You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 120 Su Bai: Listen up, I'll teach you another lesson!

Chapter 120 Su Bai: Listen up, I'll teach you another lesson!
I learned the general situation from Xia Xue.

And, after signing the power of attorney.

Su Bai took Li Xuezhen to the court of the first instance.

The case of Wang Mingxuan.

The impact is still relatively large.

The person who died because of jumping off the car was a woman who had just turned 25 years old.

During Wang Mingxuan's arrest, the family of Lin Xiu, the woman who jumped off the car and died, publicized her subjective and unsubstantiated "conjecture" on the Internet.

Media reports soon followed.

Some unscrupulous media say all sorts of nonsense.

[The driver pulled the goods, intending to cause a girl in her prime to jump out of the car, asking for the death penalty]

[Unscrupulous drivers, request a strict judicial sentence!Heavy sentence! 】

[ and so, Lin Xiu's relatives and friends came forward to confirm that Lin Xiu called the police before jumping off the car...]


This also led to the fact that Wang Mingxuan's family suffered a lot of abuse and attacks.
But as the judiciary released the evidence.

[Wang Mingxuan did not perform any other acts during the whole process]

[Lin Xiu did not call the police in advance]

Wait for a series of case reports.


This exposed a lot of unscrupulous media, reporting false situations in order to attract traffic.

The voice on the Internet has also begun to reverse.
After learning about the general process from the Internet, Su Bai rubbed his brows.

This case requires further understanding of the detailed situation, and we can only look at the file and the notification of the relevant law enforcement agencies...


Personal subjective intention is too big.

Take a breath.

Su Bai looked up.

Since this case involved major public opinion, it was heard by the Shadu Intermediate Court.

Come to the window to retrieve the file.

After Su Bai submitted the relevant materials.

The staff of the Shadu Intermediate Court froze for a moment: "Bai Jun Law Firm? Lawyer Su Bai...?"


Su Bai replied with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, the staff looked Su Bai up and down.

Is this the lawyer who sent the judge in?

Looks very polite
Why are you so fierce in court...?
The staff member said it silently in his heart. As a practitioner in the legal circle, he still pays more attention to some hot spots about the legal circle on the Internet.

Last time, the judge was sent to the hot spot, and he also learned some content through private understanding.

did not expect.
To meet Su Bai in the work of Shadu Intermediate Court!

"Okay... Lawyer Su."

After the staff took a look at Su Bai, they nodded repeatedly.

The judge was furious in the court, and the judge was sent in...


As a relevant staff member of the court, he also said silently in his heart: awesome.

In less than two hours, the copy of the dossier was completed, and the staff handed the dossier to Su Bai:

"Hello, here are all the dossiers about the car jumping case you entrusted."

"OK, thanks."

Su Bai replied politely.

Then, put the file into the briefcase.

After Su Bai left, the staff member murmured: "Lawyer Su, I don't know how exciting it will be to go to Shadu to file a lawsuit this time."

"This case is not easy to fight."
.... ...

Inside the hotel.

The accommodation arrangement is that Su Bai is in room 308.

Li Xuezhen is in room 309 next door.

And Wang Li and Su Bai lived in the same hotel together, arranged in Room 315.

Several rooms are not too far apart.

After returning to the hotel from the Sadu Intermediate Court.

Su Bai reminded Li Xuezhen: "As usual, come to my room later."

"Should I still read the dossier?"

Xiao Li blinked and asked.

Su Bai:? ? ?
if not.…

"Yes, let's read the dossier"


"Good Lawyer Su."

Li Xuezhen's face collapsed, and she nodded her head dejectedly.

after an hour.

Su Bai sorted out the files and asked Li Xuezhen to classify them.

Li Xuezhen glanced at Su Bai from time to time, silently classifying
Su Bai noticed it, and pretended he didn't see it
At this point in time, can't you study hard?Do you know the details of the case?

No distractions!

"Lawyer Su, I've sorted it out..."

Li Xuezhen handed over the compiled files to Su Bai.

After Su Bai saw it, he rubbed his eyebrows.

This case is outrageous.
Especially the writing of this judgment is even more outrageous.
After taking a deep breath, Su Bai asked Li Xuezhen to prepare a little bit to meet the client.

Ask about the situation.


"Good Lawyer Su."

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously with a small face,
Inside Tongtang Street Detention Center.

Wang Mingxuan is currently being detained in this detention center.

After Su Bai submitted the relevant materials, the relevant personnel of the detention center quickly applied for a lawyer to visit.

Two hours later.

