I'm devouring the stars and being the villain

Chapter 37 "Beheading"

Chapter 37 "Beheading"

"This feeling, this feeling..." Li Yao muttered to himself.

Recalling what I experienced when I used the Enlightenment Reward in the Enlightenment Space, the state of high-speed thinking is like replacing a dilapidated old car with a super sports car, and all kinds of doubts and entangled problems are solved under the burst of inspiration.

All kinds of angles that I have never tried before on the knife technique, under the deduction of the speed of thinking, various possibilities are created!
Li Yao was very happy in his heart, this time the Enlightenment reward finally didn't deceive him like "adding points", and showed Li Yao his extremely powerful side.

And it is different from "adding points" which only improves the proficiency, and has no limitations in understanding the rules. "Enlightenment Rewards" can be created out of nothing, inspire creativity, and have great application prospects for future understanding of laws!

Li Yao was full of smiles. Before, he was a little worried that his innate aptitude was not as good as that of the protagonist Luo Feng. In terms of comprehension of laws, there was a huge gap between him and Luo Feng, who became the master of the universe in 10 years.However, now that he has the enlightenment reward, he can finally regain some advantage for Li Yao.

"I have something to worry about, Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

After Li Yao laughed nervously, he thought of another possibility.

"Enlightenment rewards" can inspire inspiration, create something out of nothing, and improve one's creativity, while "adding points" rewards can improve one's proficiency and control over abilities.

Combining the two, isn't it... a perpetual motion machine?

You don't have to worry about your own abilities improving too much after the "Enlightenment Reward", and your foundation is not solid.There is no need to worry about "adding points" to stagnate, and there is no breakthrough inspiration.

It's like building a road, one keeps dumping rocks in front, and the other keeps flattening with a bulldozer in the back. The road is built quickly and flat!
Fuck, it seems a bit awesome!
"System, I admit that I spoke a little louder to you before."


It seems that I have a lot of opportunities to get a little "Enlightenment Reward"!
Li Yao thought of the Chaos Monument in the Chaos City of the Primordial Universe, which contained countless laws of the Dao, and was a treasure for warriors to comprehend the laws.If I have the opportunity to comprehend the Chaos Monument in the future, and then use the Enlightenment reward during the comprehension process...

Li Yao fell into endless reverie.

After a while, when he came back to his senses, Li Yao recalled the great existence that he was linked to after he was continuously elevated in the center of the enlightenment space.

Bring Li Yao's soul the feeling of endless nothingness and vastness!
Li Yao pondered in his mind, constantly speculating about various possibilities.

However, compared to the "Enlightenment Reward", Li Yao felt his brain was as slow as rusty.

"Hey, it's hard to go from extravagance to frugality..." Li Yao shook his head, expressing emotion.

However, Li Yao was also worried in his heart. Although the enlightenment reward was powerful, in the process, the feeling of indifference and alienation from human nature made him a little worried.

Be cautious when using it in the future, and don't get lost in it.

"There is also the reward of enlightenment!" Li Yao's heart was excited, and his mind was concentrated in his mind. At this time, a bright scripture was hanging in his mind, and the golden characters burst into light.

A secret book on knife techniques with 36 characters, in which there are a total of [-] knife techniques, concise and grand, with open and close knife styles!

Li Yao can see the shadows of various saber techniques, and at the same time, it combines various advantages of more than 3000 saber techniques. The burst of power is powerful without losing various changes, and the magic is infinite.

Li Yao's mind was completely immersed in this sword technique. Half an hour later, Li Yao opened his eyes, and there was a shock in his eyes!

"It can explode with nine times the power!" Li Yao's eyes lit up. As expected of a system product, it really is a masterpiece!

Hong's "Mie Shi" and Thor's "Nine Layers of Thunder Saber" are currently the strongest kung fu cheats on the earth, and the strongest is only a seven-fold burst of power.

For example, "Nine Layers of Thunder Saber" has nine layers in total, and each level of comprehension adds a dark force, and a dark force increases one's own power burst by [-]%, and finally the nine layers can reach seven times its own power burst.

After the "Enlightenment Reward", Li Yao comprehended this sword technique, which also has a total of nine levels, and each level can stimulate a dark energy, but can increase his own explosion by [-]%.
"Awesome!" Li Yao exclaimed, the more difficult it is to increase the explosive power of the body as the exercises are advanced.Like "Hong" and Thunder God's kung fu secrets, they can only reach seven times in the end, which is already very amazing, but with the help of the system's enlightenment reward, Li Yao's kung fu can be twice as high. Really awesome.

Li Yao himself had already practiced the "Star Body Refining Art", and he was still in the high-level God of War realm. His own strength was already five times that of his original body strength, and now this sword technique had increased to nine times his own explosive power.

Li Yao's eyes brightened, and he felt a sense of anticipation that he wanted to find an opponent right away and fight for [-] rounds.

Previously, relying on Li Yao's strong physical fitness and the weird methods of the high-level God of War Psychiatrist, Li Yao felt that he could fight against ordinary first-level councilors.

But as far as Li Yao knows, the current strong parliamentarians on earth can be roughly divided into four levels.

The first level is undoubtedly the sixth level of the planet, "Hong" in the field of comprehension, and Thor of the seventh level of the planet, far stronger than the councilor warriors behind.

The second level is the last three Speakers of the God of War Palace, the Ice and Snow Emperor Mohanderson, the first Psychic Master East, and Alkin who has a grudge against Li Yao.The third level is Jia Yi, a strong player in the Huaxia military, and Yan Hai, a member of the HR Alliance, and other planetary second-tier councilors.The fourth stage is ordinary councilors below the first three levels.

Li Yao was not afraid of ordinary councilors, but now that he has mastered a powerful sword technique, and his strength has been improved, he feels that he can fight with Jia Yi and other third-stage councilors.

"Not bad!"

Li Yao sighed in admiration, the great strength brought about an enhanced sense of security!Li Yao wanted to give the sword technique he created a nice name.

Li Yao came here by himself, and what he faced was the ending of Li Yao's family being destroyed in the original book. Naturally, he was eager to change this fate.

"Why don't we call it beheading!" Li Yao murmured to himself after thinking for a while.

"Cut your life, kill your life, cut your own destiny!" Li Yao shouted loudly, feeling agitated.

"Clang!" The alloy saber sheathed with him easily tore through the air, cutting out a dazzling blade light in mid-air.

Bursts of saber light permeated the training ground, and the cold light made people dazzled and fearful.


Li Yao shouted loudly, the power of his whole body surged, layers of power gushed out from every corner of his body like a surging river, and finally gathered and exploded in the sword in his arm!


An afterimage flashed by, and the knife light made a violent sonic boom, a gully more than ten meters long was cut on the ground, and gravel flew randomly!

(End of this chapter)

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