You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 119 The case has been accepted, we must continue to build up the reputation of the law firm!

Chapter 119 The case has been accepted, we must continue to build up the reputation of the law firm!

Facing a general description of Wang Li.

Su Bai already understood.
After Wang Li saw Su Bai nodding, he let out a soft breath.

As long as lawyer Su agrees to settle the case.

Then there's almost nothing wrong with the case.

Even if there is a problem...
According to Lawyer Su's handling method last time, there shouldn't be too many problems!

Wang Li smiled and said, "Lawyer Su, you will take over this case, then there will be no problem."

"To be honest, I have complete confidence in Lawyer Su's strength."

When speaking, Wang Li gave a thumbs up and said again:
"Lawyer Su, last time you defended me and helped Zhang Tongwei in the lawsuit, I haven't thanked you enough yet."

"Although I have paid for the lawyer's fees, this feeling cannot be avoided."

"Is Lawyer Su free at night? I'll treat you to a meal and call Zhang Tongwei. When I mentioned Lawyer Su to him earlier, that kid was also very grateful to Lawyer Su."

"Of course."

"At the beginning, Lawyer Xiao Li also helped us a lot, did Lawyer Xiao Li go with us...?"

Facing Wang Li's enthusiastic invitation, Su Bai smiled and shook his head.

"Forget it, let's eat this meal later."

"The law firm is currently busy, so I can't leave."

"If that's the case, let's wait until the case is over."

Wang Li grinned and spoke.


Su Bai nodded slightly.

Wang Li continued: "Lawyer Nasu, I'm leaving first. I'll go with you when you confirm the time to go to Shadu."

Wang Li's idea is very simple.

My distant relatives.

If he went with Lawyer Su, it would be good to have an arrangement, after all, he invited Lawyer Su to go on this case.

must be arranged properly
Su Bai saw Wang Li's thoughts, smiled and said nothing more, nodded and said yes.

Wait until Wang Li leaves.

Li Xuezhen stood aside and asked, "Lawyer Su, are we going to Sadu this time when we receive the case...?"


"I went to Sandu to expand my business."

Su Bai smiled.

With the expansion of the law firm's business, the scope of coverage has gradually begun to increase
Li Xuezhen's eyes lit up.


According to Wang Li's description, this is another big case
I don't know who will be sent away at random this time.
How many consecutive victories is this?

Forget it, let’s forget about it, let’s point to the achievement first.
Xiao Li's face was full of joy.

Case case...beautiful.
Nandu Fa University, in the female dormitory.

Li Xuezhen was packing her luggage.

Graduation is approaching, and senior students are busy looking for internships.

In the dormitory, except Wang Kexin, the head of the ball, no one else in Li Xuezhen's dormitory is in the dormitory.

"Xuezhen, I heard you are going on a business trip tomorrow...? Are you going out alone with Lawyer Su...?"

Wang Kexin came to gossip carefully, lying on the bed, the head of the ball sticking out of the bed rail, the little ball swayed, and looked at Li Xuezhen with curiosity and expectation.

"Yes, there is a case in Shadu, and I may go there in a few days."

Li Xuezhen replied seriously with a small face while packing her luggage.

Hearing this, Wang Kexin's little ball continued to move forward.


"Then when you and Lawyer Su go out to study the case together, there should be a lot of topics."


Li Xuezhen tilted her head:
"There are quite a lot of topics. I remember the Qifeng case and the Guo Xiaojun case when I went to Beijing. Lawyer Su and I talked a lot."

Wang Kexin's small face was pleasantly surprised, and Xiaowanzi moved her head forward vigorously.

"Then what are you guys talking about? Tell me quickly..."

"What are you talking about...?"

Xiao Li blinked his eyes: "What else can we talk about besides the dossier...?"

Wang Kexin:? ? ? ?
"Didn't you say that you and Lawyer Su talked a lot...? Didn't you talk about anything else...?"

"Yes, there are many questions and topics in the dossier. Isn't this normal? What else are you talking about...?"

Wang Kexin: Well, I admit defeat
The little ball's head drooped completely, she ate this melon wrong...
Xiao Li smiled and squinted his eyes to make up the knife: "Kexin...what's the matter?"

