, he fell rapidly, and a strong sense of weightlessness appeared.

In the manor, Li Yao's tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, as if he fell into a cliff in a dream and was awakened, his head covered in cold sweat.

"Hoohoo!" Li Yao panted heavily, his mind went blank, and he only felt the pain in his head tearing apart, like being pricked by a needle.


(End of this chapter)

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