Approved for visitation.


The efficiency of this detention center is quite high, and there is no need for human sophistication at all.

Su Bai silently nodded.

Under the guidance of relevant personnel, they came to the summoning room.

At the same time, relevant personnel also reminded:
"Lawyers are not allowed to pass notes to criminals or guide criminals to revise their confessions or other matters, otherwise, they are likely to be prosecuted for perjury,"

"OK, I see."

Su Bai smiled and nodded.

He still understands this point...

It is said that criminal lawyer is a high-risk job, why is it called high-risk?

Because if one fails, it is possible to get in by itself.

Especially in those cases where confession is purely used as evidence.

Take for example the violation cases.

If the actual physical evidence cannot be produced, it is easy to retract the confession simply by oral testimony.

When the time comes, the client will say: It was the lawyer who taught me to say that.

good guy...

Even if the standard of perjury or leading the client is not met.

Then you will also be warned by the judicial department or temporarily suspended.

The career of a lawyer is directly over.

This reminder can be said to be a kind reminder from the staff.

"Well, the criminal needs about 20 more minutes."

The staff member spoke again and left the summons room after speaking.

waiting period.

Li Xuezhen blinked: "Lawyer Su..."

"I just heard the tip from that staff member... I think it's pretty good."


"Lawyer Su, will there really be a lawyer who will put a note in the client or ask the client to say something on purpose?"

Li Xuezhen's face was full of curiosity.

Facing Li Xuezhen's curious question, Su Bai rubbed the center of his brows, and said solemnly.

"What lesson did you learn now...?"

"Forget it... No matter how many lessons you have learned now, I will teach you another lesson now."

"That is, everything should be based on facts and legal provisions, not on the client's confession or other subjective intentions."

"It does happen that lawyers slip little notes into their clients, or tell them to say certain things on purpose."

"These are illegal acts, and they must not be done, but you can't do the points I just told you."


"At some point, the client's statement will be overturned in court. It is very difficult to use the client's statement as evidence."

"If these confessions are overturned, then they will be put in a passive position ... more likely to be subject to investigation and review."

"Unless these confessions are based on facts confirmed by the judiciary."

"do you understand?"

Li Xuezhen nodded thoughtfully: "Lawyer Su, I understand..."

Seeing Li Xuezhen thinking seriously, Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

this year.

There will always be junior lawyers who are full of enthusiasm after hearing the client's "one-sided words".

Are there still few things that are reversed now?

Those who do court trials and speak in court can only rely on two things.


Explanation of the legal provisions!
Others...forget it...

If you don't make it right, you have to go in...

Confessions and witnesses must be supported by facts.


Two 10 minutes passed.

Wang Mingxuan was brought into the summons room by the relevant staff.

Summon the room.

Sitting opposite Su Bai, Wang Mingxuan looked exhausted.

But after seeing Su Bai.

There was a gleam of light in the eyes.


"I'm Wang Mingxuan... Are you my attorney?"

Su Bai smiled and said, "Hello, I am your attorney, Su Bai."

"Responsible for the trial entrustment of your case."

"This is the content of the relevant power of attorney. You can read it first and make sure there is nothing wrong with it."

"I will ask you a few questions, and please answer them truthfully..."

"Okay...I've read it. There is nothing wrong with the power of attorney. Lawyer Su, you can ask."

Hear Wang Mingxuan's words.

Su Bai motioned for Li Xuezhen to take notes, and started questioning.

The points asked are relatively critical points.


It is also a relatively more important point in the judgment of the first instance.

"While you were driving, did you ever think that the female passenger would jump out of the car?"

Wang Mingxuan didn't hesitate at all: "This is definitely not possible. I was driving a car at the time, and I don't know why she jumped out of the car suddenly."

"Okay, then please point it out. Regarding the first-instance judgment, state some points that you think are problematic, and we will investigate and verify the problems you stated."

Wang Mingxuan took the file from Su Bai.

In half an hour.

Circle the points that you think are problematic.

Su Bai nodded slightly after finishing the written materials and seeing the circled content on the dossier.

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation."

Immediately afterwards, they left the detention center with Li Xuezhen.

After returning to the hotel.

Su Bai looked at the materials placed on the table and let out a long sigh of relief.

This case...

Nothing too big of a problem.

Prepared to apply for retrial, and the trial was held.

Su Bai rubbed his eyebrows, and informed Li Xuezhen of this matter.

After Li Xuezhen found out, her small face was delighted, and her eyes lit up: "Good Lawyer Su!"

PS: Ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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