Wang Kexin shrugged and pulled Xiaowanzi, and shrank his head back: "It's okay... I'm just curious."


"OK then."

Xiao Li's face was full of smiles.
.... ...

Inside Baijun Law Firm.

Two days have passed since Wang Li came to look for Su Bai.

Inside the office.

Han Chen reported to Su Bai some recent summary reports from the law firm.

"Lawyer Su, the law firm's case acceptance rate has tripled this month compared to last month."

"Our law firm, judging from the number of consulting calls received by the law firm in the recent period, the acceptance rate of cases may drop by the end of the month, but it is still maintained at a good number."


Su Bai took over the materials of the recent summary report on the development of the law firm from Han Chen.

Glancing roughly, he nodded slightly.

What is the most important thing about a law firm?
Not only the level of lawyers but also the reputation.

Once you have a reputation, you will have a case source.

After the Qin Xiaofeng case was over.

The case acceptance rate of the law firm has increased a lot with the naked eye
This month's performance has improved significantly.

It seems that the law firm still needs to greatly improve its reputation
Su Bai muttered silently in his heart.
On the fifth day after Wang Li went to Su Bai.

The law firm has been dealt with.

Su Bai let out a long breath, took a sip of the tea that he had bought for nothing, and called Wang Li.

"The legal affairs have been dealt with"

"I can go to Shadu anytime here."

"Anytime, oh, good Lawyer Su, why don't we go tomorrow...?"

"I have already greeted my distant relatives. I said that lawyer Su was the lawyer who sent the judge in a few days ago. They called 666 and said that they would thank Lawyer Su for entrusting this case when they met. .”

"I've already made arrangements over there."

"Oh, by the way, Lawyer Su, should we drive there by ourselves, or take a high-speed rail plane?"

"I've already seen it all. If you go from Nandu high-speed rail to Shadu, it will take about four and a half hours. If you drive, it will take a little longer."

Wang Li chattered a lot directly.

Su Bai rubbed his brows. Wang Li was quite worried about going to Shadu.

"The high-speed rail."

"Okay, Lawyer Su, then I will book the ticket now."

Wang Li grinned.

As for the ticket booking, Su Bai directly booked it himself, with Li Xuezhen.

And also notified Li Xuezhen to prepare for going to Shadu tomorrow.

Li Xuezhen heard that she was about to leave for Shadu.

The small face is happy: "Good lawyer Su"

"Lawyer Su, I have already prepared, we can go anytime."

Su Bai: I see your little expression, it’s not that you’re ready to go to Shadu, but you’re ready to send someone in, right?
this little face is happy
Can't hide it at all.
Crooked crooked ah.
Su Bai searched the Internet subconsciously: What should I do if the intern I brought is crooked.
Answer: No matter which aspect is crooked, it must have something to do with the person who leads the intern.

To untie the bell, one must tie it. It is suggested to start from the source and break the person who brought her straight first.

Su Bai:? ? ?
Looking at the answer, Su Bai felt offended.

Shit answer.

Not at all.

Uninstalled! .
Shadu, high-speed rail station.

As soon as they got out of the high-speed rail station, Wang Li really made arrangements.

His distant relatives were already waiting outside the high-speed rail station.

And arranged a place to stay, saying that he would live in the home of this distant relative.

However, in order to avoid any other situation, Su Bai directly refused.

And under the evasion, I came to the hotel I booked.

The responsibility of a criminal law firm is to do a good job in entrusting matters.


For a criminal lawyer, it is really necessary to avoid getting too close.

Avoidance refers to avoiding some unnecessary situations.

The most important thing is to protect your own personal safety.  …

Su Bai did not speak directly to Wang Li earlier.

After arriving in Shadu, Su Bai casually found a reason to Wang Li and his relatives, and stated it clearly.

Wang Li said: "Lawyer Su, I can understand, I can understand..."

Inside the hotel.

Su Bai sorted things out briefly, and then brought Li Xuezhen and Wang Li to the home of Wang Li, a distant relative.

Wang Li had already introduced it to Su Bai before.

This distant relative, surnamed Wang...

The client who was sentenced to seven years in prison, male, name: Wang Mingxuan, about 40 years old.

The condition of the home is pretty good in Shadu, a small demolition household.

Originally, Wang Mingxuan's idea was to subsidize his family by going out to buy goods.

But I didn't expect to encounter this stall.


Wang Mingxuan's wife Xia Xue warmly entertained Su Bai and Li Xuezhen.

"Lawyer Su..."

"I've made you a hard trip this time, I'm sorry to trouble you..."

"Drink water drink water..."

On the table, there were two cups of steaming hot water.

Su Bai smiled: "Okay, there is no rush to drink water."

"The main reason is that I still want to continue to understand the in-depth situation..."


"Lawyer Su, ask..."

Wang Li's previous statement only expressed the general situation of this case, but he did not understand it in detail.

For this case, Su Bai was unable to make an in-depth judgment.

Asking Wang Mingxuan's wife in advance will help make a good judgment.

Su Bai looked at Wang Mingxuan's wife, obviously...

During the time Wang Mingxuan was guarding, Xia Xue was very tired from the look on his face.

After taking a deep breath.

Su Bai asked Li Xuezhen to make a record, and asked:
"This case was prosecuted by the supervisory agency for negligence, right...?"

"Well, yes, Lawyer Su."

"Then for the family members of the passenger who hit the bus, when you were prosecuted, the relevant lawyer should have asked you whether you want to obtain the understanding of the family members?"

"I've asked... what the lawyer told us is to get the understanding of the family members, and the sentence may be lighter."

"We have also gone to their family members to seek their understanding."

"But they want 100 million yuan..."

"Although we are demolishing, how can we have the money..."


"The other party insisted that we are murderers. If it weren't for us, their children would not have died."

"If we have to pay 100 million for an understanding, we won't be able to pay a penny less."

"Even when we were hesitating, the other party raised the price, saying that it would add another 20."

"There is no way, let's just say it."

"But who would have thought...that the sentence would be so severe..."

"Then we went around trusting people, trying to find a good lawyer..."

"So I found you, Lawyer Su..."

After listening to Xia Xue's description, Su Bai nodded slightly.

The specific situation can only be judged after reading the dossier.


Sentenced to seven years in prison for negligent crime causing death.

This can be said to be a top penalty.

This unreasonable.

Could it be another Qin Xiaofeng case...?
Su Bai smiled slightly, if that was the case...

Bai Jun Law Firm can once again make a name for itself.

Su Bai nodded with a smile: "I've finished asking all the relevant questions. Is there anything you want to ask or say?"

"If not, you can sign a power of attorney first."

"If there is a power of attorney, we can further understand the specifics of the case."

"Okay, okay...sign."

Xia Xue nodded.

Su Bai asked Li Xuezhen to take out the entrustment contract from the briefcase and put it on the table.

After a brief glance, Xia Xue immediately signed her name in the column of the client.

After confirmation.

Xia Xue was a little worried and said: "Lawyer Su, in this case, my family will be sentenced for a few years..."

"I told him at the beginning, don't let him run a sports car, he insisted on running, and wanted to subsidize his family, now it's all right, this incident happened..."

"It's good now, what if I'm sentenced to seven years... these seven years... what should I do..."

While talking, Xia Xue changed from worrying to complaining, and then to worrying again.


Facing Xia Xue's question, Su Bai smiled and said:
"You don't have to worry about this, I will do my best..."


"I would like to ask, is there any detailed process for the other party's family to claim 100 million from you before they are willing to sign the letter of understanding?"

Xia Xue:? ? ?
Detailed process.…

At this time, Wang Li assisted: "Biao Aunt, think about it carefully, the questions that Lawyer Su asks are not in vain."

"Maybe it is very important for my cousin in the lawsuit."

"Auntie, think about it carefully."

After Xia Xue thought for a few seconds, she spoke again:

"I remember this detailed process very clearly."

"It was..."

After half an hour, Su Bai stood up.

Everything you want to know has been asked.

This case...

There is indeed a problem...

However, the final judgment can only be made after reading the files and asking the parties concerned.

After a few more polite words, Su Bai took Li Xuezhen and left the client's house temporarily.

Wang Li trotted behind the two of them.

"Lawyer Su, how is it? Is this case very simple...?"

Su Bai smiled: "Jane doesn't simply look at the file first..."

Sentenced to seven years...

This makes Su Bai always feel a little outrageous...

PS: Ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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